👩🏾‍🔬 Essays on Immunology

The immune system guards the body against sickness and infection, protecting its cells. The study of this complex but crucial network is known as immunology. Immunologists work to understand how this system works and can be enhanced. In other words, they attempt to develop new ways to improve the body’s ability to fight diseases.

Naturally, immunology is vital to healthcare and medicine, and students interested in these fields must investigate this subject. Various resources are available, including books, articles, essay samples, and online courses that can help you study this discipline. Through them, you can enhance your knowledge of immunology and produce better academic papers.


CD4+ Cell Counts Classifying Stages of HIV Disease and AIDS

CD4 cell counts are used in the CDC staging system to track the development of HIV in an effort to manage the epidemic. A patient is diagnosed with AIDS once the CD4 count of such a patient falls below 200mm3 (or the CD4 percentage is less than 14%), or certain...


The Pathogenesis of HIV Analyzed

The HIV virus only becomes effective upon the entry into the human body, normally through blood infection upon contact with infected blood. Upon entry, HIV targets the host T-Cells or primary lymphocytes. The T-Cells defend one’s body from common but potentially fatal infections. The HIV virus attaches itself to the...


HIV Prevention Challenges in Treatment-Oriented Climate

The treatment-oriented world that has been developing after the production of ARVs and other drugs poses several dangers to HIV prevention programs. First, most of the prevention programs nowadays are medicine-driven. This may occur in several ways, but the most important method is the change from prevention programs to treatment...


Low Prevalence of HIV in Some Asia Pacific Countries

Of the Asia Pacific countries with populations of more than 10 million people, very few have escaped significant epidemics of HIV. To date, however Bangladesh, Japan, the Philippines and South Korea are four very different countries with low prevalence. Posit a brief explanation why each of these countries has a...


Psychoneuroimmunology Course and a “Flu” Shot

The peculiar feature of such diseases like flu is that people do not have appropriate native defenses, which will help to minimize the infection as soon as it gets to the human body. It is very important to pay more attention to the time and the conditions under which flu...


Differences Between Innate & Adaptive Immunity

The foremost function of the immune system is to protect organisms from exogenous agents that cause infection using layered defenses, namely the physical barriers, the innate immune system, and, on the last line of defense, the adaptive immune system. Each of the three has a critical role to play if...


The Role of Vaccination on Society

The modern world exists in the way we know to a greater degree due to the discovery and mass use of vaccination. The given practice helped to attain significant improvement in the quality of people’s lives by eliminating the danger of being killed by smallpox, polio, diphtheria, and hepatitis. It...


The Organization of the Immune System

The immune system is principally organized around three-layered defenses of increasing specificity – the physical barriers, innate immune system, and the adaptive immune system. The physical barriers form the outermost protection layer and include the skin, eyelids, mucous membranes, normal flow of urine, tears, linings of the mouth, lungs, and...


Ways of the Effectiveness of Immune System

The immune system is a complex process that involves the interaction of various biological components in the body that are involved in defending the body against infections. As such, because of this immune system complexity, there is no single approach that can be reliably used in the determination of this...


IgA, IgE Antibodies and Its Function

Both IgA and IgE are important immunoglobulin isotopes that play significant key roles in body defense mechanisms. Like most other site-specific antibodies found in the body, IgA is selective in nature and its functions are largely limited within the mucosa sites of the body which makes it one of the...


The Impact That Psychosocial Stressors Have On Immunity in the Elderly

Psychosocial stressors may be of different forms, including a number of factors like working conditions, decision-making processes, or even the level of social support. This type of stress takes place as soon as a person understands what some threats to self-esteem or self-respect are possible, and these threats influence considerably...


How Does the Herd Immunity Occur?

The immune system’s primary task is to protect the body from antigens like germs, poisons, and cancerous cells from invading and damaging them. External protection in the form of skin is the first line of protection; non-specific immune cells are the second line of defense; and the specific immune system,...


Should Government Mandate Childhood Vaccinations?

Vaccination is considered to be one of the most effective means of protection against infectious diseases used in modern medicine. For over two centuries, it has been known to the general population that vaccines have demonstrated exceptional epidemiological and social success, averting an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths every...


Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Its Consequences

Introduction As a part of society, any person has a chance of getting infections. Those infections can vary in terms of transmission, symptoms, ways of treatment, and other characteristics. There can also be differences in how the public treats a person with a virus concerning protecting one’s health or from...


The Global Context of Vaccine Refusal

Closser, S., et al. (2016). The global context of vaccine refusal: Insights from a systematic comparative ethnography of the global polio eradication initiative. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 30(3), 321-341. Web. The case study under review explores the public response to polio vaccination in seven African as well as Asian countries with...


Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Healthcare Workers

Introduction The rapid development of vaccines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic is generally seen as a tremendous and unprecedented scientific breakthrough that will contribute to building herd immunity and decreasing caseloads across the United States. While the effectiveness of the vaccines may be high, there are also questions and hesitancy, including...


Vaccine Mandates and Collective Responsibility

The Internet was supposed to be a giant equalizing force that would provide unprecedented access to information and free speech. Instead, it has become a cesspool of conspiracy theories, misinformation, and anti-intellectualism (Mian and Khan). Due to content overload and the public’s increasingly fragmented attention span, political sensationalism becomes the...


