2000-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 2000-word essay is more of a full-scale research or term paper. To write a good 2000 words essay about health care, medicine, or nursing, you’ll have to conduct serious research and prepare a solid bibliography list. Most likely, writing such a lengthy text will take more than one evening. That’s why you should think carefully about the topic and choose the one that will inspire you.

You might be assigned a 2000-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: pulmonology, geriatrics, nephrology, surgery, or cardiology. Good luck with your paper! Check 2000 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Nursing Theory of Jean Watson

Introduction Changes being experienced within the health care delivery systems across the globe have led to increasing demands on the part of the nursing fraternity in regard to their workloads and responsibilities. The nurses are required to deal with the emerging issues that characterize their working environment. Though nurses encounter...

Healthcare Research

Literature Review on World Nursing Practice

Introduction For many decades, nursing practice has changed globally. This involved major counties like Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. These gradual changes have been due to, controlling operating costs, the strategic location of health care service, developing technology. In addition, changing economic, political, and social...

Healthcare Research

Euthanasia. Dimensions of Religion and Attitudes

The examination of the importance of human existence has been a significant issue, and the debate about ending the lives of individuals has existed for years. People have strived to find an absolute response to it. Some individuals argue that life is supernaturally given and that no one has the...

Healthcare Research

Marie Stopes and Her Birth Control Movement in Britain in 1913-1943

Introduction The campaigns directed at advancing the state of birth control science are a significant topic of historical research. The work of Marie Stopes focused on improving the methods of birth prevention, as well as her contributions to the birth control movement, are an essential part of the historical and...

2000 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 2000-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: nursing home, diet, autism, pneumonia, blood pressure, or emergency department. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 2000 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 2000-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 10 hours for 2000 words.

A 2000-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 14 to 15 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 2000-word essay usually spans 8 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 2000 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


Psychological Impact of Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers represent a severe condition that immobilizes people and exposes them to additional health issues that are caused by the worsening of blood flow. Soft tissues deteriorate under pressure, which is also rather typical of individuals that are confined to wheelchairs. One of the ideas that are mentioned in...


Sober Living Program After Drug Rehabilitation

Introduction The fight against drug abuse is often lengthy and tiresome. It takes a lot of strength and determination for one to get off drugs and keep him/herself clean. This cannot happen overnight and even after one has completed a rehabilitation program, a lot of support is required to stay...


The Fast Food Industry Challenges

Introduction Fast foods companies are amongst the multinationals that are at the moment experiencing a high rate of expansion. These companies are characterized by quick service (Royle & Brian 2002, p. 2). At fast-food restaurants, food is served upon ordering with the option of either eating at the premises or...


Predialysis Patient Education in Saudi Arabia: Influencing Factors

Introduction Globally, chronic kidney disease has become a health burden and Saudi Arabia is not an exception. Scientist Ayman Karkar cites uncontrolled blood pressure, sugar levels and lipids among others as factors, which hasten the development of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (2011, pp. 419). In addition, kidney failure may...


Homelessness and Poverty in the United States

Introduction Evidence from various medical research studies indicates that there are a number of barriers which inhibit the African American population from gaining access to medical care. Some of these barriers include lack of health insurance coverage and the lack of knowledge and awareness about health issues. The lack of...


Application of Nursing Theories in Surgical Practice

Purpose and Key Objectives in Surgical Practices Surgical practice is a type of nursing activity where a healthcare provider performs surgery on patients to address their needs. The main objective and purpose of a surgical procedure are to provide a high standard of medical care to address patients’ needs. In...


Taking a Patient to an Indoor Swimming Pool

Introduction Recreational water activities are beneficial for the health and well-being of individuals of different age groups. Swimming is known for its positive influence on muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and maintaining a normal BMI. This activity also helps to relieve stress, which is of particular importance for older adults. Given...


