🏥 Essays on Administration and Regulation - Page 2

Administration and Regulation

Medicaid: Provided Services and Costs

Introduction Medicaid is a program that is designed to meet the needs of poor individuals and families who have limited resources. It is essentially an entitlement program that is funded through the collaboration of the states and the government. (Agency for health care administration, n.p.) Medicaid which was established on...

Administration and Regulation

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Improvement or Liability

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly known as Obamacare, is major legislation passed in 2010 by President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Since the day of its passage, it has been a matter of controversy for various reasons. On the one hand, it is a considerable...

Administration and Regulation

Emergency Room Overcrowding: How Far Have We Come?

Introduction The emergency department room sometimes called the emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW), accident & emergency (A&E) section or known as casualty department is a hospital or primary care department that provides initial treatment to patients with a broad range of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be...

Administration and Regulation

S-P-O Model of Healthcare Quality

The quality of healthcare services is the crucial concept of the S-P-O model. Structure, process, and outcome, the principal components of the model base on the quality in all aspects. The structure is the competence of caregivers and medical equipment, the process includes all the elements such as treatment and...

Administration and Regulation

Notion of Demarketing and Its Implications in Healthcare

Introduction The possibility of influencing consumer demand is a valuable entrepreneurial driver that is usually utilized to increase sales of specific goods or services. However, in some cases, marketing practices are aimed in the opposite direction and involve active advertising in relation to reducing the share of product sales. This...

Administration and Regulation

Mayo Clinic’s Strategy in Healthcare Marketplace

Introduction With increased competition in the field of health care, medical organizations have begun to apply marketing tools to dissociate from their rivals and attract more clients. To remain competitive, a healthcare organization sometimes needs to rethink its marketing strategy and make some necessary changes. One of the recent improvements...

Administration and Regulation

Geriatric Fall Prevention: Interdisciplinary Approach

Interview Summary For this interview, my nurse colleague working for the Geriatric Care clinic was selected to clarify the challenges faced by this organization. The role of the chosen interview lies in managing routine care for older adult patients, including their nutrition, hygiene, medication intake, and other services. As stated...

Administration and Regulation

Planning as a Primary Management Tool in Healthcare

Introduction It is hard to disagree that if the healthcare organization wants to be successful, it needs to have a good strategy and plan. However, it is not very easy to make a plan that will lead a company to its bright future. There are several types of planning and...

Administration and Regulation

“Improving Resiliency in Healthcare Employees” by Werneburg et al.

The article “Improving resiliency in healthcare employees” by Werneburg et al. (2018) examines the influence of a specific training program on increasing resiliency and improving health behaviors in healthcare employees. This article was published in the American Journal of Health Behavior in 2018. The research conducted by these authors involved...

Administration and Regulation

Training Programs Evaluation Motives in a Hospital

Companies are investing vast amounts of money in training programs to gain a competitive advantage. Studies on the effectiveness of such programs revealed that “companies that conduct training are likely to have more positive human resource outcomes and greater performance outcomes” (Noe, 2010, p. 217). However, it is also essential...

Administration and Regulation

Organizational Leadership and Interprofessional Team Development

Introduction Healthcare reforms in recent years have focused on quality improvement (QI) and patient-family-centered care (PFCC) delivery in a bid to cut down costs and enhance efficiency. Developing essential skills in organizational leaders and interprofessional teams is critical to building a patient-centric culture to support these goals. In particular, competencies...

Administration and Regulation

Medical Trade Shows: A Business Event Brief

The Type of Event, Its Mission, and Objectives The business event to be described in this brief is the technological innovations trade show for healthcare specialists. The selected industry, thus, is the medical one, and the event will be interesting for a wide range of professionals. A trade show as...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Organizations’ Marketing in Richmond, Virginia

Introduction Marketing is critical component for healthcare organizations in the context of the U.S. private consumer-based health system. It allows to provide awareness to the population about the services and facilities that are offered at the location and make it appealable so that individuals choose it for healthcare delivery when...

Administration and Regulation

Diversity Management and Competition in Healthcare

It is wrong to think that competition between medical personnel within one hospital is the impact of current trends in health care. Doctors, as specialists, will always have their own opinion about a particular problem or treatment process of patients. If two professionals are involved in the treatment of one...