Sickle Cell Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Sickle cell disease is a hereditary condition affecting the red blood cells. It is more common in people whose family origins are African, African Caribbean, Asian or Mediterranean but rare in people of North European descent (Ware et al., 2017). Normal blood cells are round and flexible, an adaptation...


A Patient’s Right to Know Whether a Caregiver Has AIDS

In most cases, both patients and caregivers or physicians have the right to protect their privacy and confidentiality and not to disclose their HIV/AIDS status to other people. However, there are also cases when disclosure is required for caregivers and physicians because of the high risks of transmitting the virus....


Hepatitis C Treatment and Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an infection that has existed within the human race for decades, with no known cure identified to date. The virus kills immune system cells, reducing the body’s ability to fight other severe infections such as tuberculosis and pneumonia, leading to its total damage when already...


The Immunization Cases Overview

Introduction Last decades people started to vaccinate themselves against different diseases. Some diseases are seldom in the United States because of immunization. It brings calmness and confidence to the people and makes frequent early illnesses as rare as possible. Humanity is interested in what vaccines do and starts to search...


Vitamins, Flu and Immune Response

Literature Review The flu is a disease that is prevalent throughout the entire world and particularly in humid regions. The flu is not life threatening but deaths can result from pneumonia, worsening cardiopulmonary conditions and several other chronic diseases. Most affected are children, people with health problems and the aged...


Sickle Cell Anemia Research

Introduction Sickle cell anemia (SCD) is an “autosomal recessive inherited hemoglobinopathy” that causes vaso-occlusive crises and hemolysis due to an abnormal substitution of amino and glutamic acids on the β-globin chain (Keikhaei, Yousefi, & Bahadoram, 2016, p. 252). Nowadays, hydroxyurea (HU) remains the only method that helps alleviate the symptoms...


Clearing Incompatible Red Cells From the Circulation

Introduction Blood transfusion is a common approach used in the field of medicine especially in the treatment of chronic as well as acute illnesses such as anemia (1). Despite the significance of transfusion therapy, there are negative impacts associated with the practice such as pathophysiologies like incompatible transfusions and hemolytic...


Advocating for Childhood Immunization

Introduction Based on parents’ attitudes as well as public health opinion, it is possible to formulate the problem in the following way: misconception regarding childhood immunization causes parents to reject it, thus spending more money on health care issues and increasing the risk of the infectious diseases (see Appendix A...


Listeria: Immunotherapy

Health and its management are often interrupted by the infectious pathogens that exert their prevalence leading to outbreaks associated with mortalities. The ability to withstand such harmful, otherwise detrimental effects of microbial agents relies on the body’s fighting mechanism provided by the Immune system. This machinery is equipped with a...


Autism and Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccines

Introduction Immunization procedures are implemented on a global scale in uniformity under the organization of the WHO. Millions of children are being saved from childhood illnesses like measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and polio. This mass effort is commendable so long as the medicines used and techniques employed are above board....


Sub-Saharan Africa: Security Implication of AIDS

Abstract Worldwide, HIV/AIDS affect the life of the people, especially the people of third world countries, more than war and terrorism. In the sub-Saharan countries, STD and HIV/AIDS cause problems in national security. The study assumes greater significance as the rate of HIV infected people in Sub Saharan Africa is...


Vaccination is Not a Disputable Issue

Vaccination becomes a disputable issue these days. Society is divided into two camps: those who support this practice and those who are sure that it can pose a threat to the health of their children. To understand the problem better, you should realize the arguments offered by both sides and...


The Spread of HIV and the Dangers of AIDS

Researching the spread of HIV and the dangers of AIDS as the final stage of this disease is an extremely essential task in terms of ensuring public safety and helping at-risk categories. As an object of the study, the theme of HIV/AIDS among African-American women will be addressed as a...


HIV and How It Affects the Body

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a longstanding viral infection caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It is characterized by the destruction of T-helper cells in the immune system, thus rendering an individual susceptible to opportunistic infections (VanMeter & Hubert, 2014). AIDS is an infectious disorder that is disseminated by...


Immunization of Children

Immunization of children is a significant public health topic that has been widely studied and discussed. Despite the advocacy of healthcare agencies and organizations, such as CDC and WHO, many parents still perceive vaccines as either dangerous or unnecessary in today’s world. Immunization proved to decrease children’s mortality and disability...


Immunological Methods

Risk Assessment What are the hazards and do they prevent ‘lone working’? Sodium acetate buffer- It is an irritant that can destroy the integrity of the skin as well as the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Sodium acetate can also irritate the eyes and affect the sense of sight. A...


HIV Treatment Compliance Among African American Women

The following chapter is created to illustrate the findings of the research paper in order to analyse and interpret the results. This chapter analyses the data through the regression analysis and descriptive statistics along with a model summary that can be used to determine the impact of the dependent variable...


Body Immunity Against Intracellular Viruses

MHC Self-proteins from non-self proteins are viral that are distinguished by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This component is an important molecule involved in body immunity. The molecule signifies foreign molecules that may be present in the human body system. The paper intends to analyze the importance of MHC molecules...


Physiology and Function of Lymphatic and Immune System

Introduction The immune system is involved in protecting the body against attacks that would culminate in disease. The lymphatic system is composed of thousands of lymphatic vessels responsible for filtering plasma back to the blood. It also interacts with the lymphoid system that is crucial in the immunity of an...