🍵 Essays on Healthy Nutrition

To write a good paper on healthy nutrition, you need to recognize how critical the topic is. To do so, you should learn about the different nutrients and their contribution to the human body’s health. In addition, you should study how to create a balanced diet plan.

Healthy nutrition is a complex topic that requires proper research and evaluation. However, you can write a good paper on the subject without any struggle by gaining more knowledge from our essay samples.

Healthy Nutrition

Nutritional Practices Promoting Healthy Development

Healthy eating practices promotion is vital for children because it ensures their stable and optimal growth. Moreover, it gives them energy, motivation, and encouragement to learn. Not only does healthy eating imply eating vegetables, fruits, and meat, but also taking vitamins, building a healthy relationship with food, and establishing proper...

Healthy Nutrition

Nutrients’ Role in Maintaining Human Health

Carbohydrates are also referred to as energy-giving foods, which play a big role in providing the body with energy. Carbohydrates usually take the form of sugars and starch, with common examples being foods such as maize meal, arrow roots, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, etc. Proteins play the role of bodybuilding...

Healthy Nutrition

Diet for Bodybuilders and Aerobic Athletes

The writer chose to compare and contrast the diets and supplemental schedules of two bodybuilders (Arnold Schwartzenegger and Jay Cutler) and two long-distance runners (Ryan Hall and Hal Higdon). The diet of Arnold is similar to that of Jay, as both have comparable nutritional needs. They both consume protein-rich meals,...

Healthy Nutrition

A Child’s Critical Nutritional Issues and Nutrient Needs

For the child’s body, it is especial to receive such minerals as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, which contribute to the normal development of bone tissue and teeth. They play a massive role in the processes of hematopoiesis. The largest number of trace elements and minerals is found in the following products....

Healthy Nutrition

Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of a New Fitness Plan

An appropriate fitness plan can aid an individual in easing weight loss. Several fitness plans have been developed. With all these plans, the subjects are encouraged to use more calories than they can consume. Before settling on a specific fitness plan, an individual is advised to adopt specific guidelines that...

Healthy Nutrition

Nutrition Telemedicine Program for Older Adults

Proper eating is known to play a significant role in the wellbeing of any person, and dieting is vital for a healthy lifestyle. This is especially important for older adults who have diabetes, as the quality of their life depends on what they eat. Telemedicine can offer a solution to...

Healthy Nutrition

Ideal Nutritional Requirements

Introduction The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person’s weight (kgs) by their height (m2). My weight is 230 pounds (104kgs) and height is 5’5 feet (1.65 meters), therefore; BMI = 104/2.725 = 37.82 The result indicates that my BMI is way above the recommended range for...

Healthy Nutrition

Carbohydrate Ingredients in Recipes

Monosaccharides are the smallest molecules of carbohydrates that the body absorbs after digestion of food and utilize them in the production of energy during cellular respiration. Glucose, galactose, and fructose are the three types of monosaccharides that exist in nature for they originate from cane sugar, milk sugar, and fruit...

Healthy Nutrition

Soluble Vitamins, Fat-Soluble Vitamins, and Minerals

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and its functions are to improve vision and prevent clinical eye disease called xerophthalmia, maintain healthy skin, ensure the growth of healthy teeth and bones, and enhance the immune system. Fortified milk, butter, eggs, liver, and cream are animal sources of vitamin A while...

Healthy Nutrition

How Body Uses Proteins and Where It Gets Them From

Primarily, the body uses proteins in growth and development for they are building blocks of cells, tissues, and organs. Moreover, the body uses proteins for repairing worn-out cells, tissues, and organs and maintaining their integrity. As the body requires chemical messengers, it uses proteins in the production of hormones such...

Healthy Nutrition

Fish Oil: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

For the past few years, most US residents have turned to omega-3 fish oil supplements because they benefit healthy individuals and those with heart diseases. Omega-3 fish oil has docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Omega-3 fatty acids are vital nutrients necessary in preventing and managing heart diseases. Understanding...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity Prevention With Wellness Program

Obesity is a social health problem that needs communal intervention to solve. Healthy hospitals offer a viable alternative to addressing this challenge because of their vast outreach and influence within the community. A wellness program should focus on preventing obesity incidence and promoting healthy living among the people. My proposed...

Healthy Nutrition

Low Carb Diets Overview and Analysis

With the rising dilemma of obesity around the globe, concerned people have started becoming conscious of their dietary intake. Obesity and high cholesterol lead to fatal illnesses such as heart diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. What is confusing the general health-conscious populace, is whether to stick to a low-fat diet in...

Healthy Nutrition

Health, Safety and Nutrition for the Young Child

Ensuring proper health, safety, and nutrition for a young child requires strict adherence to certain health precautions. Such safety measures revolve around food storage, food sanitation, proper food handling, food preparation, and presentation, which constitute healthy and wise feeding in children. Many people are often keen on the food they...

