Taking a Leadership Stand in Nursing Practice

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 4
Words: 874
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College


Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and caregivers should support the health needs of their patients. Such NPs must also make accurate and professional decisions to achieve the best healthcare outcomes. Caregivers should be moral agents of positive health practices. Different “nursing leadership theories encourage healthcare professionals to use evidence-based practices and concepts” (Chiarella & McInnes, 2008, p. 81). Medical practitioners must offer appropriate strategies to produce the targeted results. Many caregivers encounter numerous ethical challenges whenever supporting their patients. This discussion explains why caregivers must embrace the best leadership concepts throughout their careers.

Targeted Workplace Issue

The targeted ethical issue occurred when a Jehovah’s Witness patient refused a blood transfusion. According to the patient, her religious faith does not allow her to accept any form of transfusion. The patient is also suffering from anemia after post-operative bleeding. The Intern Doctor has encouraged the patient to accept the transfusion because her hemoglobin levels are low. The doctor has decided to prescribe various iron medications in order to support the patient’s health demands. The patient is against any form of blood transfusion.

Negative Outcomes from this Scenario

According to the above scenario, medical practitioners should embrace the best ideas and leadership concepts in order to support their clients. Blood transfusion is critical whenever supporting different patients. The targeted patient has lost a lot of blood after encountering post-operative bleeding. Failure to offer the “required blood transfusion can result in death because of anemia” (Sullivan, 2013, p. 57). The prescribed iron tablets might not produce the best results. This is true because the patient experienced heavy bleeding after undergoing an operation. A blood transfusion will deal with the patient’s health problem (Schaffner, 2009). Failure to give the required blood transfusion can result in more complications or death. Although the proposed iron tablets can treat anemia, the agreeable fact is that the method cannot produce the best health outcomes.

Appropriate Skills, Dispositions, and Strategies to Fulfill this Role

Medical practitioners and caregivers should possess powerful leadership skills in order to achieve the best health goals. They should “respect their patients and embrace the use of ethical values” (Perrotto & Grossman, 2010, p. 28). For instance, caregivers “should strike a balance between the patients’ rights and the best health outcomes” (Schaffner, 2009, p. 153). Some values “such as confidentiality, quality, and openness can produce the best medical results” (Schaffner, 2009, p. 154). These values will make it easier for this healthcare facility to support the health demands of different patients.

Every healthcare provider should ensure the targeted patient receives the required blood transfusion. Nurses and healthcare providers should work hard in order to achieve the best medical outcomes. Every patient also wants to receive the best health support from his or her caregiver. The targeted scenario is tricky because the patient has firm religious beliefs and foundations. To begin with, the patient visited the healthcare institution in order to get the best medical attention. This situation explains why “caregivers in different healthcare facilities should embrace the best ideas in order to support their patients” (Perrotto & Grossman, 2010, p. 28).

Nurses should embrace the best leadership strategy in order to address every healthcare dilemma. Caregivers “should be motivated by their career goals and objectives in order to achieve their potentials” (Olson, 2009, p. 29). The first approach is informing the patient about the major health issues and problems facing her. An “evidence-based approach will ensure the patient understands the available options and their implications” (Olson, 2009, p. 29). The next step is encouraging different caregivers and doctors to be part of the decision-making process. The members of the “team should also encourage the patient and her relatives to identify the best options” (Sullivan, 2013, p. 63). The team will also use “appropriate strategies such as effective communication and decision-making in order to educate the patient” (Olson, 2009, p. 30).

The other important practice is informing the patient about the importance of proper healthcare services. The nurse must also take into consideration the patient’s values and beliefs. The team will also present its views and opinions to the patient. Nurses should also “embrace the best ethical ideas whenever making their decisions” (Olson, 2009, p. 29). This approach will produce appropriate decisions in order to support the patient’s health needs. The nurses can “encourage the patient to obtain blood from a close relative” (Sullivan, 2013, p. 94). This practice will safeguard the patient’s health needs. The nurses should also encourage the patient to appreciate life and be ready to promote God’s words. The “team should embrace various leadership skills such as positive communication, listening, and mentorship” (Marquis & Huston, 2012, p. 73). This practice will eventually produce the best health outcomes.

Concluding Remarks

The above discussion explains why caregivers should embrace the best practices and ethical considerations whenever supporting their patients. A powerful leadership approach will inform the targeted patient about the importance of getting the proposed blood transfusion. The institution should form a new team in order to advise the patient accordingly. The team will also use evidence-based concepts in order to address the patient’s needs. The proposed approach will ensure the targeted patient accepts the blood transfusion. In conclusion, nurses and caregivers should provide the best support to their patients.

Reference List

Chiarella, M., & McInnes, E. (2008). Legality, Morality, and Reality: The Role of the Nurse in Maintaining Standards of Care. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(1), 77-83.

Marquis, B., & Huston, C. (2012). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins.

Olson, D. (2009). Are Great Leaders Born, or Are They Made? Frontiers of Health Services Management, 26(2), 27-30.

Perrotto, A., & Grossman, M. (2010). Ten Ways to the Top. Nursing Management, 41(1), 28-32.

Schaffner, J. (2009). Roadmap for Success: The 10-Step Nursing Strategic Plan. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 39(4), 152-155.

Sullivan, J. (2013). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. Upper-Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.