Nursing Theory in an Area of Nursing Practice

Introduction Practice development refers to a facilitated procedure in healthcare that aims to develop evidence-based and person-centered healthcare. It pursues to include individuals from every organization level to develop a positive impact on healthcare services. The procedure involves inclusive, collaborative, and participatory methods. However, the process does not involve several...


Mechanical Ventilation in Adult Patients-Weaning Protocol

Critically ill adult patients admitted in intensive care units (ICU) require assistance in the form of mechanical ventilation to meet the body’s oxygen demand. However, the discontinuity involved in mechanical ventilation, the process known as weaning often contributes to clinical complications leading to mortality in patients who are weak in...


Sister C. Roy’s Adaptation Model and M. Roger’s Science

Introduction Nursing is a noble profession that involves the provision of services to patients in a holistic manner. Since patients have different illnesses and conditions, they require varied healthcare services for them to recover well. Nursing theorists have formulated a number of theories that elucidate the nursing practice and nature...


The Problem of Eating Disorders in Modern Society

Eating lunch with my group of girlfriends can sometimes be quite uncomfortable because I end up being the only one eating. For instance, they may decide to make a salad for lunch and afterward go to the gym so that they can burn off everything they have just eaten. In...


The Quantitative Critique of the Article “Characteristics of Work Interruptions During Medication Administration” by Alain D. Byron

Introduction The essay is an in depth critical examination-a quantitative critique of an article (Journal of Nursing) titled “characteristics of work interruptions during medication administration” written by Alain D. Byron et al published in 2009. It has been noted with concern that it is important for researchers and scholars to...


Rheumatic Arthritis and Occupational Therapy

In life, people always contract various diseases some of which are curable, and others that are chronic and end up causing lifelong effects. People are forced to live under one form of handicap or another, and their lives completely transformed, turning some who were breadwinners of the family into dependants....


Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring

Introduction Jean Watson’s theory of caring is of great value and essential to help guide nursing practice and evaluate care. The theory of caring is concerned with preventing illness, caring for the ill, and restoring health while promoting health through caring. The theory, which may seem complex at first, requires...


A Qualitative Research of Two Nursing Articles

Introduction A qualitative study includes customer questionnaires as well as surveys, which help an institution to enhance an improvement in their services as well as product (Miller, 2009). A quantitative study assists them to make decisions that, in nature, are informative. It is all about gathering opinions from individuals in...


Community-Oriented Nursing: History and Perspectives

Introduction Health is a critical aspect in our day to day lives. It entails an individual’s mental, psychological as well as physical condition that could be either ill or free from illness or injury. It is a person’s state of the body, mind, and spirit especially with respect to being...


The Practice Arena as a Learning Environment

One of the main reasons why human beings differ from animals is their ability to learn new ideas very fast and apply them in their normal life situations. People derive most of their skills and knowledge from society through various institutions like the family that imparts basic communication skills to...

Public Health

Correlation Between Flat Feet and Obesity in Children

Discussion This research analyses nine studies to investigate the effect of obesity on the foot structure of children. The findings of nine studies show a significant contribution from obesity on the foot structure. However, the studies may also have limitations the reader must consider before drawing meaningful conclusions. This research...


Nursing Students and Their Role in Disaster in Saudi Arabia

Disasters occur on a regular basis across the globe and pose a significant threat to people’s life. The disasters may range from tsunamis to fire outbreaks. According to the World Health Organization, disaster refers to a severe interruption of the normal life of society resulting in heavy material, human, environmental...


Healthcare System in the USA: The Quality Improvement Program

Introduction Older people are the most vulnerable group of patients in the healthcare system. In the past few decades, life expectancy has been on the rise, while birth rates continue to decrease (Kruse et al., 2017). This notion, along with the prevalence of chronic illnesses in older populations, signifies the...


Researching a Nursing Burnout

Abstract Nurses work as lifelines, caretakers, and educators of the patients. The working condition in the nursing profession leads to a majority of nurses experiencing physical, emotional and mental fatigue, otherwise referred to as burnout. Burnout leads to a high rate of employee turnover in the nursing industry. Nursing burnout...

