This study aims to validate assessment of Omega-3 index using automated system and its application in clinical trials. Assessing Omega-3 index level using the traditional method is cumbersome that leads to sample throughputs and is limited to 12 samples daily. Consequently, adopting the traditional method of assessing Omega-3 index to the Hamilton Star Liquid-Handling Workstation (HSLHW) will increase sample throughput to 100 samples per day. Once it has been validated and adapted, it will be employed in various clinical trials and research projects in Meyer and Mitchell laboratories before it will be transferred to other organizations.
This project will focus on performing the systematic process of Omega-3 index assessment simultaneously using the HSLHW. This automated system will reduce the time required to produce result of the assessment. This new system will facilitate the performance of all the phases involved in the tradition sequentially. Centrifugation, then lyses of the red blood cells (RBC), and separation of the lipid from other constituent of the RBC for estimation will be conducted under one system.
This condition will safe time as the system will probably work on principle of time. Thus, this project will integrate the phases of the existing technique for measuring Omega-3 index (Harris and von Schacky 2004) into the automated system. This will promote studies of intake of Omega-3 amongst Australians (Meyer et al 2003; Howe et al 2006), including pregnant women (Cosatto, Else and Meyer 2010) and children (Meyer and Kolanu 2011). The validation will provid the opportunity for increasing throughput of existing assessment technique from 12 samples throughputs per day to 100 samples.
The validated method will have positive implications for research in lipid and fatty acids. The end of the project will lead to the application of the validated method for large clinical trials because of vast increase in sample throughput facilitated by the adoption of the existing technique to HSLHW. This novice technique will make various researches to be conducted in an efficient and effective manner, making it easy for researches involving Omega-3 to be conducted. This will advance knowledge on cardiovascular diseases and diseases associated with lipid and fatty acid pathway malfunctions in the body.
Cosatto VF, Else PL, Meyer BJ. Do pregnant women and those at risk of developing post-natal depression consume lower amounts of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids? Nutrients 2010; 2(2):198-213. Web.
Harris WS, von Schacky C. The Omega-3 Index: a new risk factor for death from coronary heart disease? Preventive Medicine 2004; 39:212-220.
Howe P, Meyer B, Record S, Baghurst K. Dietary intake of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: contribution of meat sources. Nutrition 2006; 22:47–53
Meyer BJ, Mann NJ, Lewis JL et al. Dietary intakes and food sources of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Lipids 2003; 38:391–398.
Meyer and Kolanu Australian children are not consuming enough long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for optimal health 2011; 27:1136-1140.