Nursing Interview on Improving Interdisciplinary Approach

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 2
Words: 695
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Bachelor

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

I interviewed a nurse colleague employed in the wards department at our neighboring healthcare, and he disclosed alarming results of the vast cases of tuberculosis infection among hospitalized patients. He was involved in daily chores of care of patients, record taking and keeping, administering medicines, and helping with immobility. He detailed to me the rise of this condition among people who had compromised immunity. Tuberculosis is a contagious infection spread by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mainly in the open environment (Lee, 2016). Some of the precautionary measures against tuberculosis include adequate ventilation, exposure to ultraviolet light, and acceptable hygiene practices, such as covering the mouth and nose while coughing (Lee, 2016). The healthcare was using necessary antibiotics to curb the spread of the disease. The surprising rates among patients signify a severe need to execute something different from mere devotion to standard precautions. This called for an interdisciplinary team to combine efforts in controlling the menace.

Strategies Used

Strategies are essential execution plans in solving a particular problem, in this case, tuberculosis infection. The method used is proper education of healthcare workers concentrating attention on the high-risk individuals, care and prevention of the disease, and preventative therapy (Borisov et al., 2018). Brufen and vitamin D were used; the latter catalyzes specific immunity molecules and has inhibitory effects against the bacteria, while the former suppresses extra inflammation in the lungs.

Workers from non-identical disciplines, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, and laboratory technicians, together with patients, need to work collaboratively. All staff care is responsible for patient well-being, and when they assemble medical ideas, it becomes easy to find ways to terminate the illness (Borisov et al., 2018). When a team of qualified clinicians from differing disciplines merges their ideas on solving an issue, relevant ideas emerge on tackling the problem rather than if done individually. The team collaborated and found solutions to the prevention and curing of the disease. They established that combination therapy was critical: the administration of vitamin D and non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicines such as Brufen could help prevent the spread of infection (Borisov et al., 2018). Interdisciplinary collaboration is vital in reducing the prevalence of tuberculosis spread in hospitalized patients.

Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice

Current evidence-based interventions are essential in the suppression of infection. A practice to be accepted as evidence-based has to unite three excellent decision-making components: patients’ preferences, practitioner’s expertise, and external evidence (Borisov et al., 2018). Treatment of tuberculosis infection is vital in terminating this disease. The research suggested a short period of blending tuberculosis treatment using rifapentine and isoniazid drugs (3HP) in twelve weeks by directly observed therapy (Borisov et al., 2018). In total, after 15 unique studies, 19 articles determined that the usage of 3HP as a regiment is effective and safe as opposed to recommended other tuberculosis regimens as it achieves higher treatment fulfillment rates (Borisov et al., 2018). 3HP is an accurate regimen for combating the spread of tuberculosis disease.

Potential Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

The theory organization, the interdisciplinary, and the active team participation support the evidence-based approaches. The center’s strategy and organizational structure are inspired by the leadership skills and extensive research work towards the team from divergent fields (Palmer et al., 2016). A set of central practices was applied to mobilize new units, enhance the morale of the team development of divided theoretical structures, and produce tailored reinforcement for groups that make demanding, methodologic, operational, or active issues. Project implementation, team pilot workshops, meeting designs, enhancing meetings, and operational support were the critical components evaluated (Palmer et al., 2016). Pilot teams rationed research structure, rapid approaches in management, as well as data preferred methods.

The incorporation of interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, and potential change theories helps combat infections in healthcare set-ups. The best outcomes are achieved via a collaborative and consultative approach, which actively involves medical staff, the patients, and an interdisciplinary team. A multidisciplinary team may upgrade healthcare processes and measures of satisfaction. Therefore, better treatment of citizens who possess limited entry to healthcare is enhanced by collaborative advancements. It can also reduce the period of stay and evade replication of assessments, hence, improving holistic and comprehensive care documentation.


Borisov, A. S., Morris, S. B., Njie, G. J., Winston, C. A., Burton, D., Goldberg, S., Woodruff R. Y., Allen L., LoBue P., & Vernon, A. (2018). Update of recommendations for the use of a once-weekly isoniazid-rifapentine regimen to treat latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 67(25), 723-726. Web.

Lee, S. H. (2016). Tuberculosis infection and latent tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 79(4), 201-206. Web.

Palmer, M. A., Kramer, J. G., Boyd, J., & Hawthorne, D. (2016). Practices for facilitating interdisciplinary synthetic research: The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19, 111-122. Web.