Healthcare Research

Obesity Among School Children in Kuwait

Introduction Obesity has become a major cause of concern for healthcare professionals in many countries, including Kuwait. The studies carried out in Kuwait indicate that more than 50 percent of the Kuwaiti population suffer from overweight, obesity, or metabolic syndrome (Al Rashdan & Nesef 2010, p. 42). It has also...


The Project of Growing Future Nurse Leaders From the Patient Bedside

Introduction Nurses provide health care based on directions from physicians. Indeed, this old-fashioned nursing function has molded the famous public outlook of health officials as caregivers. However, most authorities allow nurses to exercise autonomously in an assortment of locations, based on their learning capacities. They establish a care strategy, team...


Nursing Course in Computer Competency

The basis for the objectives The widespread lack of nursing informatics skills and technological expertise among nurses has been areas of concern in the healthcare sector. Although technologies have reached healthcare facilities and learning institutions, some nursing professionals and students lack competencies to use them in safe, effective and competent...


The Effectiveness of Manuka Honey on Wounds

Introduction In every piece of research, there must be a clear methodology that a researcher uses to gather and analyse data in order to generate relevant information on the topic under investigation. In this study, the focus was to determine the effectiveness of Manuka honey on wounds. The researcher conducted...


Tracheal Tubes in Intensive Care: Implementation Plan

Summary Tracheal suctioning is now a common procedure for many patients with artificial airways. The process, however, presents risks and may cause deterioration in patients if not used effectively. Current literature suggests that suctioning procedure can be improved through evidence-based practices. An implementation plan, therefore, relies on the best available...


Working Hours of Hospital Nurses and Patient Safety

Problem Statement All human beings can commit errors; however, errors committed by nurses during their practice are on the rise. Whenever people are tired, their concentration level decreases considerably, hence, there is a very high probability of them committing errors. In most cases, nurses are forced to work for extra...


History of Doctorate Degrees in Nursing

Introduction Doctorate programs have been offered in colleges for centuries. However, Bennett (2006) asserts that it was not until the 20th century that the education about doctorate degrees in nursing began in the USA. Nursing doctoral programs in America started during the 20th century as a sub-faculty of other fields....


Nursing: A Fair Record of Accomplishment of the Existing Data and Static

A systematic review entails a comprehensive evaluation of the behavioral social as well as policy frameworks that identify the related and relevant literature (Bowling 2005, p54-63). This paper uses the available information on Enteral feeding as a basis for the creation and development of a framework for conducting an extensive...


Work of Paramedics: Interview with Health Professional

Introduction In the modern world, responders to emergency medical needs like an accident on the road or an earthquake are very important for the response team and other cases of emergency services. These are people who are highly trained and skilled in doing the duties of a physician in emergency...


Decontamination in Dental Settings

Introduction Contamination in dental clinics is a global health matter that has made many public health authorities implement approaches to reduce the impact caused by unhealthy practices. The purpose of this change project is to ensure patient and staff safety by improving dental assistants’ knowledge and practice regarding decontamination in...


Primary Healthcare and Nursing Roles

Introduction Human being’s various kinds of needs some of which are basic while others may be properly referred to as secondary. Basic or primary needs are those which human beings need to meet as a matter of necessity. Without the fulfillment of these needs, it will be virtually difficult for...


Various Aspects With Regard to Nurse Management and Leadership

Abstract This research undertaking revolves around an interview situation that seeks to unravel various aspects with regard to nurse management and leadership. The exercise seeks to establish realities and complexities that characterize propagation and execution of nurse leadership roles in contemporary healthcare practice. Through candid discussions and in-depth indulgence, this...


Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

The case of Mr. B. Mr. Paul B. is a 58 year old Caucasian man who was admitted to the neuroscience ward with complaints of sudden onset of headache, confusion, loss of balance, and numbness/weakness on one side of his body. He is a married Roman Catholic and works as...


