Process of Selecting Theory or Model in Health Intervention

Subject: Healthcare Research
Pages: 2
Words: 561
Reading time:
3 min

Before defining the characteristics of research theories and models employed in health intervention, it should be stressed that health exploration is a discovery process based on the public venture. In this respect, all the assumptions and findings of the research will have a direct influence on society. In order to understand what method of research should be chosen, specific attention should be given to population sampling and public surveys. Reliance on literature reviews is restricted because the examination of related articles does not contribute to the credibility of the research (Crosby et al., 2006). Further, it is purposeful to determine the variables of the study. This method helps the researchers to understand what factors influence human behavior. The model should also be justified in terms of its contemporary relevance to the social environment (Fox, 2002). A health intervention, therefore, should contain numerical information about such important factors as gender, age, social position, and belief systems.

In order to define whether theory suits a health intervention plan, Matthews (2006) proposes a set of issues that can help develop a research project. To begin with, the primary healthcare setting should be the center of undertaking research because it will provide health care professionals with essential skills in scientific exploration. Further, a scholar must identify the topics that are crucial for formulating research questions. For instance, if a health intervention concerns obese children, it is possible to research how social background influences their dietary habits (Matthews, 2006). The next step should involve the development of a research proposal as an instruction to further actions. All these procedures are vital for conducting research studies. Sharing opinions with peers is another approach to handling a health intervention because it contributes to the objectivity of the research.

Evidence-based practice is an inherent condition for creating a research methodology for a health intervention plan. It shapes a strong foundation for further research activities (Yousefi-Nooraie et al., 2007). In this respect, intervention procedures should be based on the scientific studies that are interpreted in compliance with qualitative and quantitative approaches. What is more important, the intervention plan must rely on the evidence that further triggers health strategies by integrating available evidence and other helpful resources. Evidence, therefore, allows health care providers either to proceed with the interventions or to reject a specific health care approach.

Apart from evidence, the emphasis should be placed on the systematic evaluation of various cultural and social contexts that influence the results of the studies (Pommier et al. 2010). The step-by-step analysis is appropriate for scanning the population sample and assessing how it is influenced by the environment. Such a perspective moves beyond the traditionally accepted methods of analysis and focuses more on the role of the community in shaping models in healthcare research.

In conclusion, the main characteristics of a model or theory in health intervention include the application of the discovery process approach through analysis of the public realm and its influence on intervention procedures. Population sampling and variable identification should be prior to literature reviews. It is also important to rely on evidence-based practice while developing a theoretical framework because it builds a strong foundation for further studies. Finally, systematic assessment of environmental issues is of great importance as well because it allows defining the degree of social influence on human behavior. An interdisciplinary approach is indispensable for presenting credible data.


Crosby, R., DiClemente, R., & Salazar, L. (2006). Research methods in health promotion. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Fox, C. (2002). Difficult challenge for healthy people 2010: Putting policy into practice. A commentary. Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs, 19(2/3), 119.

Matthews, J. (2006). Undertaking a research project and implementing research findings. Practice Nurse, 32(4), 63-67.

Pommier, J., Guével, M., & Jourdan, D. (2010). Evaluation of health promotion in schools: a realistic evaluation approach using mixed methods. BMC Public Health, 10, 1-12.

Yousefi-Nooraie, R., Rashidian, A., Keating, J., & Schonstein, E. (2007). Teaching evidence-based practice: The teachers consider the content. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 13(4), 569-575.