The development of an evaluation for nurses in class is essential for identifying the achievement gaps and improving nurses’ overall performance. Regarding the topic of family-centered care in the ICU, the evaluation criteria should be focused on assessing and measuring the following skills and abilities: evaluating the effectiveness of information delivery, measuring nurses’ work in team, identifying personal skills and experiences, and assessing nurses’ communicative skills (Elliott, Aitken, and Chaboyer, 2007, p. 155).
In addition, the evaluating concept will be based on qualitative and quantitative assessment tools. The major focus will be made on the philosophical context of nursing underscoring the interaction between individuals and their settings.
Literature Review
While developing an evaluation tool for nurses studying family-centered models in the ICU, written assignments and clinical practice should be the basis for the performance assessment. According to Myser et al. (1995), better understanding of clinical ethics enables students to analyze and synthesize information and evidence, learn theories and concepts to apply them to clinical practice, improve their thinking and decision making skills, and gain experience in communicating ideas in a coherent and clear way.
It also contributes to fulfillment of professional gap between ethical issues and knowledge acquisition. Similarly, clinical education plays a significant role in increasing competence and advancing practical experience. Additionally, the placement of nurse professionals in a “real” setting exposes students to better understanding of the basis of successful health care treatment (Gibbons et all, 2002, p. 202).
Krichbaum et al. (1994) believes that clinical evaluation should be accompanied by value reasoning and judgment that supplements the previously established qualitative tool of evaluation. Mor (2004) describes and explains the efficiency of clinical practice in terms of information needs, quality instruments and activities within a clinical setting. The review also reveals that the evaluation tool should be developed specifically for a particular discipline and be based on discipline-specific items (Mor, 2004).
Furthermore, psychological and spiritual aspects should also be taken into closest consideration because it presents great significance for better understanding of family-centered model of care (Warson et al., 2002, p. 422). In general, the development of assessment strategies for nurses studying family-centered care will be twofold and will involve the evaluation of written assignments and analysis of clinical practice.
Discussing the Key Elements of the Evaluation Tool
Regarding the above presented researchers on development evaluations strategies as well as the specifics of discipline being studied, a major focus of nurses’ assessment should be made on the dragging the quality and content of written assignments and value and experience of clinical practices. First, written assignments will be valued in accordance with such aspects as accuracy, understanding of the basic concepts and theories, and analysis of approaches used in particular written assignments.
The assignments of the kinds should primarily rely on analyses of clinical experience and practice and reports on nurses’ observations. Second the clinical evaluation tool will be premised on the identification and measurement of learning outcomes, such as ability to communicate, cooperate and take part in decision-making and problem solving processes. Leadership and team working skills are also important aspects to be appraised.
Finally, while considering clinical practice, it is also imperative to assess nurses’ technical skills, namely, the way students can handle software and hardware equipment. In general, this twofold approach to evaluating nurses’ abilities will help them better understand their strengths as well as gaps to be fulfilled.
Reference List
Elliott, D., Aitken, L., and Chaboyer, W. (2007). ACCN’s Critical Care Nursing. Australia: Elsevier Australia.
Gibbons S. W., Adamo, G., Padden, D., Ricciardi, R., Graziano, M., Levine. E., Hawkins, R. (2002) Clinical Evaluation in Advanced Practice Nursing Education: Using Standardized Patients in Health Assessment. Journal of Nursing Education. 41(5), pp. 215-221.
Krichbaum K., Duckett, L., Ryden, M.B., and Savik, K. (1994)The Clinical Evaluation Tool: A Measure of the Quality of Clinical Performance of Baccalaureate Nursing Students. Journal Nursing Education. 33(9), pp. 395-404.
Mor, V. (2004). A Comprehensive Clinical Assessment Tool to Inform Policy and Practice. Medical Care. 42(2) pp. 50-59.
Myser, C., Kerridge, I. H., and Mitchel, K. R. (1995). Teaching Clinical Ethics as Professional Skill: Bridging the Gap between Knowledge about Ethics and Its Use in Clinical Practice.
Warson, R., Stimpson, A., Topping, A., and Porock, D. (2002). Clinical Competence Assessment in Nursing: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 39(5), pp. 421-431.