👨🏽‍⚕️ Essays on Physiology

Medical specialists can name multiple reasons why physiology is so essential to study. First of all, it helps us to understand how the human body functions. This information is critical for anyone working in the healthcare field. Secondly, physiology enables us to identify potential health problems and devise treatment plans accordingly.

Third, by studying the subject, we can discover new ways of enhancing and maintaining our well-being. Finally, physiology is an exciting and intellectually stimulating field. Therefore, if you are considering studying or writing a physiology paper, check our collection of essay samples.


Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes and Body Systems

Hematologic system. The generalization of infection with the formation of foci of screening indicates its progressive spread by the hematogenous way. The timing of the occurrence of secondary foci and their localization can vary within wide limits, which corresponds to the acyclic course of sepsis. Endocrine system. Characterized by endotoxicosis,...


Pressure Ulcers in Evidence-Based Project

Introduction It is important to note that pressure ulcers are a widespread problem that affects patients’ wellbeing, health, and recovery. The key purpose of the given analysis is to determine whether or not the integration of evidence-based checklist tools in the nursing care process can effectively reduce the occurrence rate...


Fitness Injury and Back Pain Consequences

Sally was completing an exercise to make her back and shoulders stronger. However, due to the poor technique, she felt a strong pain between the shoulder blades. According to Scutt (2020), the rhomboid muscles were affected as they are located exactly in the place of the pain. Nevertheless, it is...


Current Concepts of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Introduction Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state that the Iliotibial band syndrome is one of the major principal causes of pain experienced by athletes in the knees. According to the authors, the Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) occurs when the lateral femoral epicondyle and the Iliotibial band (ITB) slide against each other....


Muscular Dystrophy: Forms and How They Can Affect a Person

Introduction What is muscular dystrophy (“MD”)? According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or NINDS, this medical problem is best understood as muscular dystrophies – a group of genetic diseases that is typified by progressive weakness and deterioration of the skeletal muscle of human beings (NIND, p.1)....


Physical Exercise During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Physical exercise has numerous benefits to the body including improving its immune response. The immune system comprises many white blood cells within the bone marrow that protect the body from diseases and infections. Exercising increases immune response by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Elevated temperatures during physical activity...


Books by Corey, Yalom and Leszcz: Group Therapy

Introduction The books by Corey (2016) and Yalom and Leszcz (2005) are dedicated to the topic of group therapy, including its theory and practice; they share similar titles. However, the authors do not agree on everything, and their positions differ when discussing “difficult” or “problem” clients. The present paper will...


The Career Path of a Physician

Choosing a career path or a profession is one of the most critical decisions we make in life. Several factors should be considered, since one’s profession is a label of who the person is, what he or she does, and perhaps tells something about his or her personality. Out of...


Mechanisms of Hearing and Mechanism of Movement in Human Anatomy

1. Discuss the structures/mechanisms of hearing The structures of the ear that are involved in hearing include the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear or pinna, in addition to playing a protective role, also functions to collect sound. The sound waves enter the ear...


Analysis of Anatomical and Physiological Cardiovascular Systems

Cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems are essential for the human body because they regulate the functioning of various mechanisms that transmit signals and impulses about the environment to a person. Without these systems, the flow of information from a human’s brain to nerves and cells would not be possible. This...


Respiratory System and Its Contribution to Homeostasis

It should be noted that the respiratory system consists of a set of organs that support the function of a person’s external respiration (gas exchange between the inhaled atmospheric air and the circulating blood). Gas exchange occurs in the lungs, and it implies that oxygen from the inhaled air is...


Exercise Physiology and Health Factors in Training

Energy pathways and exercises that utilize them There are three major pathways for obtaining energy exploring both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. First of all, it is an ATP-PC system. One should realize the fact that the body needs a constant supply of ATP energy. Besides, for short and intense physical...