👪 Essays on Family Planning

Family planning is an aspect of healthcare that allows individuals to control birth timing and the number of children in their family. It involves choosing when to have kids and how many will be comfortable for the family. It also refers to selecting a contraception option for each partner.

Family planning is an essential practice for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure that families can take care of their children by having them at the appropriate time. This can improve overall child health and development.

Secondly, family planning allows couples to prevent possible pregnancies, which advances maternal health.

Finally, family planning can help partners learn about and prevent sexually transmitted infections. Individuals can improve their health and well-being by understanding and using family planning methods.

Family Planning

Specific Nursing Care For Pregnant Women

To support the knowledge related to neonatal abstinence syndrome and care of the family experiencing addiction, it is obligatory to analyze three articles to summarize the key findings. The selected studies, which are “Criminalization of pregnant women with substance use disorders,” “Breastfeeding recommendations for women who receive medication-assisted treatment for...

Family Planning

Childbirth Experience Interview

Childbirth is an essential but rather stressful event in the life of parents and mothers in particular. There are many different childbirth methods: some prefer to go to the hospital, and others stay at home. The impressions and complexity of the process also depend on various factors that determine the...

Family Planning

Hazards to Prenatal Development

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say that when a fetus is still in the developmental stage in its mother’s womb, it is completely protected from any negative influence. Quite the contrary, there are many factors, including environmental impacts and mothers’ various experiences and actions, that are adverse to unborn babies...

Family Planning

Health Risks of Having a Child at a Young Age

Teenage pregnancy or pregnancy at a very early stage is defined in different countries in different ways. For instance, in the United States it is defined as an under aged girl becoming pregnant where as in the United Kingdom, there is a legal definition whereby a woman is considered to...

Family Planning

Hormonal Contraceptive Failure and Its Risk Factors

Abstract Hormonal contraceptives are some of the best methods of controlling unintended pregnancies among the sexually active individuals. Hormonal contraceptives are very effective but there are instances when they fail to produce the desired results. This is because of the risk factors, which make them perform unintended purpose. This would...

Family Planning

Utilization of Family Planning and Child Healthcare Services in Cambodia

Improvement of health standards in Cambodia still remains to be the main objective of the government of the nation. According to a report by UNICEF, child mortality in Cambodia still remains to be high even after previous actions of dealing with the problem. Many factors have been attributed to the...

Family Planning

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Birth Defects

Introduction The researchers’ aim was to determine the relationship between the application of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and occurrence of structural congenital defects in humans in reference to the US population. The researchers embarked on a case-control study of birth defects using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention. The...

Family Planning

Clinical and Anatomical Classification of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a pathology of the female reproductive system in which the tissue of the uterine lining (endometrium) begins to penetrate the underlying structures (myometrium). The ailment also affects neighboring organs (fallopian tubes) and even far away areas of the body (lungs, liver). At the same time, foci of the...

Family Planning

Huntington’s Disease and Genetic Counselling

Introduction Huntington’s disease is a rare disease that is hereditary. It is a neurodegenerative disease and is characterized by chorea, emotional disorder, and dementia. The disease was described first in 1872. Huntington’s disease or condition is an autosomal dominant trait. This means that an offspring of a carrier, regardless of...