The Assessment of the Anthropomorphic Measurements

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 275
Reading time:
1 min
Study level: Bachelor

The assessment of the anthropomorphic measurements of the 9-month old female patient shows that she is underweight. Namely, she is in the fifth percentile for weight and in the 25th percentile for head circumference and height, which is disproportionate. According to the data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9-month old females are to have about 7.9kg of weight, while the given patient is 6.75kg (“Data table of infant weight-for-age charts,” 2019). Among the developmental markers, a nurse should assess the ability to sit without support, use her fingers to eat food, crawl, and push objects on the floor or table. In addition, infants aged between 9-12 months are expected to drink from a cup with support, point to the objects of interest, and blow bubbles. These markers indicate the development of motor skills and language, which should be taken into account by the nurse while providing recommendations.

Since the infant is underweight, her overall appearance, movements, and hygiene should be evaluated by the nurse. The mother should be asked about the infant’s diet: whether they use breastfeeding or formula. It is important to explain that cow’s milk cannot be given before 12 months. Education should be provided to the mother regarding the necessity of solid food and choosing proper foods to create a diet plan (Jensen, 2018). Personal hygiene and sleep issues should be clarified as well to ensure that the infant has enough rest. These recommendations are evidence-based practices as they were examined by scholars, and their effectiveness was confirmed by practitioners. The mother should understand that monthly check-ups are critical for the successful development and growth of her child.


Data table of infant weight-for-age charts. (2019). Web.

Jensen, S. (2018). Nursing health assessment: A best practice approach (3rd ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.