Administration and Regulation

Affordable Care Act for Healthcare Leader

Introduction The United States has introduced and implemented different health policies within the past three decades to transform the quality of medical services available to the American population. Healthcare leaders (HLs) should be aware of emerging guidelines and identify the ones to introduce in their respective facilities. They should also...

Administration and Regulation

Managed Care in America, Its Pros and Cons

Introduction Managed care has become the fundamental network of the provision of treatment in the US since its implementation. Managed-care plans in the United States encompass local pharmacies to offer patients easy accessibility to economies of scale. Since medicines are bought in bulk to help with required care, the costs...

Administration and Regulation

Leveraging Change for Continuous Process Improvement

Introduction Today, scientific and business literature is abundant with guidelines and recommendations on how to manage organizational changes. Some of the most common suggestions are creating a plan, thoroughly assessing its feasibility, considering the interests of all the stakeholders, reviewing the results, and making needed corrections. The central obstruction to...

Administration and Regulation

The Doctor of Nursing Practice

Introduction The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) empowers nurses to become skilled providers of evidence-based, high-quality, and personalized care. It guides them to develop and apply superior leadership models that can eventually transform clinical practice. This paper gives a personal reflection of my performance and realization of the outlined outcomes...

Administration and Regulation

Total Quality Management Improving Patient Satisfaction

One can think of the situation when the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) results have shown to be below 50%. Such a case is very realistic and indeed occurs from time to time in institutions of healthcare. To deal with such a situation and raise the...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Systems and Planning in New York

A nurse-led EBP intervention inevitably has to interact with healthcare systems at a local level. The majority of nurses do not have the pull and the resources to solicit a large-scale intervention. At the same time, any EBP must first be generated at the local level. The purpose of this...

Administration and Regulation

Critical Analysis of Patient Care Information Systems in Australia

Introduction The purpose of the healthcare sector is to maximise the experiences and medical outcomes of the targeted population. The Australian government has implemented a powerful structure that ensures that majority of the citizens receive timely, reliable and affordable medical care. This goal has been achieved due to the presence...

Administration and Regulation

Creating Shared Value in the Hospitality Industry

The proposed title of the research is The impact of creating shared value (CSV) on hotels’ and restaurants’ performance. The study will identify the effect of CSV as a part of the management process on the performance of hotels and restaurants. The primary suggestion and the thesis statement of the...

Administration and Regulation

Views on Healthcare Administration

Health care system has a complicated structure with many stakeholders that have different and sometimes competing views on healthcare administration. The health care costs are increasing due to various factors pushing health care system stakeholders to search for strategies to improve cost-efficiency. The government and insurance companies advocate the concept...

Administration and Regulation

Reforming Health Care in the United States

Health care system in the United States is in need of reformation since it has some obvious flaws. The primary goal of change in healthcare is to improve patient outcomes while improving cost efficiency. However, researchers and stakeholders differ in opinions which elements of the system need reformation the most....

Administration and Regulation

Critique Analysis of Health Related Policies

Healthcare policies are becoming more and more debated nowadays, as this topic is one of the top 3 concerns. A healthcare policy represents a set of methods and rules aimed at shaping health delivery. Such a system covers many long-term issues concerning financing health programs, public health, chronic and mental...

Administration and Regulation

New Healthcare Public Management: Failed Panacea

Public management theories and health care are the two subjects that have been interconnected from the start, with the rise and fall of particular paradigms mirroring across both spheres of academic discourse in equal measure. For the majority of the 20th century, health care in the US was considered to...

Administration and Regulation

Eliminating Medical Errors – Improving Quality

Although the US healthcare system is often regarded as exemplary in the world, it is rather cost-ineffective and characterized by a lack of equity. Medical error is one of the major factors that have an adverse impact on American health care. Makary and Daniel (2016) note that medical error is...

Administration and Regulation

Quality Director in Healthcare

A quality director is the first position that I was a CEO need to identify after management commitment has been achieved. Since this job is an authoritative one, only experienced candidates with relevant hospital backgrounds in patient safety, quality, or performance improvement should be considered. The level of education should...

Administration and Regulation

Local Medical Center: Quality and Sustainability

Introduction Quality is a top priority of all organizations operating in the modern world, and healthcare facilities are no exception. The administration of Avicenna’s Center, a local medical center, acknowledges the need to improve the quality of services provided in several departments, including their cardiovascular surgery department. The medical staff...

