Guiding Principles to Academic-Practice Partnerships

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 2
Words: 581
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Master


The need to provide quality healthcare services has led to an agreement between the clinical practice settings and nursing schools to form a joint task force. The partnership aims to produce competent professional adequate health workers and engage in evidence practice. The collaboration enhances the exchange of ideas amongst the workers and ensures a proper foundation to improve the health care outcome. The development and implementation of the Academic-Practice Partnerships Tool Kit have effectively promoted the growth and evaluation of the partnership process.

Academic Practice Partnerships

Academic-Practice Partnerships Tool Kit is an essential tool that facilitates the establishment of a mutual relationship between nursing students and practice institutions. The template provides important information about the organization and details what is expected (Beal & Zimmermann, 2019). The document highlights ways by which good partners can be identified before forming the collaboration. It would allow the formation of a partnership with the right participants, thus making it last longer. Moreover, it creates room for meetings between the parties whereby each member provides information about what they will offer. It gives the agreement’s overall requirements and expectations, hence allowing parties to commit to their roles.

I have been having a great time working under the partnership since I joined the organization. The working condition is favorable, and the staff members have been offering the necessary support to enhance my learning. I have been able to learn on the job with different supervisors providing various instructions about the experiments. The exposure and constant interaction with professional health workers have improved my skills and understanding of how key procedures are followed. I have also developed a strong relationship with most nurses, boosting my confidence in the field.

There should be total transparency between the partners to implement mutual respect and trust. Nurse leaders should communicate and inform students clearly about the issues surrounding their practice. Similarly, there should be joint accountability where both parties work together towards the given goal. The effort made should also be recognized to enhance confidence leading to trust. There should be continuous and meaningful interaction between the practitioners and the trainees to enable them to develop a bond and understand each other. Lastly, in case of conflict, both parties should work together to find a solution to the problem.

In the organization, there are several practices that indicate the alignment of the organization with the guidelines of AACN-AONE. For example, there is commitment and joint responsibility among healthcare professionals (Robertson et al., 2021). Nurse leaders are always at the forefront to ensure all staff members are engaged and exposed to the current trends in the healthcare system. There is also interprofessional education that enhances leadership development among the workers. Furthermore, the workplace encourages shared visions to facilitate effective work outcomes. During the decision-making process, all members are engaged to contribute their opinions. A formal relationship between the nurse leaders and the students is essential for the learning practices.


In summary, academic practice partnerships are an effective collaboration in the healthcare industry that enables upcoming nurses to develop the necessary skills and competencies to improve patient care. The practice offers students the opportunity to work and learn in the process, thus improving their development in their area of specialization. Academic-Practice Partnerships Tool Kit is an important template that enables the partners to identify what is expected of them throughout the entire process. The AACN-AONE guidelines provide useful details on how the implementation of the tool kit would impact an organization.


Beal, J. A., and Zimmermann, D. (2019). Academic-practice partnerships: Update on the national initiative. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(12), 577-579. Web.

Robertson, B., McDermott, C., Star, J., and Clevenger, C. K. (2021). The academic-practice partnership: Educating future nurses. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45(4), E1-E11. Web.