⚕️ Essays on Nursing


Hospital Readmissions and Care Coordination

Patient outcomes are a critical focus of most quality improvement initiatives in the United States healthcare sector. Enhancing patient outcomes requires a comprehensive effort of policymakers and care providers, including nurses. Hospital readmission is among the key patient outcomes to be targeted in the United States because it has a...


Interprofessional Health Care Team

Interprofessional Team Negotiations The issue to be negotiated revolved around the best nursing care model to use in our team. The interests that influenced me included empathy, teamwork, justice, and integrity. My colleague wanted us to embrace the power of a primary nursing care delivery model. However, I preferred a...


HCAHPS Survey to Measure Pain Communication

Pain management in a geriatric nursing unit is a measure that significantly affects the overall performance indicators of the hospital. Thus, it is vital to address new ways in which patients’ satisfaction may be improved. The scenario’s details reveal some information about the unit’s activities on their path to quality...


Family Health Assessment and Promotion Strategy

The development of measures helping to protect family health is among the key priorities emphasized by healthcare providers all over the world. Assessments focused on factors impacting the health situation of the entire family are particularly important given that proper family care is a prerequisite to national well-being. Within the...


Nursing Experiences in Clinical Supervision Groups

Introduction As part of the Group Clinical Supervision 1 Module, this assignment requires nursing students to discuss the work in one of the clinical supervision groups, obtained practices, and outcomes. As one of the students who successfully undertook the group clinical supervision session, I am going to reflect on my...


American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

Introduction Professional associations in nursing contribute considerably to the development of nursing practice, as well as the professional growth of nurses. Healthcare professionals share experiences and gain access to diverse resources that are instrumental in obtaining new skills and knowledge. They also build their resilience through their participation in different...


National Patient Safety Goal: Evidence-Based Care

Introduction Changes in local and national policies and guidelines, improvements in pharmaceuticals and medical technologies, and the care delivery pressure from society force nurses to apply new evidence-based practice in their work. Professionals currently provide health care on the basis of reliable research of evidence, experience, and medical expertise. The...


The Influence of Nurse Practitioners and Physicians on Patient Outcomes

Nurses constitute the vast share of the healthcare workforce in most countries, including the United States. When it comes to primary care, they often provide a range of services similar to that of physicians, which creates the need to evaluate and compare performance between the two professions. The vast majority...


The Self-Care Theory of Nursing

The self-care theory of nursing was pioneered by Dorothea Orem and proposed a framework for increased independence and self-esteem among patients by letting them take care of some of their basic needs for themselves. The structure is most applicable in rehabilitation settings, where patients often begin their stay unable to...


Ageing Bias in Nursing Practice

Introduction The work of a nurse presupposes dealing with multiple patients who possess various qualities and characteristics. For this reason, in many situations, it can be difficult to adapt to new conditions and provide care in ways that will meet clients’ requirements. However, the positive relations between a nurse and...


Prescriptive Authority of a Nurse in New Jersey

Introduction Prescribing is an essential issue in nursing that requires the attention of care providers and regulatory bodies. In order to provide the best service to patients, nurses have to be aware of their state’s regulations regarding prescribing authority and have the necessary licenses to prescribe medications. The present post...


Improving Patients’ Health Outcomes

Nurse practitioners can consider various concepts, technologies, and ideas to address the health needs of their patients. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the major barriers to the use of evidence-based practice (EBP), issues surrounding the 12-hour nursing shift, and the concept of connected health. The paper outlines ideas...


Nurse-Patient Ratios: Lobbying a Policy Change

Improper nurse-patient ratios in many hospitals indeed represent a significant problem. It is one of the workplace factors that are associated with burnout and job dissatisfaction, often leading nurses to quit the profession and, in this way, aggravating the issue of workforce shortage (McHugh & Ma, 2014). In addition, nurse...


Nursing: Complex Leadership Discussion

The role of nurse leaders in the contemporary healthcare environment is increasingly complex due to the variety of issues and responsibilities. The most important challenge for nurse leaders is motivating employees to achieve better performance outcomes. Creating motivated and well-performing teams is crucial to improving patient outcomes and promoting satisfaction...


Basic Concepts in the Context of Nursing

Introduction In the context of nursing, understanding the difference between basic concepts of values, morals, ethics, and bioethics is essential for building a responsible background for practice. This paper will focus on differentiation between the terms and providing an overview of their application to nursing. Values Values refer to the...


Family Health Assessment and Examination

Values, Health Perceptions Values and perceptions of health in a family are important for the facilitation of healthy habits and healthcare routines (Wright & Leahey, 2012). This family consists out of three people, which include two adults and a child (son). They consider themselves to be in good health. Mother...