Administration and Regulation

The Twin Mountains Medical Center: Redesigning the Existing Healthcare Setting

Health Care Entity The Twin Mountains Medical Center (TMMC) is a private healthcare entity that has been operating in New York City since 1962. The hospital belongs to a nonprofit system that provides a variety of healthcare services to the local community. The TMMC facility has 300 beds and is...

Administration and Regulation

Australia’s Health System: Some Issues and Challenges

Introduction The Australian health system had undergone and continues to experience rapid change and innovation. It is part of the social governance of the country with an objective to enhance public health. Health policy is the primary focus of the political agenda as significant challenges remain. The report will investigate...

Administration and Regulation

Manufacturing Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Manufacturing and healthcare may seem similar since they both aim at constant improvement. However, these two areas differ in the matter that healthcare focuses on people and their needs rather than on the product. Two contrasting trends of standardization and customization develop simultaneously due to the complex nature of...

Administration and Regulation

Clinic’s Early Screen for Discharge Planning Tool

Healthcare specialists have a huge variety of tasks, including evaluating patients’ conditions, monitoring treatment outcomes, and helping clients deal with their health issues. However, to guarantee further improvement in patients’ health and facilitate home health agencies’ work, thorough planning after a hospital discharge is required. Problem Statement The absence of...

Administration and Regulation

Hospital Safety Survey

Introducing the principles of quality performance into the healthcare environment is critical for managing patients’ needs and preventing medical errors from occurring in the clinical context. A set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will have to be developed to evaluate the quality of delivered services (Al-Shdaifat, 2015). The areas of...

Administration and Regulation

Behavioral Health: Risks and Quality

Introduction Project management requires one to assess all prospective issues and difficulties that can arise throughout the course of operations to ensure successful achievement of goals. In addition, quality assurance plans allow the project manager to ensure that activities meet the highest standards of quality. The Risk Matrix will outline...

Administration and Regulation

Behavioral Health: Baseline Management and Staffing Plans

Introduction Team management and development are vital for Behavioral Health (BH) UM because the project targets people’s mental health and requires input from professionals experienced in medicine who can provide sufficient support to the participants. Criteria that can be used to evaluate this plan are its applicability to the vision...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Organizational Planning

Introduction Organizational planning in the health care area is a regular process, which affects the efficiency and economic reasonability of the relevant institutions. I would like to emphasize that appropriate organizational planning requires the identification of a management system to be applied subsequently. The management system provides guidance on aspects...

Administration and Regulation

Quality Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Introduction The urgency of the modification of the U.S. healthcare legislation was caused by a number of concerns and shortcomings of the then existing regulations. According to Ogundipe et al. (2015), “rising costs of health care coupled with lack of access to health insurance affected many Americans” (p. 51). A...

Administration and Regulation

International Health Policy for the United States

Introduction The characteristics of different approaches to addressing health care policies for citizens vary across countries. Braithwaite et al. (2017) state that the Commonwealth Fund determines promising practices that contribute to creating a high-performing healthcare system in the United States. A comparative analysis based upon its report might provide a...

Administration and Regulation

FOCUS-PDSA: Applying Process Improvement Models

One of the most useful models for quality improvement initiatives in healthcare is PDSA (plan-do-study-act). The necessary four steps give nurses an ability to collect and analyze information and turn it into practical knowledge and a strategy that can be implemented in the unit and the organization (Agency for Healthcare...

Administration and Regulation

Abu Dhabi XYZ Hospital’s Quality Improvement

Quality management in hospitals is crucial to achieving better patient outcomes. In neonatal and pediatric intensive care, high-quality services can also help to save patients’ lives. Quality, costs, and deliverables are the key indicators of performance that can be applied in this environment. Managers have a unique role in Gemba...

Administration and Regulation

Workplace Virtualization & Efficiency in Medicine

Virtual workplaces are widely used in almost every field of activity. In clinical practice, however, it is not possible to perform surgery remotely, but today entire virtual communities are being created, where everyone can consult with a doctor online. The way of virtual work allows more efficient use of time...

Administration and Regulation

Culture of Quality in Healthcare Organizations

The current situation shows that despite serious technological advancements, the quality of healthcare is considered to be poor in the United States. As Joshi, Ransom, Nash, and Ransom (2014) admit, the cost of care varies greatly across the country, making medical services inaccessible for particular social groups. To create a...

