Psychotic Disorders and Their Components

Subject: Psychiatry
Pages: 4
Words: 827
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Bachelor


A large population of the world today has in one way or another been affected by one mental health illness or the other. Among the most common forms of severe mental illnesses are the schizophrenia and psychosis. According to Shaw (2005, p.29) Psychosis is a symptom or rather a mental illness usually characterized by drastic changes in behavior, mess up functioning, and a vague or non-existent sense of objective realism. The latter states that people with schizophrenia sometimes claim to hear voices not heard by others, believe that others are disseminating what they think to the world, or get convinced that others are planning to harm them. These experiences can often make the affected dreadful and withdrawn and interfere with their ability to relate and socialize with the rest.

According to Hoffer (2004, p.7), mental illnesses are caused by diverse risk factors, which medical practitioners and researchers argue that they work together to cause mental illness. Such risk factors range from biological, behavioral, emotional, cognitive and psychosocial factors to environmental (Shaw, 2005, p.28). In a matter of controversy though, medical evidence reveals that there are some individuals that despite being subjected to virtually all the risk factors have never developed any sign of mental deformities or illnesses whatsoever. Similarly, there is evidence of mentally ill patients with no history of having been subjected to any of the risk factors.

The biological component of psychosis schizophrenia

Biologically, research has found out that schizophrenia can at times be caused by major physical damage to the brain. Furthermore, complications during pregnancy and delivery may cause the child to develop mental illness or schizophrenia in particular in their adult lives. Evidence also exist, that the disease causative agent of this ailment is a virus (Shaw, 2005, p.29). There are still other infections (viral) that are linked with the features of both illness (i.e. schizophrenia and of manic depressive) for instance, brain syphilis.

In addition, there is evidence that schizophrenia can be caused by the abnormalities in the hormonal states of an individual body or rather hormonal imbalance in the body. Moreover, there is medical evidence that schizophrenia is caused by changes in various transmitter substances in the brain as a result of nerves imbalances in the brain. Also, theories have been developed to link schizophrenia with genetics. If not diagnosed in its early stages, schizophrenia can develop into a permanent and even fatal mental disorder (Hoffer, 2004, p.6).

Cognitive components of psychosis and schizophrenia

Ideally, the cognitive symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia are slight. In fact they make it very difficult for the latter to lead a normal life as well as to incapacitate him economically (Hoffer, 2004, p. 4).

Emotive components and behavioral components of psychosis and schizophrenia

Being severe medical disorder, psychosis and schizophrenia has equally severe negative effects both on the emotions and behavioral characteristics of the infected. However, the components are rather subtle and difficult to realize hence they can be mistaken for depression or other mental illnesses related symptoms. Such components include what is referred to as the flat effects in which the patient’s face fails to move, patient wearing a dull or rather droning voice. In addition, it leads to displeasure in individual’s daily life. People with this condition speak in very rare cases and particularly very little even when they are in forced interaction with others. In addition, an individual has a tendency of displaying limited ability to start up and sustain even the basic planned activities (Hoffer, 2003, p. 8). Also, the behavioral components is also depicted in the positive sign of psychosis which shows behavior rooted in impaired brain and thinking, beliefs and impaired perceptions that tend to lose touch with what is happening in reality. Furthermore, psychosis and schizophrenia results on social withdrawal, droopiness and emotional flatness that takes the basic socialization supporting abilities such a social and communication skills (Shaw, 2005, p.28).

Hoffer (2003, p.8) points out that Psychosis disorders may also lead to change in personality especially when a person’s overall behavior and personality changes. According to the latter, the changes occur mainly as a result of several negative effects which include but are not limited to stress, anxiety, depression and problems in an individual’s mode. In a person’s life it can cause them to become irritable and anxious.


In particular, psychosis and schizophrenia often lead to emotive disorders. However, the effects of the disorder vary from one person to the other with alterations on the emotions of the patient. As a result, anxiety dementia, depression and schizophrenia have the potential of causing emotional symptoms associated with psychosis (Shaw, 2005, p. 29). According to Shaw, Psychotic patients exhibit behavioral symptoms that include the variations in an individual’s personality, becoming confused and as well as development of an unusual aggressiveness. The anxiety on the part of the individual can lead to phobia, becoming obsessed or affect the overall specialization of the individual making him or her very secretive.


Hoffer, A. (2004). Psychotic Disorders: Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1st Quarter, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p3-10.

Malcolm, B. (2003). Clinical Components of Psychotic Disorders: their relationship to treatment.Acupuncture in Medicine, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p119-126.

Shaw, S, M. (2005) Drama, Psychotherapy And Psychosis — Dramatherapy and Psychodrama with People Who Hear Voices, Dramatherapy, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p28-29, 2p.