Transcultural Nursing of Jewish Religious Group

Introduction Religion, as an integral component of society, has an impact on nearly every aspect of its life. Together with the cultural peculiarities of different ethnic groups, religion can have a significant impact on the process of care as well as communication with patients and their relatives. Therefore, a nurse...


Pain Management Case Report: Application of Theory

The provision of care to people suffering from chronic conditions is often associated with the focus on pain management. Such patients tend to endure constant or frequent pain, which hurts their quality of life (Schmidt, 2016). One of the most effective ways to assist these patients is to provide educational...


Workplace Incivility and Healthful Environments in Nursing Profession

Workplace incivility in the nursing profession is a significant issue that contributes to stress, burnout, and turnover. According to the review provided by Mikaelian and Stanley (2016), external factors surrounding care, contribute to nursing burnout more than actual patient care. The examples of incivility include workplace bullying, rudeness, making unfounded...


Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

According to Imogene King, nurses are supposed to attain, maintain, and regain a healthy state of the patient. Theory of goal Attainment discusses how the main goals of a client are achieved through nurse-patient interaction and are based on her own nursing philosophy and experience. Born on January 30, 1923,...


Cyber-Bullying in the Nursing Workplace

Definition of Cyber-Bullying The advancement of the Internet and the invasion of online communication tools into the everyday life of contemporary people cause new threats to health and safety. Bullying that once was only possible inside organizations or groups now reaches far beyond physical space and emerges in new electronic...


Differences Between Nursing Care and Doctor Care

Introduction The sphere of medical care employs many various professionals, whose duties focus on their clients’ wellbeing. Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other specialists are devoted to helping people with their health-related needs. Nonetheless, each medical worker has duties and strategies that are individual to their occupation. For example, one can...


Nurses’ Experiences During Advanced Level Nursing Education

An article by Graue, Rasmussen, Iversen, and Dunning (2015) described an empirical study that investigated whether increasing the educational levels of nurses in rural Norway would improve the quality of their work. This process was deemed mutually beneficial to nurses and patients because both parties gained from improved competence and...


Nurse’s Malpractice Leading to Fatal Outcome

Look at the legal malpractice case study. Describe the case and discuss the standard of care that the parties will be held to in this case. How will the standards of care and the Nurse Practice Act be applied in a court of law if the case is sued? The...


New Technology Systems Adopted in Nursing

Adoption of New Technology Systems One of the aspects of the role of a nurse facilitator is to prepare the team of nursing care providers for the adoption of a new electronic health records (EHR) system. It is expected that resistance from nurses can be faced in the process (Hyrkäs...


Nursing Practice: Goal Statement

Introduction Achieving a DNP degree will be an important step in my academic career, as it would allow me to progress towards my future goals. I chose to focus on family nursing practice in order to be able to help in resolving a variety of health problems found in people...


Advanced Practice Nurses as Interdisciplinary Team Members

Advanced practice nurses have an important role to play in interdisciplinary research collaboration by acting as case managers, who should coordinate different aspects of care (Engelke & Marshburn, 2006). As members of interdisciplinary teams, nurses also have a duty to be advocates for patients. It is also their responsibility to...


Effective Nursing Leadership in Change Management

Proposed Core Team of Change Champions Effective nursing leadership is an important part of change management (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Particularly, effective leadership is essential in assembling a core team of change champions. According to Sare and Ogilvie (2010), managers could use different strategies to develop these core teams. However,...


First Home Care: Internship Clinical Practice

Introduction My field internship clinical practice was conducted in First Home Care in Portsmouth, VA. During the course of the practice, I worked with two clients in Day Support Treatment for Autism Adults. I established two main objectives as guidelines for my practice. First, I tried to identify the areas...


Nurse Caring for Latino Patients

Introduction The case study under consideration involves a cultural aspect of nursing because a patient is a Mexican American woman (Galanti, 1997). There are two groups of players in this situation, relatives of the patient and representatives of the healthcare facility, a pharmacist and an IV nurse. All the players...


Teaching Effectiveness in Nursing Education

Introduction It is important to improve the nursing curriculum with regard to evidence-based practice and information literacy. The curriculum also requires the nursing educators to look for and make use of relevant nursing research while focusing on their teaching objectives, nursing practice, research interests, and the students’ practical necessities. The...


Emotional Intelligence and Unionization in Nursing

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an important aspect of successful management. However, despite the growing recognition and adoption in professional development, it remains a relatively obscure aspect of leadership. The following paper provides a detailed analysis of emotional intelligence assessment and outlines the strategies for EI development. In order to determine...


Clinical Education and Nursing Programs

Is clinical a time for teaching or for evaluation of students? Or for both? Clinical placement experience should be a time for both teaching and evaluating the students. Clinical placement experience is a chance for nursing students to utilize the skills and theories learned in the laboratory settings and in...


