Nursing Profession: The Role of Values

Subject: Nursing
Pages: 3
Words: 828
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College

The best approach to move through life is one informed by principles and values. This is because they provide us with the way forward when met by different situations and problems by ensuring we stay on the side of what is right and true. The personal values and beliefs that are important to me include justice, discipline, and kindness. I believe in actions and behaviours that are in line with what is morally right and fair. To me this is one of the most valuable principles because it makes sure I approach every situation objectively without any friction. I also believe in doing what needs to be done even if I do not feel like doing it, be it sticking to a schedule or executing a given task at a given time. This is the best way to ensure consistency and that things are done on time. Finally, being considerate and friendly reinforces the aforementioned values and provides a calm assurance that I am on the right path.

Nursing is a highly trusted profession founded on professional ethics and values. These values are directives that dictate the formulation of standards and delivery and evaluation of care to ensure the best outcomes for all stakeholders (Scott, 2017). They include human dignity, integrity, altruism, and justice as outlined in the code of ethics (Schmidt & McArthur, 2018). These are invaluable principles because they encompass what makes for optimal care. The concept of human dignity is based on the acknowledgement of the integrity of human beings and their beliefs. This respect then allows nurses to proceed with care in a way that upholds their patients’ dignity. Nursing also requires that practice follow standards and the regulatory beliefs of the particular institution. The professional nurse also always keeps patient needs above their own and is always impartial and fair. Upholding these values means nurses will always be meeting expectations and can contribute to the evolution of the profession. It is by correct execution that nurses can contribute to the continued professionalization of nursing.

My personal values and beliefs and those of nursing practice align on the need to ensure the best outcome in any situation. Both my values and those of nursing practice are geared towards what is optimal in the given circumstances. Values and beliefs are reflected in even the smallest actions, and it is these that make the biggest difference. For instance, nurse-patient interactions have a significant impact on the patient’s psychology and something like actively listening in a non-judgemental way will go a long way in making them feel positive about their recovery. I crated my values to make sure I always act in a manner that sets up the best human experience for me and those around me. Nursing practice values are meant to ensure that nurses always deliver top quality care (Elliott, 2017). These tenets have evolved over the history of the profession and are informed by what works. Strict adherence is not only the mark of a true professional but also an individual dedicated to making an impact.

The self-care deficit theory resonates best with my personal belief system. This model is based on the tenet that nurses should only come in where the patient or those closest to them cannot execute optimally. The theory holds that the role of the nurse is to facilitate recovery by moving patients through the process in a maturational way (Tanaka, 2022). In other words, the patient is given more autonomy as they become more capable. This model makes for the best approach to care because it encompasses the idea of justice, kindness, and requires a highly disciplined individual to stay on top of the patient’s progression along the recovery continuum. Patient needs and capabilities are always changing during the recovery process and nurses should always be aware of the current stage. Creating this awareness means constantly assessing the environment and determining what the patient or those close to them can or cannot do. This is not an easy task to do repeatedly, which is why the caregiver would need to embody the values stated above.

The values of justice, discipline, kindness, human dignity, altruism, and integrity form a strong foundation upon which to base nursing practice. All stakeholders stand to realize many benefits from strict adherence to these tenets because they remove friction and introduce efficiency. Efficiency translates to proper resource allocation, which is directly tied to positive outcomes. Most of the time a big outcome depends on the correct execution of a small aspect of care and together these values ensure that will always happen. This combination will allow me to touch on all aspects of care like delivering interventions on time, assessing needs accurately, communicating effectively, and being there when I am needed. It will also mean I am always adhering to nursing standards and expectations. Care that is characterised this way is always effective, which is why it will make a difference in my patients’ lives.


Elliott, A. M. (2017). Identifying professional values in nursing: An integrative review. Teaching and learning in Nursing, 12(3), 201-206.

Schmidt, B. J., & McArthur, E. C. (2018). Professional nursing values: A concept analysis. Nursing forum, 53(1), 69-75.

Scott, P. A. (2017). Nursing and the ethical dimension of practice. Key concepts and issues in nursing ethics. Springer.

Tanaka, M. (2022). Orem’s nursing self‐care deficit theory: A theoretical analysis focusing on its philosophical and sociological foundation. Nursing forum, 57(3), 480-485.