Depression in Diverse Populations and Age Factor

Subject: Psychiatry
Pages: 1
Words: 203
Reading time:
< 1 min
Study level: College

In the post, it was chosen to focus on the health issue of severe depression as related to patients’ socioeconomic statuses (SESs). According to Freeman et al. (2016), high levels of educational attainment and high SES indicators contribute to the decreased likelihood of depression. Women have higher depression rates (Palkhilvala, 2017), and the prevalence of the condition is higher among Whites compared to other racial or ethnic groups.

The mental health problem is more likely to manifest at around age 45, reaching its peak at 80. As a person grows up, different stages in his or her life may trigger depression. For instance, young adults may experience depression associated with personal relationships, education issues, or finance-based struggles. Low income is specifically linked to the condition.

Middle-aged adults are more likely to experience depression, especially women who deal with hormonal fluctuations, post-partum life changes, infertility, and other problems (Caba, 2014). As adults get older, their depressive symptoms may exacerbate due to the lack of treatment and diagnosis, leading to serious mental health problems. Life quality is of particular importance at this stage because the absence of necessary resources for a comfortable life makes it harder for older adults to deal with their emotional distress.


Caba, J. (2014). Midlife crisis: Why middle-aged women have the highest rate of depression. Web.

Freeman, A., Tyrovolas, S., Koyanagi, A., Chatterji, S., Leonardi, M., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., … Haro, J. M. (2016). The role of socio-economic status in depression: results from the COURAGE (aging survey in Europe). BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1098.

Palkhilvala, A. (2017). Signs of depression in men and signs of depression in women can reveal themselves very differently. University Health News Daily. Web.