Healthcare Administrators Overview

Subject: Administration and Regulation
Pages: 2
Words: 593
Reading time:
3 min


Healthcare administrators are health managers in charge of health facility operations. Their duties include supervising staff, managing financial aspects, coordinating health and medical services, and developing workplace systems and procedures. My interest in healthcare administration is to provide medical treatment to individuals in correctional facilities. Incarcerated people face many severe health conditions and I would be glad to coordinate their interventions. Thus, a health administrator should have high ethical judgment above all other skills.

Common Skills in Healthcare Administration (HA)

The first essential skill is the ability to make ethical judgments which help in taking morally right actions in daily activities. Administrators make critical decisions that require moral judgment (Overbay, 2017). Therefore, practicing ethics is important in making the right moves for the benefit of the organization. Another skill is knowledge of the industry which entails having a basic education in the field of administration. Indeed, considering the competitive industry, earning a master’s degree is added advantage. Leadership skills are needed in the position of healthcare administrators because they are mandated to inspire health workers to deliver the best care. The H.As oversee institutional operations and hence must show the ability to effectively handle situations when they arise.

The H.As must be creative thinkers as they are responsible for making critical decisions about the institution functioning every day. They are needed to determine the best course of action for the health institution which works toward effective functioning (Janati et al., 2018). Adaptability is another essential skill needed by healthcare administrators. Healthcare facilities are experiencing changes in preference and administration of care. Therefore, the ability to cope with changing times is important for the administrators. The HAs have to accommodate the new modifications to work effectively.

Comparison of Skills needed in Normal Healthcare Organization and Correctional Facility


To effectively work in both of the facilities, individuals require skills like industry knowledge, leadership, ethical judgment, critical thinking, and adaptability. Another important skill to have is the ability to build healthy relationships (Janati et al., 2018). HAs interact with the hospital board, doctors, and even the financial team. Building a strong relationship with these individuals is crucial for effective communication. Furthermore, such relationships make working together smooth hence achieving the goal of delivering the best healthcare.


In a correctional facility, HAs need to be quick thinkers while those in normal healthcare organizations barely require the skill. In jails, remands, and prisons, healthcare operations are critical because of the nature of the institutional settings (Pont et al. 2018). Consequently, quick decisions are to be made to protect the welfare of both caregivers and care receivers. The HAs must be ready to give prompt directives because urgent situations like prison fights require medical emergencies. Another difference is the ability of the administrators to solve problems harmoniously. Although it is important for HAs in other medical institutions to show the ability to solve problems, correctional facility health administrators need extra skills to solve problems, without causing much interruption (Pont et al. 2018). Incarceration facilities often register poor work-prisoners relationships hence the ability of the administrators to solve such cases without causing further division is necessary.


The ability to conduct ethical practices as a health administrator is critical in running a health institution effectively. Skills such as adaptability, relationship building, leadership, and industry knowledge are essential for a HA in a normal medical setting. In correctional facilities, the above skills are also necessary alongside the ability to think quickly and solve problems. Correctional institutions require more critical skills to make the right decisions in the facilities.


Janati, A., Hasanpoor, E., Hajebrahimi, S., & Sadeghi-Bazargani, H. (2018). Evidence-based management–healthcare manager viewpoints. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. 31(5), 2-7. Web.

Overbay, A. L. (2017). Quantitative study on healthcare administration mid-level managers’ leadership skills and job satisfaction. Doctoral Dissertation, Capella University.

Pont, J., Enggist, S., Stöver, H., Williams, B., Greifinger, R., & Wolff, H. (2018). Prison health care governance: Guaranteeing clinical independence. American Journal Of Public Health, 108(4), 472-476. Web.