Chief Information Officer Survey for Health Industry

Subject: Health IT
Pages: 4
Words: 968
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College

The Health Data Management 2008 is a CIO survey that was partially conducted by Quammen Group, a consulting firm, and it refers to the future trends of the Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) industry. HMIS and CIO executives positively evaluate the potential of HMIS growth, discuss budget changes, and emphasize the importance of further development and implementation of an electronic health record system.

Why do you think a CIO survey is important for the HMIS industry?

CIO survey possesses a significant value for the development of the HMIS industry. CIO surveys identify contemporary trends of HMIS and provide the opinion of purchasers concerning services or further development of their organizations. The Chief Information Officer plays an essential role in the management arrangements of information technologies by underlining their importance and maintaining new business models and initiatives (Zimmermann, Petrikina & Schroder, 2016). The results of CIO surveys provide the awareness of the HMIS industry concerning the innovations that may be implemented.

In the modern, constantly developing economic environment, a substantial number of health organizations, having limited resources, face difficulties in systems’ planning, implementation, and support. The surveys of CIO provide essential information concerning budget savings, expenditures, and desirable services of health care institutions. CIO surveys, organized among HMIS and CIO executives, demonstrate their understanding and cooperation in searching for optimized management solutions to provide the strategic growth of the HMIS industry for upcoming decades. Furthermore, CIO surveys focus on potential obstacles to development and areas of technologies that may be improved. Surveys suggest strategies for healthcare organizations concerning cost optimizations and the increase in productivity.

Compose a prediction of what type of hardware investments would be considered key to HMIS’s future. Where did you find similarities? Where did you find variances?

The development of the HMIS industry is impossible without the maintenance of modern health care services. Healthcare organizations need the implementation of new electronic systems that requires updated hardware, scientific or technical equipment (Pearce, 2015). According to the survey, HMIS and CIO executives underline the importance of the development of electronic health records (EHR) to provide information access for healthcare workers. That is why key hardware investments may be connected with the high-quality implementation of an electronic health record system. This system demands regular and reliable performance of all technical equipment of health care institutions. All computers should be modern and powerful to support clinical practice and run all necessary programs and applications without delays. The distributed or centralized database may be kept on Solid State Disks with a large storage capacity that allows archive a highly substantial amount of information. Network equipment should provide a consistent and fast Internet connection.

Professional and modern equipment provides the effective operation of all applications and services in any health care organization. It supports system updates and their immediate availability for all users, interoperability of various electronic medical systems, successful installation and performance of security mechanisms to protect system data and client-related information. In general, the results of an actual survey that emphasize the importance of EHR correspond with a composed prediction concerning potential hardware investments. However, the CIO survey additionally regards the CPOE system as not the part of the HER system but an independent innovation that needs increased attention as well.

Why do you think the results showed in “CIO Survey 2008” investment in an electronic health record (EHR) program to be a top priority for CIOs in the coming year?

The results of the CIO survey indicate that the maintenance of electronic health recording will get the particular attention of executives in the years ahead. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act subsidizes health care organizations that implement and support the infrastructure to use health information exchange services and electronic patient record systems (Wendel & Edberg, 2017). That is why the investment of electronic patient records is regarded as a priority for CIO and HMIS executives in the near future. This funding will support the incorporation of updated interoperable and reliable medical IT systems in subsequent decades. An HER program will provide free access of clinicians to the full database regardless of their location. It will positively affect medical decision-making and the awareness of health care workers. This system may improve the quality of medical assistance and take medicine in the United States to a new level.

Why do you think those who work in a clinic or in a group practice may be less concerned about backup/disaster recovery than those who work in a hospital or other large integrated health care delivery system? Do you think this is prudent? Why or why not?

Health care professionals who work in a group practice or a clinic may be less influenced negatively or concerned in the case of system backup/disaster recovery in comparison with large health care institutions for several reasons. First of all, group practices and small clinics may deal with an insufficient amount of information concerning their patients. Ambulance groups may need only the patient’s name and his or her location; other clinic groups investigate patients’ cases to redirect them to bigger health care organizations. A substantial number of small clinics currently use a paper record system and have no electronic systems implemented.

On the contrary, hospitals and other large medical centers are highly dependent on the effective and reliable functioning of all systems without delays and malfunctions. If clinicians do not have access to the information in records, patients’ health and lives will be at risk. To minimize the threat of system malfunctions and reduce the negative consequences of disaster recovery, all patients’ records and other essential information should be protected and saved. The state of all electronic medical systems should be observed by IT personnel of a hospital who maintain them and are able to prevent the majority of technical problems.


Pearce, J. M. (2015). Quantifying the value of open source hard-ware development. Modern Economy, 6(1), 1-11. Web.

Wendel, J., & Edberg, D. (2017). Outlook for state-designated health information exchange: Learning from the information systems and economics literatures. Health Systems, 4(1), 82-90. Web.

Zimmermann, K., Petrikina, J., & Schroder, N. (2016). The CIO Leadership Mosaic — results from a qualitative survey in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area. HICSS ’16 Proceedings of the 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4891-4900. Web.