A Child’s Critical Nutritional Issues and Nutrient Needs

Subject: Healthy Nutrition
Pages: 2
Words: 282
Reading time:
< 1 min

For the child’s body, it is especial to receive such minerals as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, which contribute to the normal development of bone tissue and teeth. They play a massive role in the processes of hematopoiesis. The largest number of trace elements and minerals is found in the following products. Calcium and phosphorus are in milk, dairy products, fish, eggs, and legumes. Magnesium is contained in cereals such as bread and beans; iron is in pork and beef liver, oatmeal, peaches, egg yolk, fish, apples, herbs, and raisins.

The basic principles of proper nutrition for children are as follows. It should be diverse, not excessive, with enough vegetables and fruits, and to compensate for the energy expenditure of the body. All used food products of plant and animal origin must be fresh and sound, prepared according to a technology that preserves their nutritional and biological value. Sweets, chips, smoked meats, and canned food should not be included in the diet of preschool children.

Insufficiency or overabundance of food consumed by a child can adversely affect the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to metabolic disorders, increase overweight –even to various degrees of obesity – or lead to exhaustion. If the child refuses to eat a healthy dish, one can invite him or her to experiment and make it unusual. With the help of dried fruits and nuts, there could be a layout of a funny face on porridge. Then, with ketchup and herbs, there could be a draw of a pattern on eggs; mashed potatoes on a plate in the form of a snowman figure might also be beneficial in this context.