🏥 Essays on Administration and Regulation - Page 3

Administration and Regulation

Hartland Memorial Hospital’s Administration

Item No. Action Alternatives (check one) Action Content for Item (quick notes / bullet points) Scott Little – e-mail Call Immediately Note to call w/in 2-3 days Email immediately Email w/in day Meet with ASAP Forward to:______________ Note to meet w/in 2-3 days Other (specify:__________) No response needed Email Jane...

Administration and Regulation

Process Improvement at Healthcare Organizations

Introduction Any company comes to a point when adjustments in the operational process become necessary to provide better customer satisfaction and employee engagement. Process improvement programs are vital elements of organizations’ development. Therefore, managers who care about the constant progress of their companies take care to apply the best improvement...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Informatics Foundations and Concepts

The healthcare organizations chosen for the review are the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), and the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The membership fees of IEEE depend on members’ countries of residence and the duration of membership. The fees for...

Administration and Regulation

King Faisal Specialist Hospital’s Global Standards

Introduction The main role of global medical industry is to provide quality, reliable, and affordable medical care services; in above light, world Health Organization (WHO), European Union, United Nation bodies, and different regional and national bodies have continued to support programs that improve medical care provision. Jointly, the above bodies...

Administration and Regulation

Physicians as Practice Administrators

Forms of Medical Group Practice Nowadays, private physician practices are in decline. The major disadvantages of these practices include high risks associated with practice-management responsibility, financial risks, and problems with autonomy balance (Kash & Tan, 2016). Medical groups, in comparison, offer fewer risks and disadvantages. Some forms of group practice...

Administration and Regulation

Leadership, Quality, and Safety in Healthcare

Define quality in health care and explain the key principles and characteristics of total quality management and continuous quality improvement in the health care context. In your answer include a brief discussion about how TQM and CQI approaches differ from industry, or business-based, quality management, and performance improvement methods. Refer...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Services Organizations

What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care services organizations? America’s health care spending has increased at an alarming rate over the past few years. Cleverley, Cleverley, and Song (2010) note that government spending on health care has almost doubled in recent times compared to its spending in...

Administration and Regulation

Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Medical Personnel Training

Introduction Training sessions are directed at improving a particular aspect of operations in an organization. Barnes Jewish Hospital needs changes to respond to the evolving environment of healthcare in the US, and to enhance the efficiency of work to adapt to the Affordable Healthcare Act requirements. It is critical to...

Administration and Regulation

Inpatient and Outpatient Services

A Brief Description of Inpatient and Outpatient Settings Inpatient and outpatient services refer to analytical and therapeutic processes carried out on patients undergoing various forms and levels of treatment. Inpatient implies that the individual is admitted to the hospital where the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are conducted to ensure the...

Administration and Regulation

Case Management at Houston Methodist Healthcare Institution

Houston Methodist is a leading healthcare institution in the United States (About Houston Methodist, 2016). The organization provides “a wide range of health services to more patients in the Greater Houston Area” (About Houston Methodist, 2016, para. 2). The hospital’s major centers are characterized by qualified members of staff. The...

Administration and Regulation

Teamwork and Commitment in Healthcare

Introduction Commitment in a team can be described as a sense of free-flowing excitement and passion, where members are willing to anything that is required to enable the team to succeed (Larson & LaFasto, 1989). To provide effective health care, teams of health care providers need to work together as...

Administration and Regulation

Clinic Networks in the State of California

The state of California is engaged in State Health Information Exchange (State HIE) program that is aimed at creating IT infrastructural solutions for meaningful, rapid, and secure exchange of patients’ health data across states. The state of California as a participant is responsible for the availability and adequate flow of...

Administration and Regulation

Human Resource Role in Healthcare Sector Building

HR Department: General Overview Human resources (HR) comprises of many functional areas, with responsibilities ranging from training and development to recruitment. The HR profession has undergone a myriad of changes in the last two decades and continues to evolve as new opportunities and challenges emerge. The modern HR department has...

Administration and Regulation

Strategic Planning in Non-Profit Hospital Setting

Introduction Strategic planning is a popular concept that is widely studied and applied in all kinds of businesses, irrespective of their size and goals. Although strategic planning was first developed for use in the public sector, it is now widely used in public companies and health care organizations, such as...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare and Human Resource Management

Introduction The continuous improvement of healthcare services is one of the definers of the hospital’s success in the market (Stamatis, 2010). The local acute care hospital understands the importance of this aspect for the success and profitability of the facility. In this case, I applied for the position of Manager...

Administration and Regulation

Human Resource Management in Healthcare Centers

Introduction Human resource management is an established profession. Nevertheless, it gained recognition as an independent discipline in the recent past (Gowen, McFadden, & Tallon, 2006). Despite its popularity, there is no consensus on what entails human resource management (Gowen et al., 2006). Additionally, there is no agreement on whether the...

Administration and Regulation

Leadership and Quality Management in Healthcare

Introduction Hospitals are under pressure to change and adopt new leadership models. The changes are geared towards reducing the cost incurred during the provision of health care and improve services provided to patients (Kennedy & Fiss 2009). Effective leadership in medical institutions aims at identifying the areas that are responsible...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Quality and Safety Implementation

Organizational Context and Understanding of Quality and Patient Safety To my organization, patient safety means ensuring that harm and any negative outcomes are minimized or eliminated in any health care (Flowerdew, Brown, Vincent, & Woloshynowych, 2012). Quality management systems are critical in promoting patient safety and minimizing the risk of...

Administration and Regulation

Sustainable Medical Waste Management

Abstract Sustainable management of medical waste is one of the major concerns that the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam and hospitals are trying to deal with. Most medical wastes are unique and cannot be disposed of in the same manner as normal wastes. They are infectious and can also...

Administration and Regulation

The Knowledge Management Technologies Importance

Knowledge is a common way to create value. Its role is critical in terms of corporate value and improving organisational performance, especially in the case of the creation of new knowledge through sharing with colleagues (Carlile 2002). As such, there is a popular tendency to implement knowledge management technologies in...

Administration and Regulation

Patients Waiting Time Reduction Measures

Introduction Patient waiting time, as is aptly described by various scholars, has varied dimensions to it. The two broad definitions, however, include the time the patient spends in the hospital waiting to be served plus the total contact hours with the doctor or physician (Katz & Larson, 1991). The other...

Administration and Regulation

Mental Health Facility and Its Change Management

The process of implementing new ideas and processes within an organization is very challenging compared to coming up with new ideas. Change implementation involves different stakeholders that must be willing to agree with the new changes (Daft, 2009). The different stakeholders within an organization must, first of all, understand the...

Administration and Regulation

Hospital Productivity in the Organization

Introduction The organization under analysis is a large hospital that provides services to people from different ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The hospital commonly uses teams of healthcare professionals to deal with difficult problems and suggest improvements. Based on current analysis of the organization, it is facing the following main...