Healthy Nutrition

Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Introduction In order to survive, every individual needs to have a food allowance. Normally, the kind of diet that an individual adheres to helps to serve various purposes such as prevention of weight gain as well as general maintenance of health. Indeed Virgil asserts that the “outmost and greatest wealth...

Healthy Nutrition

Role of Early Nutrition on Shaping Kids’ Cognitive and Physical Development

The harmonious development of children associated with a variety of factors, of which nutrition plays a key role in this process. The normal physical and mental development of a child depends on the quality and quantity of food intake. Food provides the children’s body with the necessary energy, which is...

Healthy Nutrition

Food Allergy and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children

Health problems challenge human lives in a variety of ways. It is necessary to address for help, be diagnosed, and follow a treatment plan. When a person has to deal with several diseases at the same time, the situation gets worse, especially if a patient is a child. In this...

Healthy Nutrition

Acculturation and Eating Disorders in Western Countries

Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop and identify the variables between acculturation and eating disorders. The study explores the factors of acculturation that influence eating habits. Previous studies identified that factors such as media influence, the existing cultural ideal and notions of western beauty have tremendous influence...

Healthy Nutrition

Risk Perception of Cardiovascular Diseases Among Saudi Women

Introduction Across the globe, cardiovascular diseases remain to be the leading cause of death among women. According to World Health Organization (2010), CVD accounts for one-third of deaths among women in the world. In developed countries such as the US, more women than men succumb to CVD every year (WHO,...

Healthy Nutrition

Vitamin D Deficiency and Calcium Metabolism

Abstract Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for the growth and development of all human beings. The most important function of vitamin D is to accelerate calcium absorption in the body. It regulates the body immune system and prevents diseases. This life giving vital vitamin is endogenously produced by exposure...

Healthy Nutrition

What Does the Research Say? Childhood Obesity and Parental

Involvement Over the last decade, childhood obesity has remained a serious global public health concern. This problem affects people at all levels, including the citizens of low- or middle-income countries or populations exhibiting high income levels. According to the World Health Organization (2017), the number of obese or overweight children...

Healthy Nutrition

Lipid Panels for Healthy Nutrition

The Role of Lipids, Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Cholesterol in the Diet Lipid is a collective term for biomolecules that are commonly referred to as fats. They consist of different molecules that share the common feature of being insoluble in water. There are three main categories of lipids with nutritional value:...

Healthy Nutrition

Food Log, Nutrition Plan and Healthy Diet Principles

The Diet vs. Recommended Servings The report showed that my diet slightly differed from the norm and did not correspond to the recommended servings in several cases. According to the attained data, I was not obtaining enough fruits and vegetables. Recommended nutritional patterns turned out to be rather hard to...

Healthy Nutrition

Connection Between Obesity and Alcohol

Introduction There is a range of contributing factors that increase the likelihood of obesity development in adults (National Institutes of Health, 2019). In general, such factors include physical activity, energy consumption, and macronutrient intake. As alcohol not only influences the total energy consumed by an individual but also has an...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity: Health Risks

Introduction Obesity is a label given to people who are overweight. An obese person has weight that can posses various health risks. This condition affects both adults and teens. BMI “body mass index” uses weight and height to relate to an individuals body fat. Note that the method doesn’t calculate...

Healthy Nutrition

Physical Activity Program for Obese High School Students

Abstract Implementing Structured Physical Activity Program for Obese High School Students. Customer inserts His/Her name, 2009: Concept Paper, Customer inserts the name his/her university. The concept paper was designed to provide details regarding the Implementing Structured Physical Activity Program for Obese High School Students. As the rate of the obese...

Healthy Nutrition

Eating Disorders: Causes, Effects and Treatment

Introduction Eating disorders affect millions of individuals around the globe. They affect people from all social and financial circles. In the United States alone, eating disorders are approximated to affect 5-10 million females and a million males (Mazzeo & Espelage, 2002). Levine and Smolak (2005) confirm Mazzeo and Espelage’s assertions...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity and Self-Esteem in Children and Adolescents

Obesity has reached epidemic proportion globally and childhood obesity is already epidemic in some areas and on the rise in others Research findings suggest that lack of physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental obesity, socioeconomic status, eating habits, and environmental factors, as well as genetic and metabolic conditions, are coincident with...

Healthy Nutrition

Food and Life Nutrition Program Development

Introduction Many diseases, including diabetes, are a result of unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle. These medical conditions affect millions of people in the United States, and older people in rural areas of the country are in a risk group for such diseases. Food and Life is a nutrition program that combines...

Healthy Nutrition

Decreasing Obesity Rate in Children

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations This DPI project is concerned with the exploration of the impact of the educational intervention aimed at decreasing BMI by reducing caloric intake and enhancing physical activity among Hispanic elementary-school children with obesity. The prevalence of this disorder and its comorbidity among US children is still...

