Sharing Knowledge Learned From a Practicum Project

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 3
Words: 847
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: Master

Knowledge and outcomes of practicum projects can be shared using various methods. They include communicating in front of the audience (e.g., podiums, panels, and round table formats) and using poster presentations and journal publications (Milner, 2016). Other ways of disseminating knowledge often consist of conducting clinical rounds, brief discussions, and meetings in small groups, such as grand rounds (Milner, 2016). Milner (2016) highlights other ways of sharing information, such as the Infusion Nurse Society Web Site, webinars, and podcasts. There has been increased online or on-site journal club advancement, another method of distributing content resulting from practicum project creation. Moreover, social media platforms have been used to create micro-blogging journal clubs. These are meant to share post-publication reviews about efficient practices of sharing knowledge through platforms such as Twitter.

Additional methods used to teach nurses effectively consist of the healthcare policy briefs and the media (Milner, 2016). These methods are efficient because they can educate a large number of people within a short time. Various organizations worldwide, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), use health policy briefs to share knowledge globally. The essential issue about briefs is that they present information that is efficient and clear. Alternatively, knowledge dissemination can also be done through the media. It consists of the world and local newspapers, Reuters Health News, Cables News Network, the National Broadcasting Company, and the American Broadcasting Company. Thus, media is one of the most excellent tools for sharing knowledge from practicum projects.

The main goal of disseminating knowledge using these methods is to ensure that communication is done efficiently. Nurses have to make certain that information is shared with the required audience and their colleagues (Milner, 2016). Sharing practicum project details using different methods allows utilizing such data in nursing or any other area for improved patient care. Additionally, it leads to reduced risks, errors, and any harm during the provision of healthcare. Therefore, it is beneficial to both the nursing staff and the patients themselves.

Sharing of information will be done among various individuals, such as home-based care nurses, patients, pharmacists, and primary care practitioners. Pharmacists will learn how to effectively handle drugs and provide customized equipment and techniques required among the most effective evidence-based interventions to evade medication errors. The sick and their carers need to understand that clinical mistakes can lead to mortality. Additionally, such errors can result in an increased cost when treating the effects resulting from these medication faults. Therefore, discharged people with their carers will be educated on decreasing medication errors while at home.

I will use different methods to enlarge my practicum project’s reach and value. For instance, I will play the duty of communicating, engaging, and encouraging participation for everyone affected. Furthermore, I will look at the most valuable information for those affected and teach them effective methods of preventing medication errors. Additionally, I will begin finding ways to implement the improvements through small-scale exhibitions which are manageable compared to large-scale changes. Finally, I will remind the audience that the process is iterative, and they should anticipate corrections regularly and identify various actions to add to their strategy.

The best method of presenting information to my audience is through PowerPoint presentations because it makes the viewers focus more on the ideas being taught. Using PowerPoint presentations allows one to attach images, audio, and videos. Therefore, it increases the visual impact of the exhibition (Barkley & Major, 2018). Moreover, visual and audio cues assist the presenter in being more improvisational and interactive with the listeners. PowerPoint enables one to catch the listeners’ attention by using visual effects (Barkley & Major, 2018). Keynotes and slides can also be utilized in PowerPoint, which helps the presenter control and shares additional content. Therefore, PowerPoint is more reliable when presented in front of a large number of people.

Distributing valuable content will be achieved through the use of speech conferences and published journal articles. Meetings are important because they create a chance for nurses to share essential thoughts with their colleagues (Zaccagnini & Pechacek, 2019). Conferences offer a perfect environment where nurses can distribute vital ideas among their peers. Additionally, journals are crucial since they act as a method of communication. Finally, it is a form of keeping the meeting proceedings permanent for future reference.

During discharge, patients will be taken to a conference together with their caregivers. They will be taught about the importance of efficient treatment that decreases readmission risk and increases clients’ safety. The venue of the conferences will be inside the hospital premises. Discharged patients together with their carers will be given published journals for reference when there is a need for clarification. Journal preparation will be done before the start of the conference. Additionally, medical practitioners will be visiting sick people to check their recovery progress. These individuals will further receive recommendations on how they can prevent incidences of clinical mistakes. Sharing knowledge will equip nurses with an understanding of ensuring that no patient fails to attend the meeting. The main goal is to identify the ways of reducing medication faults for people recovering at home.


Barkley, E. F., & Major, C. H. (2018). Interactive lecturing: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons.

Milner, K. A. (2016). Sharing your knowledge: Getting your idea published. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 39(5), 297-305. Web.

Zaccagnini, M., & Pechacek, J. M. (2019). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.