Hospital Safety Survey

Subject: Administration and Regulation
Pages: 3
Words: 653
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Master

Introducing the principles of quality performance into the healthcare environment is critical for managing patients’ needs and preventing medical errors from occurring in the clinical context. A set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will have to be developed to evaluate the quality of delivered services (Al-Shdaifat, 2015). The areas of improvement that presently require a close focus include quality management, communication, financial issues, and skill training. In order to evaluate the efficacy with which the tasks in the located domains are performed, one will need a set of goals geared toward increasing staff’s competency levels, introducing rigid safety instructions, and enhancing the supervision process.

The key initiatives to be implemented in order to increase the levels of safety in the clinical setting include staff education and the promotion of responsibility along with the development of decision-making skills. Employees will need to be able to evaluate the situation, define key threats, and make an informed decision based on the results of the analysis. The promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration should also be viewed as necessary due to the significance of cooperation (Nacioglu, 2016). All stakeholders will benefit from the described change. Security levels will increase for both patients and employees due to the focus on avoiding medical errors and the promotion of safety measures in the workplace (Karami, Farokhzadian, & Foroughameri, 2017). The initiative will be led by a nurse leader, who will also play the role of an educator. It is important to ensure that a nurse leader provides enough support for staff members to receive proper guidance yet simultaneously encourages independence and self-directed development in nurses.

The proposed change will require utilizing a significant number of resources even with the use of Lean Thinking and the integration of other principles for effective resource management. The organization in question will need an upgrade for most of its equipment for it to meet the advanced quality standards and prevent accidents from taking place. The enhancement of information management and the security of patients’ data will also have to be supported with innovative technology (Lalleman, Smid, Lagerwey, Shortridge-Baggett, & Schuurmans, 2016). The introduction of handoff communication tools should be seen as an especially significant change in improving the safety of patients and the security of their personal data since the proposed devices will help nurses to transfer critical information using a rather high level of safety that modern communication devices allow (Yousef & Yousef, 2017). Resources for communication and more effective service delivery will be required along with information sources.

It would be wrong to expect that the transfer to the new mode of managing patient data security and the safety of stakeholders involved will be fully seamless. For instance, nurses may be reluctant to acquire new skills at first, yet this barrier will be overcome by boosting their motivation levels with incentives. The incorporation of a people-oriented HRM approach that will increase staff members’ motivation and encourage them for future teamwork and active sharing of knowledge in the multidisciplinary setting is a necessary step toward addressing the described obstacle. Outlining the effects that the introduction of improved and enhanced quality standards will have on the levels of safety and security of all participants involved in the healthcare environment is absolutely necessary for the increase in safety (Slemon, Jenkins, & Bungay, 2017). The success of the project will be measured by the evaluation of the variables such as the length of hospital stay, the rate of recovery, and the overall satisfaction rates among patients.

The project will take approximately two months to set and implement. In the process, the action plan will be shared with all managers and staff members with the help of ICT tools to ensure that no critical piece of data is lost. Thus, one will convince nurses and other healthcare staff members to accept the proposed action plan and engage in professional development through studying new safety guidelines and following them accurately.


Al-Shdaifat, E. A. (2015). Implementation of total quality management in hospitals. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 10(4), 461-466. Web.

Karami, A., Farokhzadian, J., & Foroughameri, G. (2017). Nurses’ professional competency and organizational commitment: Is it important for human resource management? PLoS One, 12(11), 1-15. Web.

Lalleman, P. C. B., Smid, G. A. C., Lagerwey, M. D., Shortridge-Baggett, L. M., & Schuurmans, M. J. (2016). Curbing the urge to care: A Bourdieusian analysis of the effect of the caring disposition on nurse middle managers’ clinical leadership in patient safety practices. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 63, 179-188. Web.

Nacioglu, A. (2016). As a critical behavior to improve quality and patient safety in health care: speaking up! Safety in Health, 2(1), 10-34. Web.

Slemon, A., Jenkins, E., & Bungay, V. (2017). Safety in psychiatric inpatient care: The impact of risk management culture on mental health nursing practice. Nursing Inquiry, 24(4), 1-10. Web.

Yousef, N., & Yousef, F. (2017). Using total quality management approach to improve patient safety by preventing medication error incidences. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), 621-634. Web.