Researching of Nursing Philosophy

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 4
Words: 986
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: Master


The specific nature of nursing work differs significantly from other types of human activity and consists of constant, daily, hourly communication with the patient. Therefore, the approach must consist of high professionalism and the manifestation of decency, honesty, kindness, mercy, sensitivity, and responsiveness. Since ancient times, the moral and ethical qualities of the nursing staff have been the leading indicators that contribute to the quality of maintenance. Building quality and trusting relationships between nurse and patient is critical. Therefore, it is essential to consider the equality of the individual and give adequate support, regardless of any particular prejudices or idiosyncrasies.

Theoretical Basis

The primary idea that significantly influences my philosophy is Watson’s theory. The nurse’s role is to provide the support and education required to help patients achieve their optimal goals and self-care abilities, which will lead to self-control, and awareness (Watson, 2007). Spiritual care focuses on hope, religion, and faith as distinctive parts of what defines human communities and allows the individual to evaluate their experience. Thus, creating the proper working conditions and shifting the emphasis from building manipulative skills to developing spirituality and humanitarian-altruistic value systems is necessary. Nursing is not merely a practice; it is an attempt to help patients and bring them to optimum health as individuals.

Ladder of Abstraction

My personal beliefs, based on theory, are primarily concerned with the humanistic facets of nursing, as they are entangled with scientific wisdom and nursing technique. The most abstract part of the ladder is the relationship of trust between nurse and patient. It is crucial to start with kindness as the core value that defines the relationship and a philanthropic approach. Moreover, it is necessary to comprehend that all people are equivalent and appreciate each patient’s life, dignity, and human liberties, regardless of ethnicity, race, ideology, color, age, gender, political opinions, or social class.

The nurse should maintain the highest level of nursing care possible in the particular situation. One should preserve a high level of personal conduct in carrying out her professional duties. It is vital to construct a good standing for the profession regarding the individual, soundness, and the environment in the care process. Generally, the philosophical and abstract view of the individual is reduced to cognition of their nature as a fully functional integrated person rather than the sum of the individual parts.

Empathy is the first concept in the ladder of abstraction, which involves the capacity to perceive and understand how other individuals are feeling. This kind of sensitivity enables the choice of an acceptable caring tactic, which requires the ability to match all diagnosis and prognosis parameters with the patient’s quality of life, personal, and other factors (Fawsett et al., 2021). The context of patient care conditions clinical thinking: the provision of necessary medical care and the interpersonal communication. The unity of content in medicine consists of displaying compassion as empathy and acting in response to suffering, the basis of which is unselfishness and altruism.

On a practical level, it is essential to stress the role of ethical knowledge in nursing practice because it helps to decide what is necessary and optional. Moreover, it is required to realize that trust and care are the primary conditions for building a quality relationship that promotes rapid healing (Fawsett et al., 2021). It is essential to emphasize the patient’s psycho-emotional state’s role and provide support and care. To gather more information about my beliefs, it is most reasonable to research the moral aspects of health and make ongoing observations. Moreover, exploring patients’ rights and equal access to health care is an integral part of the concept.

Philosophical Level
  • People are identical beings and deserve to be treated equally
  • Kindeness is the core value in patient-nurse relationship
  • Behaviour is an integral part of the nursing profession
Theoretical Concepts
  • Empathy
  • Caring
  • Nurse and patient interpersonal communication
  • Altruism
Empirical Level
  • Constant broadening of ethical knowledge
  • Strong relationships contribute to care
  • Nurses must consider psycho-emotional peculiarities
  • Observations
  • Psychological personal-centered approaches
  • Human rights laws

Implementing and Evaluating Theory for Practice

To implement these concepts in practice, nurses must enhance their knowledge continuously. The increasing role of education manifests itself in the two most general functions that contribute to the socialization of adults: professional and personal. The nurse deals with a very complex subject to study — a person whose bodily functions are impaired. Due to the psychophysical characteristics of patients and their condition, it is manageable to face a lack of identical restorative approaches (Smith, 2020). Nevertheless, it is vital to educate the individual and the patient’s emotional state and ensure that everyone is treated equally. The specific illness is the singular indicator that can create a difference in the treatment plan though not in the attitude towards the patient.

The change in practice proposed above will require ongoing evaluation to determine whether the approach remains focused on theoretical concepts. The primary challenge ahead is to improve the patient as wholesome personality. A framework developed by Smith can be applied to test the theory. The content framework concentrates on the patient’s life, condition, their previous experiences and innate characteristics (Smith, 2020). Structural integrity is supported by concepts of a theoretical step in the abstraction ladder linked to mid-range theory. Functional adequacy lies in its applicability to all patients of all backgrounds, regardless of their beliefs and characteristics. The model can be tested through research to determine how proposed changes affect qualitative assessment outcomes in particular circumstances and settings.


The philosophy of care is a content-specific interpersonal process characterized by the nurses’ professional knowledge, skills, maturity, and interpersonal sensitivity. Every patient has a mind, a soul, and a body, and these three factors must be considered by every nurse when communicating and intervening. As nurses, we must comprehend that trust promotes a special bond between individuals and a quality relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to focus not only on illness and diagnosis but also on human care, spirituality, and healing.


Fawcett, J., Watson, J., Neuman, B., Walker, P. H., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2021). On nursing evidence. Journal of nursing scholarship, 33(2), 115-119.

Smith, M. C. (2019). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.

Watson, J. (2007). Watson s theory of human caring and subjective living experiences: carative factors/caritas processes as a disciplinary guide to the professional nursing practice. Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem, 16(1), 129-135.