Epilepsy and Migraine Headache: Is There a Connection?

By Sharon Stevenson is a relevant scholarly work that deepens and promotes knowledge in the nursing profession. This is brought out clearly in the way she has approached the research through a relevant and appropriate choice of research dimensions like the problem to be researched, the purpose of the research,...


Cicek Olcay’s Health Analysis

Issues from Cicek Olcay’s Health Analysis The medical report of Cicek Olcay presents the health complexities of a 53-year-old Turkish lady as recorded at Day-Procedure-Unit (D.P.U.). The scenario typically identifies a lady who ignores a health-watching lifestyle. Ordinarily, persons who are 40 and above should take their health seriously in...


Palliative Care Nursing Management

Introduction to Palliative The “Palliative” word has been derived from the Latin word ‘Pallium’, which means cloak or cover. Palliative care focuses on the relief of pain and other symptoms which are of serious illness. It is not the same as hospice care; palliative care is set with the goal...


Why Professionalism Is Important for a Nurse Manager?

Nursing include direct interaction of patients; they play a vital role in the delivery of quality and timely health services. The nature of their work demand that they uphold high level of professionalism and integrity: they are people who need to make sound decisions and make objective reports and recommendations...


Wound Care Documentation and Process

Introduction Taking care of wounded patients and its efficacy depends on the processes followed as well as documentation. In this regard, the concept of Hospital in the Home (HITH) mentioned by Tran & Taylor (2009) will be useful while reviewing and discussing wound care and documentation as the range of...


Advanced Nurse Practitioner’s Role in Healthcare

Introduction Advanced nursing practice has emerged during the last few decades. This is due to the recognition by healthcare organizations and organizations across the globe that maximizing the contributions made by nurses to health through increasing their roles is an efficient approach to enhance health services. Although the development of...


The Diagnostic Accuracy: The Artefacts During CT

Introduction The diagnostic accuracy of radiology departments has tremendously increased in the last three decades after the invention of computed tomography (CT).Computed Tomography is a good example of a non-invasive imaging technique thus making it applicable in imaging diagnostics. Nevertheless, there are several different types of CT artefacts which lead...


The Nurse-Led Program of Support and Lifestyle Management

A critical appraisal is a procedure of cautiously and methodically probing a study to review its trustworthiness and its value and importance in a specified context. It is an indispensable proficiency for evidence-based medicine as it allows medical practitioners to acquire and use research proof dependably and competently Everybody would...


Critical Appraisal of Medical Care Studies

Introduction This paper is based on a critical appraisal of studies regarding medical care. The importance of performing this task is to be able to examine and judge the trustworthiness, value, and relevance of this particular healthcare activity. Critical appraisal is a very critical skill that is used in evidence-based...


Delivering Cultural Competent Care Psychological Effects

Introduction The ever changing multicultural world in terms of demographics and social economic perspectives combined with the disparities that exist in the health sector has pushed the nursing practitioners to rethink the role of culturally competent health care. The disparities in delivery of culturally competent care is worsened by the...

Healthcare Research

Defining Suppressive Interactions: Methodology

Defining the null and experimental hypothesis Since the present paper is devoted to methods of analyzing cochlear non-linearity, it is necessary to define the preferred method that should be used in order to achieve efficient results of the experiment. The issue is to define two-tone suppression with the help of...


Child and Family Nursing With Resiliency Model

Introduction The many socioeconomic and health challenges facing families in the 21st century have strengthened the need for stakeholders develop and implement family assessment approaches aimed at offering relief to the myriad of issues affecting the proper functioning of the family. Comprehensive family assessment, according to Aarons et al (2007),...


Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Principles and Practice

Introduction Among the various psychiatric disorders, major depression or unipolar depression, is a very common condition. The prevalence of major depression has been found to be 10% to 25% in females, while it is around 5% to 12% in males. However, this condition often goes undetected or untreated clinical condition....


