Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Natural Treatment

Subject: Psychiatry
Pages: 3
Words: 690
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Bachelor

Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and developmental disorder that affects many school- age children (Domino 132). Research has it that an estimated 8-10% of all children in the US currently suffer from this disorder. This highlights the prevalence of the condition and hence need for a better understanding of the disease and its associated treatment methods so as to effectively combat it. The condition is noticeable by symptoms which are put into three major categories; inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The disorder is manifest by difficulties in maintaining focus and also paying attention. As such, victims have a hard time controlling their behavior and are on most occasions hyperactive.

The above statements highlight the need to control this disorder as its effects can be adverse to the child. Currently there are three types of treatments; stimulants, non-stimulants and finally through natural means. This paper sets out to give a concise yet enlightening discussion on psychotherapy as a natural method of treatment all the while exploring the reasons as to why it is a more recommendable means of treatment as compared to the alternatives.

Medical experts collectively agree that there is need to tackle the issue of ADHD in children. Research findings further suggest that some ADHD symptoms like inattention, mood swings, anger bursts and even loss of appetite are mostly common and predominant in persons who suffer from lack of adequate sleep or even insomnia (Fisher 311). Such cases are often stress related or as a result of depression and therefore the first obvious remedy would be to ensure that a peaceful atmosphere is provided to the suffering party. In addition to this, eliciting the services of a therapist can help relieve the stress thereby leading to a condition whereby the person gets the right amount of sleep every night thus eliminating ADHD. This method is inherently natural and costs relatively less money as compared to any of the other means of treatment.

Another natural approach to coping with ADHD would be to follow a well balanced and natural diet thus minimizing the risks of getting such disorders or in cases whereby the person is already suffering, the diet can help in reducing the effect of the disorder. Wender affirms that the Feingold diet introduced by Dr. Benjamin Feingold helps in eliminating artificial coloring and flavors that are found in most processed foodstuffs (91). He further concedes that it is this artificial colorings and flavors that contribute highly to hyperactivity and other disorders. Sticking to a diet that shirks these artificial ingredients thus presents a very effecting way of dealing with ADHD.

Another course of action suggested would be exercising. It has been discovered that regular exercising can help people suffering from such disorders redirect the excess energy in a more productive way. In addition to that, some exercises like yoga, swimming and martial arts help in developing and maintaining the overall mental and physical focus.

In some cases, behavioral therapy has been seen to produce noticeable results as a natural mode of treatment. According to Prout, this option goes a long way in helping the victims cope with their situation and to some extent manage their behaviors (439). It however involves a lot of practical assistance since help is provided in planning daily tasks and routines, completing schoolwork, handling difficult emotional predicaments and so forth.

The natural form of treatment evidently has all the strengths associated with the alternatives and none of their weaknesses and adverse side effects. Additionally it creates a sense of belonging to the victims because, for it to work, there needs to be a considerable amount of practical assistance and attention from other people. It should also be noted that a permanent cure is yet to be discovered and if adopted, the natural treatment method will suffice in safeguarding the children’s behavioral and mental development against this disorder.

Work cited

Fisher, Barbara, C. Attention Deficit Disorder: Practical Coping Mechanisms. USA: CRC Press, 2006. Print.

Domino, Frank, J. The 5-Minute Clinical Consult. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. Print.

Wender, P. H. ADHD: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adults. Oxford University Press US, 2000. Print.