Nursing Future: Transformational Leadership

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 208
Reading time:
< 1 min
Study level: Bachelor

Patients deserve care that is focused on their particular needs rather than what healthcare professionals regard as convenient for them. A shift in the healthcare system is required to realise this objective. As a result, transforming the health industry calls for a reconsideration of roles among healthcare professionals, including nurses [1]. Transformational leadership is undoubtfully one of the essential elements of development in the healthcare sector. Nurses should be not only well-informed but also accessible to patients [1]. Along these lines, the development of robust communication structures through a feasible philosophy and strategic plan is inevitable.

In the wake of the Corona Virus pandemic (COVID-19) towards the end of last year, many hospitals around the world exhibited unpreparedness for disease control [2]. This situation could be attributed to inadequate nurse training on issues and laxity in commitment to action. There is an untapped potential that must be unleashed to attain specific standards that will allow more people to access healthcare globally [3]. International nurses’ Day, celebrated on May 12 each year, helps people to appreciate the contributions of nurses to society. The last six months of 2020 have seen an increased appreciation of the nursing community as people started to realise the importance of caregivers in healthcare institutions


  1. ICN-International Council of Nurses. ICN CEO Howard Catton on International Nurses Day 2020. Web.
  2. NSW Health. Nursing and midwifery 2020: International year of the nurse and the midwife. Web.
  3. Pearson MM. Transformational leadership principles and tactics for the nurse executive to shift nursing culture. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration. 2020.