Nursing Metaparadigm Concepts and Their Importance

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 2
Words: 604
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Master


The paper aims to evaluate the nursing metaparadigm from the perspective of my personal beliefs, thoughts, and feelings and indicate the interrelation of its components. The nursing metaparadigm covers several essential factors that influence the development of personal nursing philosophy, such as relationships between nurse and patient, work environment, and the healthcare system. The concept of “metaparadigm” means a set of ideas explaining the primary mechanisms of discipline’s appropriate functioning.

Nursing Metaparadigm Components

The person component of the metaparadigm refers to the individual for whom care is provided. However, the personal connection also includes family members, friends, and other people significant to the patient. The way “a person interacts with their social environment” impacts their health (Deliktas et al., 2019, p. 3). Due to healthy relationships with others, an individual is able to improve his state of health. This concept is related and connected with the environment component, as the environment component of the metaparadigm also covers social ties and is affected by human interactions. I think that this paradigm is essential in the context of the human need for interaction and psychological support. However, I feel that the component is not of primary importance in the context of health care. Clients have different social and spiritual needs; thus, while some require more social interactions, others may not need them.

The patient’s surroundings are at the center of attention of the metaparadigms’ environment part. The theory claims that how individuals interact with their surroundings over time influences their health and wellness (Bender, 2018). The environment involves factors such as the economy’s state, geographical situation, culture, social ties, and technology. This constituent of the metaparadigm suggests that external variables may be altered to improve a patient’s health (Deliktas et al., 2019). This component is interrelated with the health component as the health component also refers to the external factors in the context of patient well-being. This metaparadigm is essential to consider for a nurse since I see creating a pleasant environment for the client as one of the leading nursing goals. When I work as a nurse, I practice applying this metaparadigm because I believe that external factors influence health condition.

Health and wellness are factors related to how a patient’s physical and emotional well-being are involved in treatment for optimal advantages. According to the notion, they impact the patient’s overall health (Deliktas et al., 2019). The health component is connected with the nursing component as the nursing component also emphasizes the importance of quality care in the achievement of positive health outcomes. I believe that effective internal and external wellness collaboration will positively contribute to the treatment outcomes.

The nursing constituent of metaparadigm involves supplying patients with safe treatment, which can improve their health state. It includes knowledge, technology, abilities, and communication concepts (Bender, 2018). This component takes a significant place among metaparadigm’s parts and plays an essential role in achieving a patient’s well-being. Providing the best possible health outcomes is my primary goal as a nurse practitioner. That is why I see the nursing metaparadigm as vital in the professional sphere. Applying relevant skills, knowledge, and technology to provide quality customer service is essential in the context of nursing.


In conclusion, all the nursing metaparadigms cover essential aspects of the patient care process. Some are more relevant than others; however, all the concepts are interrelated and seek the same goal of providing quality healthcare conditions for the patient to facilitate better health outcomes. These concepts are based on different aspects, such as social, emotional, and physical factors. It is important to consider all of the nursing paradigms when working with patients.


Bender, M. (2018). Re‐conceptualizing the nursing metaparadigm: Articulating the philosophical ontology of the nursing discipline that orients inquiry and practice. Nursing Inquiry, 25(3), e12243. Web.

Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing metaparadigms: A phenomenological study. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(5), e45. Web.