Healthcare Administration, Management and Leadership Roles

Subject: Administration and Regulation
Pages: 1
Words: 281
Reading time:
2 min

Healthcare administration is an integral part of providing high-quality services in a primary care setting. In particular, the work of healthcare administration includes such aspects as communication with patients, scheduling, work with documents and forms, as well as healthcare office management (Apaydin, 2020). Healthcare administration professionals provide the basics of providing medical care as well as comprehensive support to physicians, nurses, and patients. Rosick-Kryszewska and Rosiek (2018) note that healthcare administration is responsible for the planning of all care delivery processes, as well as the availability of resources for diagnosis and treatment process. Thus, this activity is new for the effective functioning of the health system. Healthcare administration connects patients and healthcare professionals within the same framework, allowing them to work together to achieve the best patient outcomes.

The work of healthcare administration in the primary care setting is perfect because it is extremely rewarding. Without proper planning, tidying, and paperwork, healthcare professionals would not be able to provide quality patient care. It is also important that the administration oversees the medical units and solves the structural difficulties that arise. Therefore, the administration provides the necessary support to physicians and nurses, making their daily tasks easier and more structured. Additionally, the administration is the first person a patient meets when entering the healthcare setting. This aspect makes the work even more valuable, as it implies a direct responsibility to patients. The healthcare administration job also allows professionals to participate in the evolution of the healthcare system by noting existing problems and actively working to improve the situation. Thus, this activity is ideal as it underlies the provision of care to patients and involves direct participation in improving its quality and effectiveness.


Apaydin, E. (2020). Administrative work and job role beliefs in primary care physicians: An analysis of semi-structured interviews. SAGE Open, 10(1), pp. 1-9. Web.

Rosick-Kryszewska, A., & Rosiek, F. (2018). The impact of management and leadership roles in building competitive healthcare units. In Rosick-Kryszewska A. & Leksowski K., Healthcare administration for patient safety and engagement (pp. 13-30). IGI Global.