Sociology of African American Families in Nursing Practice

Abstract African American families represent a large percent of the US society, and nurses working with the members of these families should follow the unique approach to care and treatment because of the necessity to address the African Americans’ health and social needs appropriately. A variety of factors influence the...


Nursing Skill Mix for Professional Development

Abstract “Skill mix as the range of different skills possessed by the members of a group or required for a particular job” (Richards et al., 2000, p. 186). Its role in transferability of skills and knowledge in the community nursing context is highly debated among different stakeholders. While many agree...


Professionalism in the Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing, like many other professions, has metamorphosed over the years due to changes in technology and institutions. In this paper, I look at the milestones in nursing since the 1800s and professionalism in the nursing practice. Difference between Nursing in the 1800s and in the Twenty-First Century Unlike today...


Nursing Practice

The Implications of Change in the Health Care Delivery System on Nurse Leadership Methods of administering aid are continually changing in an attempt to procure the best possible outcome for patients seeking help. However, constant updates leave specialists in a continuous race to adjust their team goals following these changes....


Importance of “The Black Family” Course for Nurses

Abstract Sociology is one of the core courses undertaken by many nursing students. This paper explains why “The Black Family” is an important course for nursing students. The paper identifies the best sociological lessons towards a better nursing practice. Nurses should use different sociological theories to support the health needs...


Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare

Complexity Science and Chaos Theory Complexity Science and Chaos Theory is a model that explains how different triggers or events catalyze significant changes in a given organization. When uncertainties occur, organizations are compelled to change in an attempt to remain competitive. These developments can be explained using the nonlinear dynamic...


Advanced Practice Nursing Regulation

Policy Involvement Advanced practice nurses are in a powerful position within a healthcare system as they spend much time in direct care for patients and know their challenges and needs. Nevertheless, according to the report by Heale and Rieck Buckley (2015), there is a lack of political strength of nurses...


Community Healthcare Nurse for Elderly Patients

Introduction From what I saw at Ester Seals day care, interacting with the elderly who suffer from a combination of old age and degenerative mental illnesses requires a lot of time, experience and most importantly patience in making sure that their needs of this particular class of patient are met....


Safe Nursing Practice

Model Implementation The policy change I would like to introduce is the elimination of rotating shift work. The reason for such an action is that rotational schedule can cause severe harm for nurses’ physical and mental health. According to Petrov et al. (2014), around 15% of American employees, including nurses,...


Family Nurse Practitioner

My long-term objective is to become a skilled family nurse practitioner (FNP). This profession will make it possible for me to provide evidence-based services in a primary health care setting. In such a situation, a FNP will focus on disease prevention and wellness. Such a caregiver will also diagnose and...


Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse

A project requires adequate project management to be successful, where the Advanced Practice Nurse Project Manager (APN PM) can build a roadmap, support the project team, define the tools, and implement the project tasks. In modern nursing, it is not uncommon that Informatics Nurses (IN) and Informatics Nurse Specialists (INSs)...


Nursing Training Project in Cross-Cultural Setting

Introduction Evidence-based research will definitely improve the management and leadership skills of nurse leaders because it allows the professionals to cognize various theories and methods for improving the working setting and handle human resources. However, theoretical frameworks are useless unless they are effectively applied in practice. In this project proposal,...


Prescription Drug Abuse and Nurses’ Involvement

The worldwide epidemic of prescription drug abuse is largely affected by the role of nurses caring about patients. Historically, nurses were vital to combating opioid through the anticipatory guidance. Today, they also remain essential in providing health care services to those who are addicted and those who are newly prescribed...


Fall Reduction by Patient Education and Physical Therapy

Plan Presentation The presented project can be summarized in the following PICOT question: In senior hospitalized patients, what is the effectiveness of increased patient education and participation with regular exercise/physical therapy versus current hospital fall prevention programs with limited exercise/physical therapy in promoting balance and stability thus minimizing falls and...


Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory in Nursing

Introduction Change processes are inevitable in every sphere of life because change is crucial for development. Changes frequently become a problem due to the resistance of stakeholders and other obstacles. Change theories are supposed to empower the process of change and make it less painful for the parties involved. Thus,...


Nursing Project Planning Process and Stakeholders

The steps involved in the process of project planning Post #1 The steps in planning a project starts with knowing the parameters. It is important to give you a framework based on reality and will allow a good starting point. If those involved know the requirements and resources, it is...


Pain Management in Nursing

It is essential for the healthcare team to exercise effective communication. Professional nurses should strive to assist patients as much as they can. The comfort goals of a patient are very important and hence, it should be the focus of a nurse. Pain management for patients is usually the main...


Barriers in Nursing Associated with Evidence Based Practice

This review focuses on the barriers in Nursing associated with the introduction of Evidence-based Practice. Evidence-based practice is relatively a new concept that involves a change from the traditional practice. The human tendency is always to resist first to changes. The resistance is what this review proposes to consider as...


