The Nursing Resilience Concept Analysis

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 4
Words: 1115
Reading time:
5 min
Study level: Master

Definition and explanation of the nursing concept

Several definitions of resilience have been developed and widely used in nursing practice. the central aspects of the concept are quite similar. It is possible to define the concept as an “ability to return to normal after adversity and prosper with each stressful experience” (Martinez & Opalinski, 2019, p. 63). In simple terms, resilience can be explained as a person’s ability to address a stressful situation and build coping strategies that can be employed when similar problems occur (Jackson et al., 2018). Resilience is essential for nurses as these professionals are exposed to various diversities in their workplace, including but not confined to stressful working conditions, work overload, and burnout.

Three defining attributes of the nursing concept

One of the primary attributes of resilience is an adaptation, as it is the core of people’s ability to respond to adverse events. This transformation is associated with nurses’ ability to change their behaviors and attitudes to new circumstances to achieve equilibrium that has been disrupted by adverse effects (Morse et al., 2021). Another attribute to be mentioned is resilience being a longstanding change (Ye et al., 2020). Nurses have to respond to multiple situations that can adversely affect their physical and mental health. Therefore, these professionals need to be able to develop strategies and specific states of mind to address similar issues for a prolonged period. Otherwise, adaptation does not occur, and resilience is not built; instead, nurses sporadically choose beneficial behavioral patterns but experience stress in similar situations in the future.

The third attribute of resilience to be discussed is the analytical component. In order to develop resilience, a person has to be completely aware of the causes of adverse events, their nature, and the role the person may play, and be able to come up with possible solutions (Jackson et al., 2018). It is also essential to be able to accept the situation and its outcomes to adapt and become resilient.

Antecedents and consequences of the concept

Resilience can be achieved in many ways, and people build it differently depending on various factors. One of the primary antecedents of resilience is an acceptance that ensures adequate reactions and lasting effects (Morse et al., 2021). Acceptance encompasses a person’s awareness of the situation, its causes, and possible outcomes, as well as the role they played in the occurrence of some circumstances. This realistic approach enables people to adapt to the changing environment appropriately and build resilience effectively.

Resilience has multiple positive effects on people’s well-being, and their mental and even physical state. As for one of the consequences of resilience, it is possible to consider the person’s ability to achieve equilibrium that was lost due to an adverse event (Morse et al., 2021). Finding balance is an essential outcome, as people need it to maintain their mental health. Being in a constant state of stress or anxiety leads to the development of depressive symptoms and other mental health issues. At the same time, remaining in a state of balance helps people respond to external challenges effectively.

Model Case

Numerous events can cause harmful effects on people’s well-being, and loss is one of the most potent external effects that can disrupt a person’s equilibrium. Nurses, especially those working in acute settings or providing care to terminally ill people, are exposed to this type of adverse effect. Patients die, which may cause distress and even suffering to nursing practitioners. The ability to build resilience to loss is an essential factor affecting nurses’ job satisfaction and their future.

When a patient dies, especially when prolonged communication takes place, the nurse may have to address pain, sorrow, disbelief, demotivation, burnout, and so on. As mentioned above, resilience is people’s natural instrument to respond to adverse events and achieve the balance that will be maintained if similar situations occur in the future. In order to build resilience, in case of the loss of a patient, the nurse has to analyze the situation and accept it. It is crucial to examine the patient’s health status; all actions are undertaken to prevent the patient’s death, as well as steps that were not taken. The nurse has to accept that patients die, and the medical staff cannot save them.

Adaptation, being another attribute of resilience, is also an important aspect to be addressed in this model case. The nurse has to adapt by developing a set of actions (including mental processes) that have to be undertaken. For instance, the nurse should analyze the situation, accept the loss in each case, and ensure that some positive events follow. These positive events include activities that help the nurse achieve the balance (sport, hobby, communication, and so on) that can be maintained for a prolonged period (making it a lasting change).

Theoretical Applications of the Concept

Some nursing theories touch upon certain aspects of resilience, such as adaptation and comprehensive care. However, only a few nursing mid-range theories can be totally applied when addressing the concept of resilience. One of these is the theory developed by Haase and colleagues, the adolescent resilience model (Morse et al., 2021). The model was developed and is now utilized to improve the healthcare services provided to teenagers. The model is grounded on such aspects as balance and adaptation. The interventions based on the model involve spirituality, family, and social support. The adolescent resilience model proved to be effective, which is supported by quantitative data obtained by Haase and colleagues. At the same time, it is clear that more research is needed to come up with models enabling the nurse to build resilience. Clearly, the abovementioned model cannot be used to address nurses’ needs in the clinical setting. Of course, the model can be used as a starting point for new paradigms and theories that could be effective with nurse practitioners.


The findings of this concept analysis have advanced my understanding of the care and positively influenced my ability to provide high-quality care as a nurse practitioner. First, I have a more profound knowledge of the significant aspects of resilience, which can be instrumental in developing resilience when needed. I have been able to build resilience in many situations, but in some cases, the process was rather long, which caused a considerable disturbance. I still have some issues that can result in the loss of equilibrium. Still, I feel my current knowledge (and my further inquiry) will help me respond appropriately in those situations. Moreover, I am capable of helping my patients to achieve equilibrium by sharing some effective techniques or even simply discussing their concerns. I believe this concept analysis is a valuable experience for me as it contributed to my professional growth.


Jackson, J., Vandall-Walker, V., Vanderspank-Wright, B., Wishart, P., & Moore, S. (2018). Burnout and resilience in critical care nurses: A grounded theory of managing exposure. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 48, 28-35. Web.

Martinez, L. A., & Opalinski, A. S. (2019). Building the concept of nurturing resilience. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 48, 63-71. Web.

Morse, J. M., Kent-Marvick, J., Barry, L. A., Harvey, J., Okang, E. N., Rudd, E. A., Wang, C. Y., & Williams, M. R. (2021). Developing the resilience framework for nursing and healthcare. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 8, 1-21. Web.

Ye, Z. J., Zhang, Z., Zhang, X. Y., Tang, Y., Chen, P., Liang, M. Z., Sun, Z., & Yu, Y. L. (2020). State or trait? Measuring resilience by generalisability theory in breast cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 46, 1-8. Web.