Administration and Regulation

Accountable Culture at the Hospital Workplace

Taking responsibility for occurrences related to one’s work performance is an essential part of professional life, as it indicates both honesty and integrity that stems from a desire to better one’s work ethic. In medicine, the accountability of healthcare specialists is an essential prerequisite to increasing the quality of provided...

Administration and Regulation

Inter-Hospital Transfer Safety Concerns

Introduction The modern health care sector faces multiple problems related to the provision of care to patients in appropriate ways and preservation of the high quality of their lives. The increased complexity of cases that are observed today along with the high level of requirements to outcomes demands the use...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Quality and Surgical Safety in the US

The quality of healthcare is a major concern around the globe. According to Ransom, Joshi, Nash, and Ransom (2014), the quality of US healthcare is not satisfactory enough since many scientific findings are not implemented into practice. Additionally, the differences in standards of methods and the occurrence of unnecessary or...

Administration and Regulation

2020 National Patient Safety Goal #1 for Nurses

A Culture of Safety Patient safety is a crucial and fundamental element of quality nursing care. It denotes the nonexistence of avoidable harm to patients in the course of obtaining health care and prevention of risks of needless harm linked to medical attention to a tolerable minimum. Nevertheless, the health...

Administration and Regulation

Nursing Leadership and Organizational Analysis

Introduction Conflicts are an indispensable part of human communication, and they are specifically common in such hectic environments as the healthcare setting. Nursing practitioners are overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities, which makes them emotional and reluctant to collaborate with others. Nurses have to address various types of conflicts in their...

Administration and Regulation

Human Resource Challenges in Healthcare

Abstract This article is devoted to the question of human resources management in the health services sphere. Development a business-processes, enterprises in the public health, the transition to insurance medicine puts before the leader of medical founding a problem of improvement of organizing culture and quality of management, the fullest...

Administration and Regulation

Variance Analysis in the Hospitals

Variance analysis is a tool used in all organizations, for-profit and non-profit alike. In healthcare, there are several major factors to be considered that affect budget variance. The size of the hospital and the actual utilization of healthcare services are the main factors that affect budget estimations and actual costs...

Administration and Regulation

Patient Waiting in Pharmacy: Process Improvement

Waiting in pharmacy lines is a problem that increases patient dissatisfaction and decreases convenience when purchasing prescribed medication. Thus, the goals of the current DMAIC project are to reduce wait times and to educate patients on the effective and time-efficient procedures of getting a prescription. At the moment, the process...

Administration and Regulation

Affordable Care Act and Hospitalization Processes

Introduction According to the Encyclopedia of Surgery (2010), admission to a hospital can result from a positive experience such as delivering a child, elective surgery, or other therapeutic procedures or due to an emergency experience in the emergency department. Admission into the emergency room is the most hectic of the...

Administration and Regulation

Accountable Care Organization and Healthcare Costs

Introduction An Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a group of coordinated healthcare practitioners who offer quality care to Medicare patients in order to enhance health outcomes and lower medical costs. The main goal of ACOs is to lower the prevalence of medical errors and to ensure that unnecessary medical services...

Administration and Regulation

Patient Care and Health Insurance Act (HIPAA)

A variety of factors may determine the quality of care offered to patients of radiology units and other hospital departments. However, despite the intentions of personnel and available resources, the necessity to meet the law and follow the established regulations cannot be ignored. In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and...

Administration and Regulation

Quality of Healthcare and Safety Measures

Introduction Hospitals and institutional managers should provide medical services that are safe and capable of meeting or exceeding the unique expectations of their patients. Healthcare workers and their respective leaders can apply their competencies, improve the level of communication, and promote desirable values in an attempt to advocate for different...

Administration and Regulation

Australia’s Health Policy Improvement

Introduction Health policy is a critical aspect of social governance in a country. It refers to the decisions, direction, and implementation of medical care with the aim to achieve an objective that enhances public health. Health policy is complex and has to address the health needs of the demographic population....

Administration and Regulation

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)

One of the main aims that every developed and civilized country tends to pursue is providing its citizens with an effective healthcare system. In the United States, the primary legal source that regulates relations and dictates policy in the mentioned sphere is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)....

Administration and Regulation

Language Barriers and Access to Psychiatric Care

Introduction The cultural aspect plays a significant role in communication among individuals. This fact is especially apparent when people come from different backgrounds and have different value systems and customs of life. Religion is a central component of the issue, as many of the fundamental principles in any society are...

