Acupuncture in Otoacoustic Emissions Patients

Subject: Healthcare Research
Pages: 3
Words: 750
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College


The findings of Frasson de Azevedo, Chiari, Okada and Onishi (2007) in their journal article: Impact of Acupuncture on Otoacoustic Emissions in Patients with Tinnitus shall be presented in this paper. The paper will discuss the major issues addressed in the paper, how the researchers go about addressing the issues, the numerical and statistical data presented, the major findings and recommendations. How well the paper has detailed, synthesized and analyzed shall also be presented. The major learning lessons and how the article reinforces theory on issues under discussion shall also be highlighted and any limitations pointed out. Finally, the definition of acupuncture as a treatment for Tinnitus will be provided and its key efficacies pointed out.

Efficacy of Acupuncture as a Treatment for Tinnitus

The capacity for therapeutic effect of acupuncture on patients with impaired hearing has demonstrated the capacity to a cocktail of therapeutic benefits

The major issues/questions addressed in the paper

Previous researchers on studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for Tinnitus have abided in the fact that there is need for more concerted efforts in research endeavors because of scarcity of enough academic materials on the topic. The central purpose of acupuncture treat tinnitus as it has demonstrated its effectiveness in addressing this problem. According to Park, White and Ernst (1998) “Acupuncture has been used to treat Tinnitus for a long time in Far Eastern countries such as China and Korea.” Conversely, much of the treatment and rehabilitation failures of the tinnitus are positively correlated to inadequate services or sometimes unethical practices (Whitehead, 2006).

The author in this study was therefore interesting in providing contributions and reinforcing the literature on impact of acupuncture on otoacoustic emissions in patients with tinnitus. The authors investigated “the effect of acupuncture on the cochlear function in patients with tinnitus by analyzing otoacoustic emissions” Frasson de Azevedo et al (2007). Specifically, the aim of this study was “to investigate the effect of acupuncture on the cochlear function of tinnitus patients by using TOAE and measurements of TOAE suppression” Frasson de Azevedo et al (2007). The study was conducted on 38 patients of both sexes between the age range of 36 -76. Inferences drawn were based on an analysis of the key themes by employing the ‘schema’ techniques for the assessment of the intervention strategies.

Critique of the article

The authors have settled on an appropriate topic that that is immense interest to the clinical field. This because of the fact that while “Acupuncture has been much used for tinnitus over the years; recent attempts to demonstrate acupuncture’s effectiveness have not provided definitive evidence” Hahn, MacPherson and Jackson (2005). This fact is buttressed by British Tinnitus Association (2005) in stating that “it has been used by at least 25% of the people in the Western world for all kinds of ailments, but in particular for conditions for which there is no definitive medical cure.”

The authors have also presented a clear introduction that clearly introduces the topic of research where the thesis statement has been clearly and explicitly stated. The methodology used is also appropriate for the research as it follows a clear synthesis of the major findings as presented by various authors on the topic under discussion that is based on empirical as well as theoretical research. The discussion presented is detailed, comprehensive and informative and helps the reader understand the issues that were presented in as far as the interpretation of the results is concerned. The strongest parts of the study were the introduction to OAE measurement after acupuncture. The conclusion and future research have also been succinctly presented, based on a dissemination of the key findings generated from research.

The study would have perhaps been better if there was inclusion of children in the study. This would have provided the correlation on the role of age in healing process (Tye-Murray, 2008). The instruments of research adopted may actually have failed to provide for sensitivity between groups. Still, another limitation was with regards to the fact that the whole research was conducted within the set up of a single medical facility. The above limitations present us with a rich area for further research where the above study can be replicated and the limitations addressed by the use of a bigger and different sample and subjects that are assessed over a longer interval. This would help us draw inferences into the authenticity and validity of the results presented in this article and act as a basis for cross-reference.


British Tinnitus Association (2005) Complementary Therapy for Tinnitus. British Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. 10 (5). 1-4.

Frasson de Azevedo, R., Chiari, B.M., Okada, D.M. and Onishi, E.T. (2007). Impact of acupuncture on otoacoustic emissions in patients with tinnitus. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 73 (5). 599-607.

Hahn, S., MacPherson, H. and Jackson, A. (2005). Acupuncture for tinnitus: A series of six n = 1controlled trials. Elsevier. Web.

Park, J., White, A.R. and Ernst, E. (1998). Efficacy of Acupuncture as a Treatment for Tinnitus Jourmnal of American Medical Association. Vol. 124. No. 12.

Tye-Murray, N. (2008). Foundations of aural rehabilitation: children, adults, and their family members. New York: Cengage Learning.

Whitehead, G. (2006). Tinnitus Management Strategies for Hearing Healthcare Professionals. Web.