Healthcare Organizational Ethics

Subject: Medical Ethics
Pages: 1
Words: 285
Reading time:
2 min

Any healthcare organization has a set of ethics that determines its values, employee conduct, patient treatment, and other moral aspects. For instance, such statements as respect for one’s culture or the promise of a safe environment may be considered while compiling the code (Pozgar, 2014). Those should not be empty words because the stakeholders will take them at face value and feel deceived if they are not upheld by the organization (Pozgar, 2014). For instance, nurses attribute moral distress to inactive organizational ethics, which claim to support healthcare workers and eliminate obstacles to their proper performance (Rathert et al., 2016). However, when the mechanism works, the staff receives substantial support (Rathert et al., 2016). Simultaneously, healthcare workers are obliged to adhere to the statements protecting the patient and guaranteeing proper administration of care (Zafarnia et al., 2017). A nurse should be morally competent, which requires having certain personal characteristics and the ability to implement ethics in decision-making and provide dignified, safe, fair, and holistic care (Zafarnia et al., 2017). The organization facilitates those qualities through incentives and punishment, but an employee should eventually exhibit ethical conduct naturally.

Such keywords as “nursing,” “organizational,” “ethics,” and “culture” were used while searching for the sources. Only English-language and recent (since 2016) articles were considered for the paper. The “AND” and “NOT” operations were used to limit the results, targeting only the relevant ones; the latter was applied to eliminate non-healthcare fields and other unneeded entries. The underlined features (language, format, and year) appear the most useful because they help focus on the latest comprehensible material for the topic. However, its volume can still be sheer, so operations are necessary to navigate it and discover the most appropriate sources.


Pozgar, G. D. (2014). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Rathert, C., May, D. R., & Chung, H. S. (2016). Nurse moral distress: A survey identifying predictors and potential interventions. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 53, 39–49.

Zafarnia, N., Abbaszadeh, A., Borhani, F., Ebadi, A., & Nakhaee, N. (2017). Moral competency: Meta-competence of nursing care. Electronic Physician, 9(6), 4553-4562.