Phenomena, Concepts, Propositions, and Assumptions

Subject: Healthcare Research
Pages: 6
Words: 1508
Reading time:
6 min


A phenomenon denotes the things people experience through their senses. Problems are the daily phenomena individuals involve in their practices. Some of the phenomena challenges individuals may face daily include uncontrollable blood pressure stimulated by the stress people incur due to certain illnesses or incidents (Dahlberg & Dahlberg, 2019).

Observable occurrences in a spontaneous or planned system” are how phenomena are defined (“Definition of phenomena |”, 2022). They are all around us, yet some are more noticeable than others (Dahlberg & Dahlberg, 2019). Lightning, tremors, tsunamis, volcanic activities, tornadoes, and other natural occurrences are common examples. However, there are other spectacular and apparent events, such as light bouncing in a reflection, the way electrical runs through cables to enable a person to turn on a bulb, or the plain truth that gravity enables individuals to move on the Planet’s surface.

Slow-Moving Phenomena

Seasonal changes, organic matter breakdown, and mountain degradation are examples of slow-moving phenomena that are difficult to perceive. They are, nevertheless, observable occurrences that may be explained scientifically and hence constitute phenomena (“Definition of phenomena |”, 2022). Phenomena are valuable in science education as they provide students with tangible, engaging examples of nature in action. They are also ideal for promoting student investigation: students can watch a phenomenon, ask questions, and conduct research to learn how it operates. As far as scientists and clinicians are concerned, the sickness does not occur in its natural state but exceeds a change in the body’s disease-causing micro or psychological status. Disease (Physiological reality) is transformed into illness (Sociological phenomena) by providing meaning to particular biophysical conditions of the body.


Concepts are the names people give to phenomena, which may be an understanding of something. For instance, during daily practices, an individual may come across a person who has been injured by an object and is bleeding. Knowing how to stop the bleeding before the person is taken to the hospital is defined as a concept. In contrast, knowing the cause of the bleeding is a phenomenon. According to most experts, the fundamental ideas of healthcare are surroundings, health, caregiving, and person. Abstract thoughts are described as notions (“concepts”, 2022). They are viewed as the essential mechanisms of causal principles, feelings, and opinions. They are essential in every area of thinking.


Several disciplines study notions, including etymology, psychiatry, and way of life. These professions are notions concerned with the logic and counter of notions and how they combine to form conceptions and phrases. The research of thoughts has become a vital constituent of a novel interdisciplinary tactic called cognitive science. Elevated concentrations of a structure are referred to as “superordinate,” whereas lesser levels are referred to as “subordinate.” There’s also the “basic” or “middle” level, where people are most likely to categorize a topic. A basic-level notion would be “chair,” which has a superordinate of “furniture” and a subsidiary of “easy chair.” Concepts might be precise or ambiguous. When the brain forms generalizations, such as notions of trees, it draws commonalities from numerous examples, allowing for higher-level reasoning.

Mental Images

Mental images, in turn, serve as the foundation for propositional dispositions (generally known as the perspectives or instances individuals take to ideas, be it “trusting,” “wandering,” “doubting,” “accepting,” etc.). These predicate mindsets, in turn, serve as the foundation for our knowledge of ordinary ideas and folk psychiatry. A concept denotes a mental image that the brain employs to represent a category of things happening in the world under a physicalist model of the mind (“concepts”, 2022). It is essentially a sign or a series of signals generated from the body’s physical matter. Concepts are also mental models that enable us to make proper judgments about the entities we come across in our daily lives. They are subsets of cognitive models that do not include all mental images. Cognitive activities such as classification, remembering, decision-making, memory, and reasoning need ideas.

Love as a Concept

Concepts denote the outcome of the brain’s operations; they are not separate objectives or “things” in the environment that humans “use.” Concepts are assumed to be preserved in long-term cortex memory instead of memory recall, which is retained in the hippocampal, of the specific things and experiences that they abstract. Individuals with hippocampal injury provide evidence for this separation. The processing underpinning (certain phases of) sleep and dreaming are typically thought to involve generalizing the week’s hippocampus experiences and images into cortical notions. The characteristics required by a feature’s specification must be essential and adequate for participation in the things encompassed by a concept. From experience, love is a concept that people experience through actions and words. Its outcomes can be quantified and seen, but love itself cannot be measured as a concept.


