Paraphrase My Paper: Rewriter for Students

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Want to paraphrase your paper quickly and efficiently? Try this free tool! It’s very easy to use:

  • Add the text you want to paraphrase.
  • Choose what percentage of text you want to change.
  • Click “Paraphrase.”
  • Enjoy the results!

❓ Paper Rewriter: Why Using It?

A predominant part of activities at a college or university involves the writings and discoveries of experts in your discipline. Paraphrasing is the most precise way (after direct quoting) to integrate the works of others into your assignments. It allows you to demonstrate your opinion regarding the source and interpretation of its ideas.

As you can see, avoiding plagiarism is not the only reason to use a paraphrasing tool.

This paper rewriter will:

  • Save time that you can use for more productive activities;
  • Help you focus on your thoughts and their proper formulation;
  • Make your study experiences more creative.

What Does It Mean to Paraphrase a Text?

The short answer is paraphrasing means retelling something using your own vocabulary without changing the meaning. However, this statement doesn’t cover all the details that make up a good rephrase. You should change the sentence structure (and sometimes even the entire text) but avoid adding your thoughts.

How to Rewrite a Paper to Avoid Plagiarism?

  1. Read it to familiarize yourself with the message.
  2. Read it to make an outline.
  3. Add the necessary details to the above.
  4. Put away the original.
  5. Rewrite the paper from memory using the notes.

How to Paraphrase Quotes in a Paper?

  1. Read the necessary passage to understand the author’s ideas and intentions fully.
  2. Change the grammar structure of the sentence (active to passive; past to present).
  3. Swap some words with synonyms.
  4. Skip unnecessary words.
  5. Change narrowly specialized vocabulary to more familiar terms.

What Is the Best Article Rewriter?

An article rewriter is a popular tool among contemporary students. But apart from a broad choice available in the market, this fact complicates selecting the best instrument for you. Try our paper rewriter to reword any scholarly text. Besides, it is free and available online: there’s no need to download any software or app.

📑 Proofreading, Editing, & Rewriting: What Is the Difference?

You are not alone in thinking that these terms define different shades of the same color. But the difference between them is more critical than you may have thought. They stand for different stages of work on a text. For more details, read on. Besides, we have prepared samples of each step.

What Does It Mean to Proofread a Paper?

Proofreading means checking the grammar, punctuation, and spelling in the text. It involves not only correcting mistakes, but also eliminating any regional language differences (American vs. British). You may as well include formatting in this stage.

As a rule, you will proofread a text before submitting it, i.e., it is the final stage of your work.

Here’s an example:

The twenty first century has seen a heap of tremendous improvements in medical science and health care in the society. This The fact has been marked by discovery of cool effective drugs and improvement of existing ones, together with adoption of new medical practices to care for patients. This is for example Some examples are the introduction of life prolonging life-prolonging drugs and medical operations to patients with terminal illnesses. The iffect effect of this is that the nature of dying has been greatly changed dramatically. Whereas people were likely to die from sudden infections and injuries in the past, the same does not apply today in most cases. Death is more likely to occur slowly and at an advanced age.

What Does It Mean to Edit a Paper?

Editing covers everything comprised by proofreading but includes the necessary changes to the style, wording, structure, etc.

As a result, you should obtain a text that is:

  • Coherent,
  • Cohesive,
  • Clear,
  • Devoid of anything that can grate on the ear.

At this stage, you can delete or add any words, and change them for more appropriate ones.

Here’s an example:

The decline in its stock value happened due to the fall in the company’s last quarterly earnings. The organization reported quarterly earnings of $95 million compared to $150 million in the first quarter last year. It could be a significant concern for various users of the company’s financial information. Moreover, the firm faces many business and financial risks highlighted in this report. The document includes the findings of the financial ratio analysis in the PERL framework. It evaluates the company’s cost of capital and discusses its capital structure.

What Does It Mean to Rewrite a Paper?

You may think rewriting means producing a new text from scratch, but it is not so. Rewriting is a deeper level of editing. It comprises various modifications in the word order, length of sentences, thought formulations, etc. Rewriting a research paper is the only way to reduce its word count shall it not meet the requirements.

Meanwhile, the technique does not comprise fact-checking or transforming a numbered list into a narrative. But it is mainly used in academic writing to transmit another person’s ideas or findings.

For example:

The 21st century has witnessed significant advancements in the field of medical science and healthcare. Some of them were the discovery of highly effective pharmaceuticals, the enhancement of existing medications, and the adoption of innovative medical practices. Others include the introduction of life-prolonging drugs and sophisticated medical procedures for patients with terminal illnesses. As a result, there has been a profound transformation in the nature of mortality. In the past, people were more susceptible to succumbing to sudden infections and injuries. Now, however, the prevailing trend is a gradual and delayed occurrence of death.

💡 How Should I Paraphrase My Paper? Bad & Better Ideas

The seemingly easy task can become a pain in the neck if you don’t have the necessary framework of dos and don’ts. Below you will find the essential rules for a paper rewriter.

Paper Paraphrasing: Common Mistakes

Using the words from the original text Whenever you need to use five or more words in a row from the source, put them in quotation marks and add an in-text citation. In all other cases, be sure to use synonyms and other paraphrasing methods.
Changing the meaning of the original text Transforming the author’s message so that it fits in the student’s research is a demonstration of their unprofessionalism. If you disagree with the author, say so. Find another source to confirm your considerations if the message does not fit into your context.
Copy-pasting the passage and then making minor changes Paraphrasing is not editing. You cannot keep a paragraph as it is because you like the wording. Whenever you feel like doing so, choose between introducing a direct quote and paraphrasing it into an indirect one.

Paper Paraphrasing: Useful Tips

Use reliable sources A good paraphrase will not transform a lousy text into a good one. You will have to credit the author and their work, so keep your bibliography credible.
Understand the message How can you paraphrase a source when you haven’t understood it? Read the original as many times as necessary. If it does not help, research the subject matter to get sufficient knowledge on the topic.
Use your own words The only way to produce a high-quality paraphrase is to put away the original and reproduce what you remember. Then check the result for blind spots and factual mistakes.
Refer to the author Transmitting the original in your own words does not give you any authorship rights for the author’s ideas. You still need to mention where you’ve found them.
Use the correct format of in-text citation The next step is proper formatting. Follow the citation style rules (MLA, APA, or any other your institution asks to observe).

We hope that this article, as well as the paper rewriter, was useful for you. Check the other writing instruments we offer: case study summarizer, essay word cutter, and report title generator.

🖇️ References

  1. Quoting and Paraphrasing - UW-Madison Writing Center
  2. How to Paraphrase (Without Plagiarizing a Thing) - Grammarly
  3. Examples of Paraphrasing Without Plagiarizing
  4. Paraphrasing - Research Process: Step by Step
  5. Examples of Paraphrasing - Using Evidence - Academic Guides