Administration and Regulation

Gaps in Equity Related to Mental Health Access for Veterans

Introduction The gap in Healthcare Delivery Ensuring the improved outcomes within the sphere of mental health for veterans is among the critical healthcare priorities due to the high intensity of the work they have done as well as the range of adverse consequences that occur as a result of it....

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Policy: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The current major healthcare issue in the U.S. is the healthcare system itself. The nation is more aligned with a sick care system than a health care system, which aims to manage disease than improve health (TEDMED, 2012). Therefore, it gives little consideration to other predisposing factors, such as food...

Administration and Regulation

Safety and Healthcare Workers’ Errors Prevention

Introduction Today, millions of people die because of medical errors and poorly organized safety issues in hospitals and other medical facilities. The question of patient safety remains an urgent point for consideration among researchers from different parts of the world. In the United States, more than 250,000 people die annually;...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Services in the U.S.

The ultimate goal of healthcare services in the US is to ensure that all individuals receive the highest quality of care at the most affordable costs possible. Equality in access is also exceedingly important because the availability of services plays a defining role in whether patients will receive the care...

Administration and Regulation

The 2010 IOM Report and the Future of Nursing

Introduction The 2010 IOM report is the result of a massive collaborative effort performed by the IOM (Institute of Medicine) and the RWJF (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). The two-year initiative, which was launched in 2008, was aimed to assess, analyze, and transform the nursing profession at its core, starting with...

Administration and Regulation

Elizabeth Warren vs. Joe Biden: Healthcare Programs Analysis

Joe Biden Providing American citizens with affordable healthcare was the primary objective of Barack Obama. With his Affordable Care Act, he partially solved the issue. However, the challenge of receiving healthcare services persists because of high costs. Joe Biden, who is running for president, aims to use the Affordable Care...

Administration and Regulation

Health, Safety, and Security in the Salon and Spa

Introduction Hygiene and overall safety of spa salons are critically important due to the fact that customers are vulnerable to a number of dangers. Risk assessment process is an essential part of evaluating the overall cleanliness and safety measures present at the given site. When using a sauna or spa,...

Administration and Regulation

Universal Healthcare in the United States

Introduction Universal healthcare is an extremely controversial socio-political topic in the United States. The term implies a healthcare system that provides broad and extensive coverage to all citizens and residents of the country. With the current market-based healthcare system experiencing many failures and becoming unsustainable in the long term, the...

Administration and Regulation

Sales Pitch for Operating Efficiency in Hospital

Introduction In Need of Improvement? describes a situation of the hospital that experiences some challenges in relation to organization and management. The administrative staff specialist is required to improve its operating efficiency. In this paper, the “sales pitch” will be developed and proposed to improve the situation, as well as...

Administration and Regulation

Academic Congress for Medical Career Development

Introduction Being a member of joint work aimed at discussing topical issues is of importance not only for research but also for practical activities. Recent participation in a three-day academic Congress is an example of how productive the exchange of experience with colleagues may be. This high score is due...

Administration and Regulation

Health Information Exchange Process

Health information exchange (HIE) is a process that uses electronic resources for allowing healthcare providers and their patients to share, store, and manage health information safely. It has been concluded that the use of paper to store health information was unsafe and inefficient, and the use of HIE technologies could...

Administration and Regulation

The Concept of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction The modern health care system faces diverse challenges that demand efficient responses to guarantee improved outcomes and promote the further development of care delivery. However, the complexity of problematic issues and the tendency towards their further sophistication introduce a critical need for the integration of different fields of knowledge...

Administration and Regulation

Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Benchmark Evaluation

Barnes Jewish Hospital is a successful healthcare establishment with standards of high quality. The benchmark evaluation has identified that only three metrics in the hospital require serious attention – patient satisfaction, readmission rates, and standardized infection ratio. The three metrics require improvement as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has set...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Reform, Finances and Productivity

Healthcare Reform Legislation Obama Care targets to reduce the increments of cost in the healthcare system. The legislation has impacts on the national expenses and the insurances. The extension of insurances of health promotes an increment in medical expenditures within the short run. In meeting its obligations, the legislation may...

Administration and Regulation

Shadowing a Substance Abuse Counselor

Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Strengths The first strength of Healthways Services is that the organization is a highly reputable company that provides quality services. Its reputation in terms of providing superior substance abuse counseling services elevates its credibility. The organization also has qualified staff members who act...

