Future Career Development: and Planning

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 4
Words: 927
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College


In carrying out the practice of health care, professionals require a commitment to career development. Career development is intentional career planning and should be viewed as a critical and deliberate life progression concerning both the worker and the employer. It provides individuals with choices about career outcomes rather than leaving it to chances. Thus, career planning is about career exploration, opportunities, and change.

Before the 1970s, organizations did little in developing and planning their staff careers. Now, subordinate career development is essential to organizational success, and most organizations accept at least some responsibility for assisting employees with this function.

Career development is fundamental in the health care sector for survival in this disordered industry, as such; my career development will begin with an assessment of self as well as my work environment, job analysis, education, training, job search and acquisition, and work experience, known as career planning. Career planning includes evaluating one’s effectiveness and limitations, implementing goals, considering career possibilities due to a favorable combination of circumstances, developing prospective opportunities, and employing suitable developmental behavior (Baldwin, 2000).

The gaps in your current knowledge from the knowledge base needed to achieve your career goal

With the aim of excelling in the health care sector and increasing the knowledge base needed to achieve my career goal, I plan to improve on career satisfaction by cerebrating and improving the differences in my career goal, as well as the expected needs attributable to turnover of people. I also intend to advance my career development by the ability to attain future organizational objectives and retain my professionalism in the deliverance of healthcare (Baldwin, 2000).

Standards for improved health care

Incorporation with the head of nursing quality health care delivery, I will encourage the development of methods and practices that will assist standardized evaluation of progress, in opposition to the applicable nursing practice within the fields of superior health care provision and discovering areas of threat through constant perfection of nursing practice and correct evaluation of the nursing profession.

Clinical policies

My primary responsibility will entail the smooth run of the production and execution of strong clinical policies that will back and prolong evidence-based and successful health care practice.

I will work with nurse professionals in the recognition and development of complex nursing practice and the introduction of skillful structures within high-quality nursing.

The gaps in your current skills from the skill set needed to achieve your career goal

Clinical and professional leadership

In the area of clinical and professional leadership, the gaps in the current knowledge can be improved by offering clinical leadership to other staff in the execution of the rebranding process in nursing services and general performance.

This can be achieved by, Working intimately with the community care personnel for the empowerment of nursing practice, performing consultative faculty to professional nurses on issues related to the quality of health care delivery, as well as recognition of professional support and knowledge, specifically, where practicians are experiencing troubles or are incapable of realizing the essential results (Barney, 2002).

Furthermore, I would work as a counselor concerning clinical matters and the enforcement of laws and standards within healthcare service underlying structures. I will encourage teamwork with caregivers in general practice, healthcare consultants, consultant nurses, community nurses in medical institutions to deliver the long-term programs.

I will perform my duty in the improvement of health care potential within the framework of practice-based authorizing, as well as presenting professional counsel in encouraging nurses to build up new possibilities of working with other providers (Barney, 2002).

The gaps in your current accomplishments from the accomplishments needed to achieve your career goal

Service development and modernization

In the development of the gaps in my current accomplishments from the accomplishments needed to achieve my career goal, I intend to have a dependable approach to the progress of the role of the practitioner in the leadership of general practice, to encourage nurse provision, and work closely with nursing leaders to assess the process of service delivery (Bartlett, 2001).

I will assist nurses in leadership and chances of growth by working with leaders in the health sector “in the development of new approaches in nursing care” and delivery of quality health standards by facilitating the execution of quality care for certain diseases.

I will work with a professional’s health care delivery system to spot and develop proficiency and the responsibility of the nursing assistant within the nursing setting.

I will work with institutions of learning to encourage opportunities for inter-professional education in the practice of health care.

Nurse prescribing

In this approach, I will assist nurses in discovering where their duties could be advantageous by delivering quality care to advance results and enhance contact with patients. This would be achieved through teaching and employing mentors to encourage clinical placements within certain plans.

Summary and Conclusion

To determine the gap within the current skills of nursing from the skill needed to achieve a career goal, as well as the current accomplishments from the accomplishments needed to achieve a career goal, Health care providers need to work as a team with other practitioners and authorities in the health sector. Introduction of plans to verify that all nurses have personal development plans by impartial and practical experience and education (Bartlett, 2001).

Nurses are required to execute their duties with the head of nursing and educational mentors. Heads of health care institutions should implement training that conforms to the needs of health care provision and reflects the career goals of nurses in building and bridging the gap in their career goals (Bartlett, 2001).

Reference List

Baldwin, M. D. (2000). The strategy of succession planning. Web.

Barney, S. M. (2002). Retaining our workforce, regaining our potential. Journal of Healthcare Management, 47(5), 291-294.

Bartlett, K. R. (2001). The relationship between training and organizational commitment: A study in the health care field. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 12(4), 335-352.