This research paper aims to study the relations between such issues of human life as hope, family health promotion, and quality of life after stroke. Taking into consideration the notion that after stroke period requires not only a proper medical approach but also the allover support by family and friends, this paper is aimed at filling the gap in the research papers, paying attention to the least studied factor of the after stroke period. In the light of this fact, it should be emphasized that the importance of the study may be explained by the notion that stoke is one of the most common reasons for disability, which should be treated by care and attention to the needs of the patient.
The research method of the study incorporates the research of the correlation within 40 families, where stroke survivors appeared. These survivors have either severe or moderate functional impairment. The course of the research was designed based on a survey, where the survivor and his or her spouse had to fill in several indexes Herth Hope Index (a measure of hope), the Health Options Scale (a measure of health work), the Reintegration to Normal Living Index (a measure of the quality of life) and a demographic questionnaire.
The literature review and the theoretical basis of the research include up to 50 articles and research papers on the issues of cardiovascular attacks, recovery period, and treatment of the survivors. Some of the papers touch upon the issues of care and overcoming of the difficulties associated with disability. From this point of view, it should be stated that the theoretical gap is filled with the previous researches, while the practical results are processed based on the survey analysis. Thus, all the gaps on the matters of post-stroke care and family health promotion are closely linked with the medical patterns of care and health status.
The main idea of the research is stated in the notion that the disability of the person changes the family structure, and the relations within the family become restructured essentially, as the families have to face the serious difficulties, associated with the adjustment to the physical emotional, and psychological consequences of the stroke. Thus, social roles may be changed, which causes stress.
As for the variables of the research, it should be emphasized that the dependent and independent variables are stated in the theoretical framework part of the paper. Thus, health potential, the strengths, motivation, and resources of the family and its members, is suggested to affect engagement in health work positively and may be regarded as the independent variables, as they define the level and rapidness of recovery.
As for the dependent variables – these are the physical condition of the post-stroke person, the attitude of his or her family towards the care process, and disability in general. Family strength may be also regarded as the dependable variable, as it depends on the moral strength of each member, and influences essentially on the recovery process in general, regulating the moral spirit of the patient.
The collected data were analyzed based on the Herth Studies, which offered the scale of evaluating the hope index and health options. From the perspective of the average demographic data, which was also collected from the 40 families, who participated in the research, the evaluations of the scales of hope Health Options and Reintegration to Normal Living Index were analyzed without taking into consideration the possible restrictions. Thus, various tools should be used for the survivors and their spouses, as their representations on the matters of care and post-stroke requirements often differ essentially.
Ethical issues, associated with this research incorporate the issues of hope for recovery. Surely, everything depends on the person, as a survivor may lose any hope for recovery and further full-fledged life, while his or her spouse has the high index of hope or vice versa. Consequently, the ethical responsibility will be associated with saving the privacy of responses.
Finally, it should be emphasized that the study contributes to the knowledge associated with health promotion and the quality of life issues, related to the lives of stroke survivors and their families. The importance of rehabilitation is emphasized, which depends on the care of the spouse, and the attitude towards the patient by his or her family in general. Based on the results of this paper, clinicians can gain a deeper insight into the issues of living with disability and the positive experience of proper care.
Reference List
Bluvol, A., Ford-Gilboe, M., Bluvol, A. & Ford-Gilboe, M. 2004, ‘Hope, health work and quality of life in families of stroke survivors. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(4), 322-32.