High Nursing Turnover in Northern Ontario

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 4
Words: 1098
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: PhD

Types of Qualitative Research

There are three types of qualitative research that are most suitable for DBA research, namely, case study method, grounded theory, and phenomenology. Their use has become very widespread for different reasons. For instance, grounded theory is an approach that enables a researcher to formulate a hypothesis on the basis of observations, interviews, or surveys (Creswell, 2007, p. 62). The main advantage of this approach is that it ensures that data are not misinterpreted in order to fit the theory. The theory itself has to be grounded on relevant facts and observations. In turn, phenomenology enables us to understand the perceptions of a person (Creswell, 2007, p. 57).

This method helps scholars examine the experiences of individuals and their views. Finally, the case study method provides good opportunities for studying rare forms of organizational behavior or innovative methods of management (Creswell, 2007, p. 75). Overall, these three types of researches are beneficial because they enable researchers to understand the connection between individual behavior and organizational strategies. Secondly, they can explain how people view organizations and what kind of problems they face. With their help, one can formulate a hypothesis that can later be tested in an empirical way.

There are other types of qualitative research, namely narrative research or biography and ethnography. Yet, there are less suitable for DBA research. For instance, ethnographic research is too dependent on the interpretations and observations of a researcher. Thus, the effects of the observer’s bias will be very strong and difficult to mitigate. In turn, narrative research relies too much on the subjective experiences of individuals. Moreover, the information obtained in such a way may be difficult to verify (Creswell, 2007, p. 53).

These are the main limitations of these methods, and they are not often applied by scholars who are interested in organizational performance or the behavior of separate individuals such as employees. Nevertheless, while doing research on my topic, I came across several studies which involved the use of narrative research and ethnography. Thus, one cannot argue that these methods are completely unsuitable for DBA research, but they are not used as often as the first three types of qualitative research.

The Doctoral Prospectus

There are several questions that I have about my dissertation prospectus. First of all, I would like to know whether I can use both quantitative and qualitative studies while reviewing the literature. In my view, both types of studies are worth attention. Secondly, I would like to know if my research design should be based only on qualitative methods. I wonder if there is any way of integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches. This issue is important for me because there are many researchers who examine the problem of turnover from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Finally, I want to learn more about the specific structural requirements set for such a paper. These are the main questions that I would like to clarify.

There are several challenges that I may face while working on this assignment. First of all, this topic that I intend to discuss has been examined by many researchers, and it is possible that the results of some became dated or even were invalidated by other scholars. This is why I will only the studies published in peer-reviewed journals within the last five years. Secondly, I may have difficulties in developing the research methodology. Yet, I think that I will cope with these difficulties by analyzing other studies. Moreover, I will learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of different research methods. This is how I intend to overcome potential problems.

The Dissertation for Evaluation

The following thesis has been chosen for assessment. This work has been selected because it is closely related to the topic that I intend to examine. Moreover, the author also employs a quantitative research methodology.

Piper, J. A. (2009). Understanding the lived experience of novice nurses in a northern Ontario critical care setting through interpretive phenomenology. (Ph.D. thesis. Laurentian University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.


New nurses are often hired to fill vacancies in stressful and challenging workplaces such as critical care as well as northern and rural environments. In these contexts, many nurses leave within the first year, while others leave the profession altogether.

This study attempts to understand the lived experience of the novice nurse in a Northern Ontario critical care setting. Heidegger (1962), Benner (1984), Benner, Tanner, and Chesla (1992, 1996), and van Manen (1984, 1990, 1994) guided this interpretive hermeneutic phenomenology. Semi-structured interviews conducted with a purposive sample of five informants led to the discovery of themes until a constitutive pattern arose: a turbulent and delayed transition towards survival.

The four themes that emerged and that are integral to the constitutive pattern were as follows: awakening to the realities of CCU, feeling inadequate and powerless, struggling to survive, and beginning a level of comfort. This critical care was a set of major adversity which these nurses overcame as they transitioned personally and professionally. The key to their survival was resilience. While resilience is a well-known concept, there is a dearth of studies related to this characteristic among nurses.

Small-scale project subject

The topic of my interview will be the high turnover of nurses in medical organizations, in particular, surgical units. I have selected this issue because it has been discussed in many peer-reviewed journals, books, and even newspapers. It seems to me that this problem has become very acute for the healthcare system of the country since many hospitals suffer from serious shortages of nursing professionals. Public administrators still try to find methods of resolving this problem. Hence, it is necessary to learn more about the causes of high turnover and different ways of overcoming this problem. By talking to nursing professionals, one can gain better insights into the nature of this issue.

I would like to interview a nurse manager who has been working for a long time in a surgical unit. Such a person has vast experience of working in medical organizations, and he or she knows why nursing professionals may decide to leave. Furthermore, a nurse manager can tell what kind of problems they encounter. Most importantly, such a person can tell why people choose to stay in medical organizations and what factors make their work more rewarding. So, in my opinion, such an interview can throw much light on the turnover of nurses. Overall, a conversation with a nurse manager can be very helpful for my future research. Probably, I will be able to formulate a specific hypothesis on the basis of this interview.

Reference List

Creswell, J. (2007). Quantitative Inquiry and Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches. Thousand Oaks, the United States: SAGE.

Piper, J. A. (2009). Understanding the lived experience of novice nurses in a northern Ontario critical care setting through interpretive phenomenology. (Ph.D. thesis. Laurentian University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Web.