Administration and Regulation

Nursing Quality Improvement for Patient Satisfaction

The system of health care is in need for reforms to meet the growing demands of the consumers. The initiatives directed at quality and performance improvement are the moving forces of the changes in the United States healthcare system (Weston & Roberts, 2013). The aim of these initiatives reflect the...

Administration and Regulation

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis

A SWOT analysis requires an internal and external environmental scan of issues that would influence the cost of healthcare (Ghazinoory, Abdi, & Azadegan-Mehr, 2011; Hamidi & Delbahari, 2011). These issues are evaluated by reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization and their effects on the delivery of...

Administration and Regulation

Process Flow Analysis in Healthcare

Process Flow Chart: Emergency Department Patient Admission Process Flow Analysis The process analyzed in this process flow chart is the admission of patients in a hospital. Patients enter through the emergency department (ED), where they undergo registration upon arrival before being sorted to establish the priority of different cases. If...

Administration and Regulation

The US and the Germany Healthcare System

Introduction The American healthcare system is characterized by different programs that provide medical cover to different citizens. Small children can be covered by the Children’s Health Insurance Program. However, CHIP provides “coverage to children in specific families that qualify for Medicaid” (McDonough, 2015, p. 42). Eligible children benefit from emergency...

Administration and Regulation

Compliance and Strategic Planning in Healthcare

Why compliance planning is so important to health care organizations Planning as a process entails the prediction of the future guiding principle (i.e., why an action, what action, how to take action, and when to take action). These why, when, how, and what is related to different aspects of the...

Administration and Regulation

Developing a Balanced Scorecard

A balanced scorecard technique could be used to measure performance in strategic planning. Its development requires a translation of strategic goals into actionable and tangible objectives (Kollberg & Elg, 2011). Based on a quest to address rising healthcare costs, the balanced scorecard tool should hinge on four key pillars: financial,...

Administration and Regulation

Rising Costs as a Challenge Affecting the Healthcare Sector

Developing a Strategic Plan Rising healthcare costs affect access to medical services. Budget cuts from government agencies have made matters worse because practitioners are struggling to deliver quality services with few resources (Houston, Bradham, Muñoz, & Guignard, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to understand the rising costs as...

Administration and Regulation

Human Resources Challenges in Healthcare

Abstract The absence of adequate literature focusing on human resources (HR) in healthcare makes it impossible for managers to achieve their potential. HR leaders have to deal with numerous challenges if they are to support the sustainability of medical services. The suggested proposal seeks to analyze such HR challenges and...

Administration and Regulation

The US Health Care

What in broad terms is the health care crisis in the United States? Although the US is considered the most prosperous nation on earth, it is ironic that its health care system is in a crisis. The country is renowned for its finest medical schools, medical institutions, and hospitals all...

Administration and Regulation

Belmont Village Facility’s High Employee Turnover

Identification of Issues Belmont Village is a long-term care facility for older people, which provides the necessary support to fulfill its residents’ needs. Healthcare workers, including nurses, form a significant share of workers, as they provide needs-specific medical assistance to Belmont Village residents. Older adults living in the facility face...

Administration and Regulation

Queens Hospital Center’s Smoking Cessation Program

Let me start by expressing my gratitude for the honor of accepting to partner with Queens Hospital center in the quest to bring about positive changes in the organization. Queens Hospital Center is faced with several problems that affect the quality of services offered to clients. We have developed an...

Administration and Regulation

Addressing an Unmet Need through Strategic Planning

Rising healthcare costs pose a challenge to patients because it limits access to health services. This problem is associated with people’s quest to live longer and healthier lives because a combination of high demand for health services with an inadequate supply of resources has created an imbalance in the provision...

Administration and Regulation

US National Public Health Performance Standards

Introduction The National Public Health Performance Standards (NPHPS) framework is useful in improving public health practice in a country (CDC, 2013a). These standards strengthen the public health systems at local, state, and national levels. In addition, the NPHPS helps in assessing essential services provided in the public health system. This...

Administration and Regulation

Using Evaluation Tools to Assess Quality

Assessing Quality Improvement Efforts Many quality improvement processes are continuous because they are subject to periodic reviews (Soklaridis, 2014). However, nurse managers need to employ the right tools for proper evaluations to occur. This paper explores the use of the learning organization as an evaluation tool for assessing quality improvement...