When several or even more ideas are intertwined, propositions could be the primary or secondary cause of the occurrence. Therefore, a proposition defines a declaration that connects several forms of relationships between concepts (“proposition”, 2022). Proposing or suggesting anything to be thought about, accepted, approved, or made a planned strategy or scheme in commerce, an offering of conditions for a deal. An item, a problem, or an individual that needs addressing or confronted: Maintaining diplomatic channels is a serious undertaking. When providers experience a revenue decline or leakage, all patients receive lower-quality care. Patients are forced to wonder whether they should opt out of treatment to save money when medical professionals charge increased rates, causing harm to the healthcare system as a whole.

Proposition Instance

To strike a balance that permits healthcare providers to maximize earnings while providing high-quality treatment, a clear proposition must be established to assist decision-makers, guaranteeing a company’s approach is consistent. Based on the options provided by the supplier, each of the examples accounts for a significant value proposition. Symptom management does not always imply a patient’s recovery will be successful. On the other hand, prioritizing patient care is putting the patient’s comfort and well-being first, which brings value to a company by prioritizing the needs of the patients while also cutting expenditures. It is worth noting that effective resource allocation impacts the other quantifiable proposition indicators. Prioritizing patient well-being by administering drugs that are safe for them is an example of a value proposition to a hospital.


Something people take as normal or expect, even if it has not been verified or validated, is an assumption. People have opinions in their everyday lives, for example, when they have an idea or a concept. Even though it has not been scientifically tested, an assumption refers to a claim accepted as usual or deemed accurate. Assumptions are the ideas that guide people’s behaviors and thinking. They refer to something individuals believe to be true even if they do not have proof (“assumption”, 2022). For instance, people may assume you are a genius in spectacles, even if this is not the case.

Incorrect Treatment

Assumptions can contribute to incorrect detection and treatment and alienation from individuals being in help. We develop conclusions since they are a quick way to interpret information in the world. Assumptions are one way the brain requires less energy. We find patterns in how the world operates by drawing on our previous experiences. Individuals apply these trends to the new environment when they face new circumstances. An assumption can also be an unapproved belief: the things people believe without knowing. Individual judgments (assumptions) are often initiated on preconceptions that we have not adequately examined. For example, a patient may complain of a headache caused by stress in daily practice. Still, a medical practitioner ends up making a wrong assumption, giving the patient medicine meant for high blood pressure.

Theory of Premeditated Action

The TPB represents an extensively used behavioral model that enables people to realize how social habits can alter. The model suggests purposeful behavior since it suggests action is intentional. The TPB was modified due to the disclosure that conduct may not always be spontaneous and controllable. In clinical practice, the Theory of Premeditated Action argues that any activity a person is taking is founded on three kinds of considerations, as per the TPB: beliefs (opinions about the possible ramifications of the rehearsed behavior), social norms (religious views about other person’s expectations), and perceived control (beliefs about someone’s social norms). The theory indicates that due to people’s different opinions in their daily practices, individuals have different views of definitions. Therefore, people act or show certain behaviors depending on the situation they are in.

Behavioral Principles

Behavioral principles usually contribute to an optimistic or undesirable attitude to a particular behavior, normative opinions to apparent public influence or normative beliefs, and control participants to perceived behavior intention. The greater the group’s purpose in demeanor the action in dispute, the more advanced the positive behavior, social norm, and regulator beliefs. Watson’s nursing concept is an important aspect of nursing. It establishes a foundation for the notion that nursing is more than just a profession; it is an endeavor to offer care to patients and help them reach their full potential as a person.


Concepts. TheFreeDictionary. (2022). Web.

Dahlberg, H., & Dahlberg, K. (2019). The question of meaning—A momentous issue for qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 14(1), 1598723. Web.

Definition of phenomena | Dictionary. (2022). Web.