Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan

Subject: Healthcare Research
Pages: 5
Words: 1400
Reading time:
6 min
Study level: Bachelor

According to the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan, acute respiratory failure is a significant issue affecting the population. Since the document presented a general overview of the problem, it is necessary to research the literature to identify evidence-based practices. Such an approach is required to ensure that the given plan offers efficient interventions to address the health issue. In addition to that, it is crucial to rely on the Health People 2030 principles because these guidelines stipulate objectives that healthcare professionals should achieve. The Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan will demonstrate that noninvasive ventilation (NIV), specific medications, and a modified lifestyle are required interventions.

One should admit that the three interventions imply a specific timeline and rely on robust rationale. According to Rochwerg et al. (2017), NIV should be implemented when “the pH is ⩽7.35, PaCO2 is >45 mmHg, and the respiratory rate is >20–24 breaths min” (p. 1602426). As for medications, they can include antibiotics, bronchodilators, or corticosteroids (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2020). For example, Umbrello et al. (2021) stipulate that health improvement is found when a treatment regimen includes 1000 mg of methylprednisolone per day for three days. In addition to that, a modified lifestyle refers to increased physical exercise, a healthy diet, and the reduction of harmful habits. Patients are encouraged to follow this behavior for all their lives.

It is possible to explain that the interventions above address three health care issues. Firstly, NIV refers to the fact that acute respiratory failure is a challenging condition that requires an immediate response. Secondly, the use of medications demonstrates that the disease under analysis is caused by specific processes, and it is necessary to shrink swollen airways or treat bacterial lung infections (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2020). Thirdly, the necessity to modify lifestyle addresses the fact that everyday activities can significantly contribute to the condition. Consequently, the proposed intervention can ensure that people receive sufficient physical activity and nutritional elements (Carpagnano et al., 2020). This information demonstrates that the proposed interventions introduce a comprehensive plan of care.

Community resources are required to ensure that all the health interventions can be correctly implemented. The Preliminary Care Coordination Plan identified that resources included the recreational park, hospital, and the facility for the social halls, but the given plan offers more specific recommendations. Firstly, health centers, appropriate equipment, and experienced healthcare professionals are needed to ensure that NIV can be introduced. Secondly, appropriate medication treatment can be implemented if the following community resources are available: sufficient material and technical support of clinics, healthcare professionals’ reliance on evidence-based practice, and patients’ increased adherence. Thirdly, lifestyle modification can be achieved with the help of improved education, patients’ increased interest in self-care, and available facilities to do physical exercise. If all these resources are available, the interventions can be easily implemented, bringing positive outcomes.

It is necessary to admit that a few ethical decisions governed the process of designing the suggestions to address acute respiratory failure. The decision to take care of patients and provide them with appropriate service is the most significant. This choice demonstrates that the suggested plan meets the requirement that healthcare professionals are obliged to improve patients’ health outcomes. The second ethical decision refers to the fact that no patient should be subject to an intervention without giving fully informed consent to participate in treatment. Individuals should voluntarily decide whether they agree to follow the offered guidelines. Finally, it is also necessary to respect patients’ autonomy, meaning that every person has a right to refrain from treatment. Each of these decisions implies practical effects, and it is necessary to comment on them. The three demonstrate that patients receive adequate care and a productive relationship between nurses and patients emerges because the rights of the latter are protected.

When it comes to the decisions above, one should admit that they can generate uncertainty. Specific questions can demonstrate how this issue affects each of the decisions. As for providing patients with care, the question is the following: Can the proposed intervention bring the most optimal outcomes for a patient and a healthcare facility? Obtaining fully informed consent also introduces some uncertainty because it can sometimes be challenging to determine whether a patient is fully aware of their actions and decisions. Thus, a question is: Does the client completely understand the implications of the proposed intervention? Finally, promoting patient autonomy is another ethical issue because the patient’s decision to reject treatment can result in the fact that a healthcare professional does not provide care. Consequently, a question arises: Is it obligatory to respect the patient’s decision when they refuse to obtain treatment?

Since acute respiratory failure is a significant issue, it is rational to rely on relevant health policy implications. For this purpose, the guidelines by the World Health Organization (n.d.) seem suitable. This health policy provision explains what actions are necessary to manage patients with the condition under analysis. In particular, the World Health Organization (n.d.) stipulates that early recognition and prediction of acute respiratory failure are the most significant. In addition to that, these policy implications advocate for using NIV for mild cases because insufficient evidence refers to the effectiveness of this intervention for individuals with severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (World Health Organization, n.d.). Consequently, the coordination and continuum of care should rely on a multifaceted approach, and the given policy implication meets this criterion because prevention and management are addressed.

