Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Leadership

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 6
Words: 1378
Reading time:
5 min
Study level: Master


Nursing remains one of the key fields that support the delivery of exemplary and timely medical services to patients with diverse needs. Those in this profession should develop powerful personal philosophies that will make it easier for them to act ethically, guide others, and create reliable environments for transforming health outcomes. They should strive to improve their competencies and values since the demands of this field change continuously. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed description of my personal philosophy of nursing and leadership.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Leadership

My philosophy of nursing and leadership has become a powerful guideline for maximizing the health experiences and outcomes of the greatest number of patients. Several clinical experiences have helped to reshape my view of the role of the nurse in any setting. The outstanding one occurred when my team was providing medical care to a child suffering from depression. This young patient was unable to concentrate in class and complained of prolonged migraine. I attracted other professionals to be part of the process and offer their insights. I used to think that specific diseases were in need of coordinated care, such as malaria, typhoid, and wounds.

This experience widened my understanding of medical practice and why there was a need for all professionals to treat patients equally without discrimination. I realized that practitioners should become true leaders in advancing health, promoting coordination, and providing culturally sensitive care (Hooper, 2016). This understanding has become the foundation of my current philosophy of nursing.

In order to record positive results, I follow various assumptions that empower me to make relevant choices. I appreciate the fact that nursing is both a science and an art. From a scientific perspective, NPs apply emerging ideas, competencies, and knowledge to provide exemplary services. The concept of art guides them to relate positively with others, solve emerging problems, and promote personalized care. The two are different since science revolves around the application of theory while art is the manner in which the profession is practiced (Al-Banna, 2017). They complement each other by making nursing a continuum of care aimed at improving health outcomes and experiences. With this kind of knowledge, it is agreeable that both art and science are necessary when providing quality patient care.

The four metaparadigms of nursing have become critical beliefs that support me to record positive goals. Since they are related in such a way that they support the delivery of high-quality medical services, I have devised a superior strategy for addressing and applying them in my nursing practice. The first one is that of person and I define it as any human being in need of health attention, support or care (Al-Banna, 2017). I address it as a powerful guideline for providing sound, personalized, and appropriate medical support patients regardless of their health conditions.

The second domain is that of health and it is described as the overall quality of medical experience. This concept explains why my ultimate aim is to improve the experiences of my patients. The metaparadigm of environment is the third one and I define it as the acting factors on a person’s wellbeing. It guides me to re-pattern all forces or dynamics that dictate individuals’ health outcomes (Black, Balneaves, Garossino, Puyat, & Qian, 2015).

The fourth aspect is that of nursing practice. Personally, I describe it as any approach or initiative implemented to improve patients’ medical experiences. This concept encourages me to identify the most appropriate initiatives for improving the overall health of the entire community.

The application of specific personal values, beliefs, and assumptions has made it possible for me to become a competent nurse leader and provider of timely services to my patients. Specifically, I put the medical needs of all individuals first by considering the conception of autonomy. I am always ethical whenever interacting with my both my patients and teammates. It is necessary to implement a culturally competent model of care and mentor others effectively. The value of critical thinking guides me to make appropriate decisions whenever I encounter challenging situations (Black et al., 2015). I respect all my patients and take their beliefs seriously.

The concepts of professionalism, competence, and commitment empower me to deliver sustainable care to different patients while leading others effectively. I have two assumptions that underline my actions and goals as a nurse leader. The first one is that I believe that NPs should encourage all partners and professionals to collaborate and offer personalized and culturally competent care to different patients (Hooper, 2016). The next one is that it is appropriate to be involved in advocacy in order to support the passage of laws that can support the changing needs of different individuals.

Leadership is an integral attribute of my personal philosophy. I understand that it is necessary to guide and influence my colleagues and followers to focus on the needs of their patients. I consider the power of a participative management style since it results in constant collaboration and effective decision-making. There are specific aspects and values of this theory that are appealing to me. Some of them include charisma, openness, integrity, cohesiveness, and mentorship (Hooper, 2016). I usually encourage my colleagues and partners to communicate effectively, solve their differences amicably, and focus on the wellbeing of every patient. This strategy empowers me to remain involved with my patients, solve emerging conflicts, and create the best environment for delivering desirable medical services.

For many years, ethics has remained a relevant field for influencing human behaviors, actions, and relations. From a historical context, the emergence of nursing is something that was supported by various moral concepts in an attempt to protect both the caregiver and the patient (Black et al., 2015).

Within the past century, powerful concepts have emerged that guide NPs to provide exemplary services. Such ethical values have continued to become strong pillars for meeting patients’ needs and treating various diseases (Black et al., 2015). The attributes of accountability, justice, fairness, veracity, and nonmaleficence explain why many professionals are able to meet their patients’ needs. Ethical theories such as utilitarianism and categorical imperative continue to reshape the models and philosophies many NPs and clinicians consider when providing services in their respective communities.

Continuous learning is an evidence-based practice that all professionals in nursing have to take into consideration. Currently, there are many agencies and organizations whose standards and insights impact nursing practice. For instance, different associations are engaging in research activities in an attempt to present superior ideas for improving care delivery (Hooper, 2016). The AACN Essentials form an integral part of my professional practice or objectives. I focus on interprofessional collaboration and communication to improve my patients’ experiences. I uphold and promote the core values of practice to meet my patient’s health demands.

The idea of evidence-based practice empowers me to apply emerging concepts in leadership and care delivery to achieve the intended medical outcomes (Al-Banna, 2017). I consider and apply emerging skills and knowledge in health information technology (HIT) to support the provision of high-quality services. Established financial and regulatory policies guide me to improve the experiences of all patients.

My philosophy of nursing is incomplete without putting into consideration the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics. Firstly, it is appropriate to practice with compassion while at the same time respecting the integrity and rights of my patients (“ANA code,” n.d.). Secondly, I promote and protect the health and safety of every individual. Thirdly, I have authority and responsibility for my care delivery and health decisions. Fourthly, the idea of professionalism guides me to empower others, support my colleagues, and create the best environment for quality, safe, and sustainable medical services.


The above discussion has revealed that I have a powerful philosophy of nursing that is capable of guiding me as a practitioner. The metaparadigms of nursing, the values of professionalism, and participative leadership guide me to liaise with my colleagues and transform the experiences of all my patients. I am planning to analyze and follow all emerging attributes and standards in the field of health to improve my care delivery model and eventually achieve my personal and professional objectives. Such measures will eventually transform my future practice and ensure that more community members to lead high-quality lives.


Al-Banna, D. (2017). Core professional and personal values of nurses about nursing in Erbil City Hospitals: A profession, not just career. Nursing & Care Open Access Journal, 2(6), 56-62. Web.

ANA code of ethics. (n.d.). Web.

Black, A. T., Balneaves, L. G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J. H., & Qian, H. (2015). Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), 14-20. Web.

Hooper, V. D. (2016). The Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing: Where are we 5 years later? Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(5), 367-369. Web.