👩‍⚕️ Essays on Nephrology

Nephrology is the study of the kidneys. As a subdiscipline of internal medicine, it is in high demand among various generations of patients. The kidneys play a vital role in the body’s overall health. They control the balance of fluids in the body by filtering poisons out of the blood.

Thus, this field focuses on detecting, managing, and treating kidney disorders. Though nephrology is a relatively new discipline, there is much to learn about it. You have a chance to do so using our database of academic paper examples.


Glomerular Blood Pressure and Renal Blood Flow

Glomerular blood pressure together with renal blood flow (RBF) is considered as the determining factor that defines the proper glomerular filtration. The decreased renal blood flow and renal venous congestion mainly caused by heart failure episodes might result in impaired kidney function. Therefore, kidney disease and diminished renal function commonly...


Renal Failure of the Kidneys Disease

Located at the stern of the abdominal cavity, the kidneys are positioned on each side of the spine and are capable of receiving blood from the harmonized flow of the blood commencing from the renal arteries and then deplete to the renal veins. Typically, the left kidney is on average...


Peritoneal Dialysis vs. CVC-AVF Mortality Rate

Introduction The dialysis method is the latest in an arsenal of therapeutic agents to be performed in cases where there is no other option to prolong a patient’s life. Today, peritoneal dialysis practice has one of the leading places in the therapy of patients with the terminal stage of chronic...


Potential Diagnosis and Interventions

Clinical Manifestations Mr. C exhibits several clinical manifestations that may raise a healthcare professional’s concern. He is obese (body mass index = 44.9), has a high cholesterol level, elevated blood pressure, abnormal respiratory rate, edema on his feet and ankles, pruritus, and sleep apnea. His fasting blood glucose amount (more...


A Public Health Issue in African American Communities

Introduction Chronic kidney disease is one of the serious health complications among the African American communities in the United States. As Peralta and Ronit (2011) report, the government of the United States has been concerned of this fact. Chronic kidney disease has been one of the leading causes of death...


Cystic Fibrosis and Polycystic Kidney Disease

Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a serious illness that was incurable children’s disorder in the past (American Lung Association, n.d.). Modern treatment helps children with fibrosis live long lives. CF causes the development of thick mucus that damages the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems of the human...


Kidney Disorders: Main Aspects

Health dimensions reveal challenges encountered in handling kidney disorders. The whole well being of an individual is affected by the kidneys which have the main life preserving role of maintaining the body’s chemical homeostasis. The implementation of a medical nutrition therapy while treating a kidney disorder helps in the enhancement...


Acute Kidney Injury: Symptoms, Treatment and Management

Expected Signs and Symptoms Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is characterized by high levels of creatinine, urea, and accumulation of waste products due to decreased kidney function. The patient might report fatigue, oliguria, anuria, nephrotoxic insult, and nocturia. A full history and physical examination will be ordered to determine the etiology...


Renal Failure as Emergency Situation

Emergency Situation and Specific Criteria: Renal Acute kidney failure (AKF) is one of the scenarios that require immediate assistance. Seeing that the factors causing kidney failure are very numerous, it is crucial to diagnose the problem in a manner as accurate as possible; otherwise, the patient’s life may be in...


Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Five Stages

Pyelonephritis is a bacterial-based kidney disease. It causes inflammatory processes in the human body, most often affecting one kidney. It can proceed in acute or chronic form; respectively, sometimes, it is hard to identify. Women are often exposed to pyelonephritis due to another disease, cystitis, after which kidney problems begin...


Kidney Disease in the United States

Introduction The kidneys in the human body are required to filter all the blood in an individual’s organism every half an hour. These organs perform the job of removing wastes, toxins, and excess fluid and participate in the process of blood pressure control, stimulate the production of red blood cells,...


Improving Treatment Adherence in Hemodialysis Patients

Introduction Those patients who have chronic renal disease need regular hemodialysis procedures. However, the problem is that these patients often demonstrate non-adherence to treatment regimens because of certain barriers. The purpose of this literature review is to explore the phenomenon of non-adherence and identify obstacles that can be faced by...


Vitamin B6 Intake for Patients with Kidney Stones

Introduction Kidney stone disease is a severe condition that can be characterized as the formation of crystal concretion within this organ. The complications can lead to renal failure, which is dangerous for a patient. In the case scenario, the development of the kidney stones of the 29 years old patient...