“Rest: Break Through to Resilience” in Nursing

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 192
Reading time:
< 1 min
Study level: College

A common health problem worldwide is a shortage of professional nurses, including staff turnover associated with occupational burnout. There is compelling evidence that resilience in nursing staff reduces nursing burnout and significantly influences the quality of patient care and support provided. The article “REST: Break through to resilience” aims at examining how nurses and nursing students can use REST mnemonic to increase the resilience necessary in a nursing career.

Resilience is considered the ability of a person to overcome various circumstances, “utilizing healthy internal coping mechanisms and external resources.” (Rajamohan et al., 2020, p. 53) The use of the acronym REST develops resilience and contributes to the success of the nursing profession by transforming strategies into practical guidance. The acronym represents relationships, exercise, soul, and transformative thinking leading to thoughtful action (Rajamohan et al., 2020). Ultimately, the practices focus on dealing with stress and effectively maintaining a balance of relationships, caring for the body and mind, addressing the compassionate component of the soul, and critical thinking. The authors propose to include REST in the curriculum; it is vital to discuss with advising faculty the possibility of introducing practices leading to nurses’ success.


Rajamohan, S., Davis, C. R., & Ader, M. (2020). REST: Break through to resilience. Nursing2020, 50(8), 53-56.