Administration and Regulation

Bottom-up to Top-Down Modeling Comparison

Compare bottom-up to top-down modeling. What is the best approach to arrive at an effective data model? The task to create an effective data model can be tackled from two opposite directions, which can be beneficial in certain circumstances. The top-down approach to database design is considered to be the...

Administration and Regulation

Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s Performance and Policies

Healthcare industry requires setting high standards of performance and evaluating the current efficiency of an organization with regards to those standards. As Krause (2017) states, benchmarking is an essential component of strategic planning in any industry. The practice is vital for both motivating the employees and in encouraging them to...

Administration and Regulation

Nursing Leadership Development Needs Assessment

Introduction There is a propensity toward conflating the notions of leadership and management in many business settings (Rokstad, Vatne, Engedal, & Selbæk, 2015). Although the notions are very close, there is a major difference between them. While management is primarily task-oriented, leadership is supposed to change employees’ attitudes toward their...

Administration and Regulation

Human Capital Management in the Health Sector

Definition of human capital management Human capital in an organization can be defined as a planned approach to people management. It focuses on attributes portrayed by an individual that is regarded to be productive in some way to the success of that particular organization. Commonly, human capital is related to...

Administration and Regulation

Legal Aspects of Healthcare Administration

Medical Staff The delineation of clinical privileges is important for improving the quality of patient care. This process is aimed at determining whether an individual practitioner can be allowed to perform diagnostic tests or therapeutic procedures (Pozgar, 2011, p. 182). It is essential for ensuring that the treatment is provided...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Evaluation Plan

Evaluation is a critical part of quality improvement processes because it allows healthcare practitioners to identify gaps in quality management (Hickey & Brosnan, 2017). This paper reviews the methods for evaluating quality improvement initiatives, possible metrics for integrating quality indicators, tools for data presentation, and techniques for achieving an integrated...

Administration and Regulation

Quality and Risk Management in Health Care

Quality Management Quality management is the act of managing all activities and responsibilities required to uphold a desired level of quality. This consists of evolving and executing quality planning and reassurance, in addition to control of quality and quality development. It is also termed TQM. By definition, it does not...

Administration and Regulation

Health Care Financing Approaches

Comparison Questions Market-Based Approach Government-Funded Approach 1. Who is provided access? Access is provided to all individuals. However, the barrier of access is the pricing of health care services and insurance. Therefore, only those able to afford to finance their healthcare without support from government programs are provided access. A...

Administration and Regulation

Clinical Practice’s Operations Plan

The typical patient experience will be one that leaves a lasting impression due to the manner in which they will be handled. As mentioned in the practice definition, one of the core values to guide the practice will be professionalism. The patients will be given priority at all accounts and...

Administration and Regulation

Universal Health Services Performance: Financial Ratios

Introduction Universal Health Services (UHS) takes the leading position among the healthcare organizations located in the United States. However, to analyze the company’s performance, it is relevant to refer to financial ratios that can reflect the organization’s profitability and liquidity (Universal Health Services, 2016). The analysis of ratios is also...

Administration and Regulation

Public Health Sector Privatization in Saudi Arabia

The title of the proposed investigation To investigate the success of public health sector privatization in Saudi Arabia Aims of the research Though the study has been designed to test the independent and dependent variables empirically, the aims of the study include To ascertain the impact of privatization of the...

Administration and Regulation

The UK National Health Service

After reviewing the United Kingdom’s healthcare system, how does it compare to the United States. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Each of the countries that make up the United Kingdom has its own National Health Service. Access to healthcare is a basic right to all citizens and...

Administration and Regulation

O’Neill’s Clinical Decision-Making Model

Decision making is the process of developing an answer to a particular problem. The dichotomy of individual and group decision making is paramount for nursing due to the fact that professional choices directly influence people’s wellbeing and life (7. Shaban, 2015). Administering the wrong dosage of a drug could lead...

Administration and Regulation

Canadian Healthcare System: Leadership and Management

Ethics is clearly one of the basic issues in healthcare. Without a proper ethical code, healthcare industry will not be able to provide its patients with high quality services. However, ethics depends heavily on leadership issues, and the case study conducted by Lawrence and Morris (2009) is a graphic example...

Administration and Regulation

Canadian Healthcare System and Needed Adjustments

Introduction Canada, as a developed nation, is currently experiencing an aging population in its demographics. It arises from low birth rates, good quality healthcare, and longer lifespan for its citizenry. Due to advancement in healthcare, more people are living longer than before, despite an increase in the number of chronic...