A care coordinator should establish specific priorities when discussing the plan with a patient or their family member. According to the evidence by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2020), prevention plays a crucial role in addressing the condition. That is why a care coordinator should emphasize that following a healthy lifestyle is a must. In particular, a patient should quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and engage in regular physical exercise (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2020). However, Parker et al. (2020) reveal that a combined approach is necessary, meaning that behavioral modification and physical rehabilitation lead to optimal outcomes. Another priority is to make patients and their family members understand that getting immediate care is a life-saving strategy (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2020). This information demonstrates that lifestyle modification and appropriate medical services can help manage acute respiratory failure.

The proposed changes to the given plan are necessary because the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan only included generalized data on the topic. Thus, suggestions in this document have been made based on the identification and synthesis of recent evidence. This approach demonstrates that the current plan offers practical recommendations on how it is possible to achieve optimal outcomes when providing care to patients with acute respiratory failure.

The information above has demonstrated that prevention can play a crucial role in managing the condition under analysis. That is why it is not necessary to underestimate the significance of learning sessions. According to McDonald et al. (2019), multiple patients with acute respiratory failure admit that they would benefit from better education. That is why it is necessary to organize specific teaching sessions for these individuals. The learning content should comment on what risk factors exist, how patients can avoid them, what management requirements and options exist, and what effective treatment regimens can be followed. Simultaneously, it is reasonable to ensure that the Healthy People 2030 document should be used. This resource is helpful because it highlights that millions of Americans suffer from acute respiratory failures and “focuses on increasing prevention, detection, and treatment of respiratory diseases” (Healthy People 2030, n.d., para. 1). That is why the efficient learning session should include the elements of the Healthy People 2030 program.

In conclusion, the Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan has emphasized significant elements that are necessary to provide care to a patient with acute respiratory failure. The required evidence-based interventions include nonintrusive ventilation, medications, and lifestyle modification. A multifaceted approach is necessary to ensure that the patient receives a continuum of care, which contributes to more optimal health outcomes. The proposed interventions imply certain ethical issues, while specific community resources and policy implications justify using them. It has also been found that education can play a crucial role in addressing the condition under analysis, and a helpful strategy is to rely on the Healthy People 2030 requirements. All this information is a useful guide for healthcare professionals to provide care to patients with acute respiratory failure.


Carpagnano, G. E., Di Lecce, V., Quaranta, V. N., Zito, A., Buonamico, E., Capozza, E., Palumbo, A., Di Gioia, G., Valerio, V. N., & Resta, O. (2020). Vitamin D deficiency as a predictor of poor prognosis in patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 44(4), 765-771. Web.

Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Respiratory disease. Web.

McDonald, M. D., Sandsmark, D. K., Palakshappa, J. A., Mikkelsen, M. E., Anderson, B. J., & Gutsche, J. T. (2019). Long-term outcomes after extracorporeal life support for acute respiratory failure. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 33(1), 72-79. Web.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2020). Respiratory failure. Web.

Parker, A. M., Nelliot, A., Chessare, C. M., Malik, A. M., Koneru, M., Hosey, M. M., Ozok, A. A., Lyons, K. D., & Needham, D. M. (2020). Usability and acceptability of a mobile application prototype for a combined behavioral activation and physical rehabilitation intervention in acute respiratory failure survivors. Australian Critical Care, 33(6), 511-517. Web.

Rochwerg, B., Brochard, L., Elliott, M. W., Hess, D., Hill, N. S., Nava, S., Navalesi, P., Antonelli, M., Brozek, J., Conti, G., Ferrer, M., Guntupalli, K., Jaber, S., Keenan, S., Mancebo, J., Mehta, S., & Raoof, S. (2017). Official ERS/ATS clinical practice guidelines: Noninvasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure. European Respiratory Journal, 50(2), 1602426. Web.

Umbrello, M., Formenti, P., Nespoli, S., Pisano, E., Bonino, C., & Muttini, S. (2021).Effect of different corticosteroid regimens on the outcome of severe COVID-19-related acute respiratory failure. A retrospective analysis.Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(21), 4847. Web.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infections when novel coronavirus is suspected: What to do and what not to do [PDF document]. Web.