Decreased Cardiac Output: Nursing Process

Assessing While assessing decreased cardiac output, it is important to gather both objective and subjective data from the patient. Subjective data includes numerous symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety and agitation, changes in mental condition (e.g., hyperactivity or confusion), fainting, and so on (de Souza et al., 2014). Objective data includes...


Novice Psychiatric Nurses’ Communication Strategies

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore communication strategies that can enhance novice nurses’ capacity to work in acute care psychiatric settings. Methods: An integrative literature review was conducted to analyze selected research articles that studied the barriers to effective communication that novice nurses encounter. Findings: Nurses...


Roy Adaptation Model as a Conceptual Nursing Theory

Introduction The Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) is one of the most commonly used conceptual theories of nursing. Understanding its ideas can help medical professionals improve the quality of care they provide and enhance patients’ self-evaluation and mental health. This paper aims at researching the RAM, describing its main concepts, and...


Nurse-to-Patient Ratio Increase and Change Models

Introduction Although a drop in the nurse-to-patient ratio (NPR) is typically viewed as a reason for concern in the healthcare system, high NPR can also affect patient outcomes negatively (Jarrar, Rahman, & Shamsudin, 2015). With the rise in the number of nurses per patient, the threat of mismanaging patient information...


Recorded Nursing Shift Reports vs. Bedside Handoff

Introduction This paper describes an evidence-based project to move my facility from recorded reports to bedside handoffs. Currently, nurses routinely complete their shift-to-shift documentation outside the patient room, a practice that limits patient/family involvement and is prone to communication errors that raise the potential for sentinel events. The stakeholders and...


Healthcare Collaboration for Patient Quality Care

Introduction Collaboration in health care can remarkably improve patient outcomes and the delivery of care. Many studies have been conducted on the topic, and much evidence has been obtained from practitioners that demonstrate the positive effects of collaborative behaviors not only among health care providers but also among providers, patients,...


Conversational Model of Learning in Nursing

Introduction The present paper follows the progress of the development of an in-service education program that is meant for twenty-six nurses of the Emergency Unit of the King Fahad Medical City, which is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In particular, the paper uses the information gained through the learning needs...


Medication Errors in Nursing Practice

The Definition of Medication Errors In spite of the fact that the United States spends more on healthcare than any other developed nation, the quality of health care remains low. One of the areas of concern is patient safety and the impact of prescription errors. In order to understand the...


Electronic Clinical Decision Support Tool for Nurses

Innovative technologies are an essential component of effective healthcare services. While the importance of healthcare experts’ knowledge is not to be underestimated, technological advances also allow for a wide range of opportunities to address health issues and provide the needed services. The devices that assist nurses in making clinical decisions...


Concerns of Doctoral Education in Nursing in the US

Introduction Postgraduate education is aimed at enhancing one’s knowledge skills, and it is frequently a means of gaining better professional results. Nurses, as well as specialists working in many other spheres, have an opportunity to enter doctoral programs through which they can obtain greater expertise. The present paper will analyze...


Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioners: Nursing Theory

Nurse practitioners (NPs) should use various theories to develop appropriate care delivery models. Adult-gerontology nurse practitioners (AGNPs) possess adequate competencies that guide them to provide comprehensive medical support and care to adult patients. This discussion describes how I can apply Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring in my practice as...


Importance of Theory in Nursing

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) use their competencies and philosophies to meet their patients’ health needs. In order to function optimally, these professionals should borrow numerous ideas from existing theories and models. Such a practice can empower them to become skilled providers of exemplary medical services and care. The paper below...


Learning Theories and Styles in Nursing Career

Introduction Different scholars have developed numerous definitions of the term learning. However, Wright, Street, and Gousy (2011) define learning as the continuous permanent acquisition of cognitive, behavioural, and other technical and non-technical skills. Learning is a nonstop process, which commences during childhood and continues throughout adulthood. People have different learning...


Evidence-Based Protocols in Nursing

Thesis “The nursing personnel contribute immensely towards the implementation and adoption of the evidence-based protocols which contribute towards the provision of quality care. The evaluation of the challenges that the nurses experience in implementing evidence-based protocols is critical to the achievement of the desired outcome of improving the quality of...


Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Evidence-based practice is the incorporation of the finest research evidence in medical proficiency and patient ethics. It includes categorizing sturdily researched discoveries and applying them in everyday practices so as to upsurge the excellence of patient care and bring the most profitable nursing care. Nurse managers must pay attention to...


Nursing Leadership: Advancing Workforce Intra-communication

Introduction Leadership is one of the core functions in every organisation or health institution. Effective leadership dictates the performance of employees in a given institution. Theorists and scholars have presented a number of theories and models that can be used by organisational managers to lead their followers (Spetz, 2014). The...