Healthy Nutrition

Decreasing Obesity Rate in Elementary-School Hispanic Children: Data Analysis

Data Analysis and Results Childhood obesity affects approximately 20% of American children and adolescents, although various projects and policies are developed to reduce the rate of affected people (Hales et al., 2017). It has been found that children gain dietary habits observing their parents’ behaviors, so parents play a major...

Healthy Nutrition

Poverty and Food Security

The issue of food accessibility in developing countries is one of the acutest questions discussed by scholars, governmental organizations, and businesses around the world. The problem of food insecurity as the result of a chain of economic, social, political, and environmental factors imposes hunger threat and is even aggravated by...

Healthy Nutrition

Antioxidants Effect on Human Body

Introduction Many people that pay attention to their nutrition know about antioxidants. Antioxidants are known as compounds that defend individuals’ bodies from harmful molecules found in foods and environments. This report will provide information about the aspects of antioxidants and the foods that contain them. Moreover, the significance of such...

Healthy Nutrition

Addressing Childhood Obesity: Literature Review

Introduction This quantitative quasi-experimental DPI project is aimed at examining the effect of education about physical activity received by parents on obesity levels observed in school-aged children residing in the Southeast region of the United States. Therefore, this chapter provides a review of the existing literature on a variety of...

Healthy Nutrition

Sunshine Vitamin D and Its Functions

Introduction Proper nutrition hinges on multiple factors, and one of them is vitamins. One of the vitamins that are particularly important but also often deficient in humans is vitamin D. In this report, vitamin D will be discussed together with its key related topics, including its functions, sources, and the...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity: Evaluating the Performance of Health Promotion Interventions

Public Health Theory: Supporting Implementation and Health Promotion Since the program aimed at managing the issue of obesity implies altering patients’ behaviors and eating habits, a model that encourages change is required for managing the situation. Therefore, change-oriented public health theories will have to be considered. Because of the necessity...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity: Policy Brief

Introduction Obesity is a crucial concern that should be addressed on the national level. It affects both children and adults, and the problem is becoming more acute every decade. This fact reveals that there is a need to develop policies aimed at decreasing the prevalence of the condition among the...

Healthy Nutrition

Epidemiology of Obesity

At-risk Population Despite numerous attempts at managing the problem of obesity, it remains a common concern in a range of communities. The World Health Organization (2018) specifies that obesity affects 650,000,000 people globally. Despite multiple efforts made to combat the disorder and encourage proper eating habits, the number of people...

Healthy Nutrition

Cause and Effect of Obesity

Introduction Obesity is a medical term which describes an individual with a large weight and high percentage of body fat, with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Obesity is a chronic health condition which is reaching epidemic levels and is directly associated with a number of severe diseases...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity Impacts on Physical Wellness

Introduction Obesity has become one of the major problems of modern society in the United States and other developed countries. According to Ogden et al., “more than one-third of adults and 17% of youth in the United States were obese in 2011–2014”, and these results are only getting worse each...

Healthy Nutrition

Obesity in London

Identify one cause of childhood obesity in a London borough. There are quite a large number of children in the London Borough of Merton who are overweight or obese. Considering the lifestyle popular among children and adolescents in the United Kingdom, there can be a few reasons why childhood obesity...

Healthy Nutrition

Nutrition Management of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Abstract The population of children affected by AD/HD has a range of behavioral challenges that are difficult to manage in a group or team environment. Therefore, many families suffer because they are placed under great stress to monitor their child’s hyperactivity and impulsive behavior constantly. The result of AD/HD is...

Healthy Nutrition

The Prevalence of Obesity in Adolescent Children

Introduction to the Project Obesity is a serious public health concern in the United States that puts millions of children and adolescents at risk of having poor health. Despite the intentions to control and prevent this condition among the chosen population, its prevalence remains high, and certain improvements are expected...

Healthy Nutrition

The Importance of Healthy Eating

Purpose Statement To inform my audience about healthy eating and the way they can benefit from it. The positive evaluation of the topic presupposes a persuasive element. Thesis Statement Healthy eating habits can significantly improve one’s health which means that they should be promoted. Introduction Attention Getter: We all know...

Healthy Nutrition

Risk Assessment on Allergens: Cases Review

A 16-year old athlete developed hives and fainted on two separate occasions while running 2 hours after lunch. She had a tuna salad sandwich with celery. She has eaten the same type of sandwich since without symptoms, but not within 6 hours of running. The patient suffered from urticaria induced...

Healthy Nutrition

Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Allergies

Risk Assessment on Allergens Case 1 In this case, the boy has hives and faints while running. Regarding the fact that these reactions are observed two hours after lunch but not six hours after eating, the diagnosis of food-dependent exercise-included anaphylaxis (FDEIA) may be given. It is an unusual reaction...

Healthy Nutrition

Weight Management Importance

The physiological consequences and health risks of excess body weight Description of Concrete Experience I may not be overweight, but I have lived and interacted with people with excess body weight. My mum is one of the closest people to me who are overweight. Even though she is my role...