Personal Philosophy of Nursing: Integrating Compassion, Ethics, and Professionalism

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 4
Words: 898
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College


The philosophy of nursing is a set of values and beliefs that stimulate one for productive work. According to Denehy (2007), modern educational programs that specialize in the subject include the strategy of writing the statement one personal philosophy. Due to the author, this practice assists the workers in narrowing their professional focus. Thus, every person, who adopts nursing as a permanent occupation should possess not only standard knowledge but the subjective opinion of the profession as well.

The personal philosophies of nursing are always versatile and can not follow similar patterns. In other words, the systems of beliefs can not be repeatable since every individual verifies them according to his/her persuasions or particular factors. Therefore, some nurses view the profession through the scope of science and primarily target the treatment implications of nursing. The others, however, relate it to life values and beliefs.

The experts state that a coherent and logical personal statement of philosophy determines the direction and outcomes of a nurse’s work. That is why, it is required to dedicate much care to the compilation of separate values into one developed a complex of instructions. My personal statement development includes three core phases. The formation of personal opinion about nursing as a life vocation is the first step. The values that are outlined in this system are strongly influenced by my educational background as well as religious persuasions. For instance, as a religious person, I consider mercy and endowing to stand in the center of nursing philosophy. On this stage, it is also crucial to take into consideration the values of community, in which a nurse is striving to work. Second, I target a system of professional values that relate purely to treatment as a medical concept. Finally, the last stage is the most challenging. It requires a complex balancing between personal and professional nursing ideas. One has to note that they often contradict each other. Consequently, it is crucial to underline preferences and incorporate them into a single thoughtful statement of nursing philosophy.

Nursing as Science and Art

Nursing introduces the science of care and compassion. Therefore, it may be initially viewed as both a task-oriented occupation and an art of caring about the community. Due to Jasmine (2009), the greatest challenge of the nursing profession lies in preserving of moral issues within the system of nursing scientific theories. Since the occupation includes multidimensional interactions with patients, it is significant to keep a moral center within the science. Otherwise, the clients do not feel comfortable while receiving professional assistance. Moreover, nurses often serve as mentors and psychology counselors. Therefore, both care and scientific aspects are equally significant, and a dedicated specialist is always expected to keep a care orientation in the science of nursing.

The Picture of a Professional in “The American Nurse”

The project “The American Nurse” targets five types of devoted and highly professional nurses, who are fond of their occupations. I can relate to Sister Stephen Bloesl since this specialist has the care orientation, which is close to my personal philosophy of nursing. Thus, the nurse runs a hospital that hosts the patients, who are looking not only for medical treatment but apprehension and compassionate attitude. Sister Stephen always brings some animals from her small farm into the clinic since she is set on amusing and comforting her patients. I believe that this act helps the people, who feel lonely to find a solace in life.

The Risks of Caring

One can outline some risks that exist within a nursing sphere. A separate dimension of dangers refers to the concept of care. Thus, some nurses suffer from the psychological instability after getting involved with the problems of different patients. For instance, it is acknowledged that many seniors are likely to convey their personal emotional experiences to their caregivers, which primarily treats lonely patients. Moreover, some elderly people tend to manipulate nurses by evincing their whims since many nursing workers report that old people may be extremely naughty and resemble small children in this respect. That is why, it is crucial for every caregiver to adopt a friendly attitude to the clients, but at the same a nurse should express her high position as a medical worker since familiarity is unacceptable in the sphere of professional nursing and can be harmful to nurses’ emotional health.

Religion and Spirituality in the Practice of Nursing

Professional nursing is often viewed in complex with religious dogmas since nursing care is compared to Christ’s mercy. In her book, O’Brien (2001) dwells on the distinction between religion and spirituality in nursing. The author claims that religion focuses on the system of certain beliefs. In contrast to it, spirituality embraces wider conceptions such as personal development, relationships, and principles. Therefore, it may be concluded that spirituality permeates the profession of nursing since the medical care is built on the particular interrelations.

Nursing Intrusion into the Patient’s Personal Life and Motives

Nursing professionals often face occupational pressures that are connected with the personal lives of their patients. If I were assigned to treat the prisoner, who is dying from AIDS/HIV disease, I would rather prefer not to find out about his motives. However, the primary objective of nursing care is relieving of both physical and emotional pain. That is why, it is crucial to listen to the patient if he/she wants to convey some information to a caregiver.


Denehy, J. (2007). Articulating your philosophy of nursing. The Journal of School Nursing, 17(1), 1-2.

Jasmine, T. (2009). Art, science, or both? Keeping the care in nursing. Nursing Clinics of North America, 44(4), 415-421.

O’Brien, M. (2001). Nurse’s calling: A Christian spirituality for caring for the sick. Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press.