Professionalism in Nursing

Introduction Nursing represents an essential part of the medical care of any country because of the specific range of duties and responsibilities nurses have. Though the nursing position has traditionally been perceived as a complementary, secondary one, the growing awareness of the nursing role in patient care, medical operations and...


Communicating Carper’s Model of Nursing Care

Introduction The Carper model of care (figure 1) requires nurses to use their knowing, empirical knowledge, reflection and intuition in order to create a foundation of expecting patient’s outcomes (figure 3). This paper addresses how Carper model of nursing care could be adopted in order to enhance mouth care. It...


Reduction of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction Westwell (2008) argues that “ventilation associated pneumonia (VAP) is the leading cause of death amongst hospitals-acquired infections, exceeding the rate of death due to central line infections, severe sepsis, and respiratory tract infections in the ventilated patients,” (p. 206). This topic is of interest to me because I have...


Breast Cancer Pain Treatment and Life Quality Improvement

Perception about Quality of Life and Health Promotion According to the American Chronic Pain Association (2009), quality of life can be measured using the ‘Quality of Life scale’ which measures the ability to function normally for people with pain. About this scale, Mrs. Thomas falls under scale 1; she stays...


The Meaning of the Concept of Professionalism

Introduction Understanding the meaning of the concept of professionalism is of crucial importance for becoming a qualified specialist in any sphere. The issues of professionalism are especially significant for the spheres in which the clients’ personal information needs to be disclosed for the purpose of providing the services. Nursing is...


Nursing: Impact of New Concepts and Approaches

Introduction This paper aims to show how new concepts and approaches to healthcare delivery are going to influence the work of registered nurses. In particular, we need to focus on such notions as population health and primary healthcare, which have changed the role of nurses and enlarged the scope of...


Maternity Care For Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Research Critique

Introduction With many parts of the world under political turmoil, the waves of the impetus are causing effects on the neighboring countries. With security threats, more people are fleeing their countries to their bordering neighbors to ensure personal safety. Although their original perception is of a good life free from...


Standards of Nursing Documentation: Quality Improvement

Effective nursing practice is a fundamental component of the modern healthcare sector as it guarantees its stable functioning and positive outcomes. The complexity of challenges care providers face today, increased diversification of patients’ needs, and the growing demands to the quality introduce the need for sufficient measures to minimize the...

Healthcare Research

Program Evaluation: Colorado Healthy People 2010 Initiative

The program under consideration for this dissertation is Colorado Healthy People 2010 Initiative: Obesity Prevention carried out by The Colorado Trust which is a grant-making foundation committed to promoting the healthiness and well-being of the residents of Colorado. The literature for the study is provided by the Colorado Healthy People...


The Value of Hope in Treatment

Although the hope is among our primary emotions, it is very difficult to define it in words. However, we should not confuse hope with optimism, positive thinking, or expectation, as these are attitudes where we believe that things will be in our favor. Optimism and dreaming can be considered the...


Reduction of Pressure Ulcer Risks

Introduction Despite the intention to provide non-ambulatory patients with the best services, a modern healthcare system is hardly perfect. This group of people faces several challenges that contribute to their health and quality of life. The growth of pressure ulcer risks is one of the main concerns due to several...


Errors in Administration of Intravenous Medication in Brazilian Hospitals

Introduction A medication error is a preventable incident that may cause or lead to inapt medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. A medication error may relate to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems. This...

Medical Ethics

Medical Practices and Ethical Implications

Researches and practices in the medical field unveil new drugs, forms of treatment, and disease prevention measures. The science behind the trial of new techniques in medical procedures, including the use of new drugs, encounters a lot of challenges today. Any discovery has to be tested to ascertain the impact...

Healthcare Research

Nanotechnology in Pharmacy Medicine

Abstract This study will be a randomized control study that will aim at evaluating the effects of nanoparticles found in nanotechnology drugs. Nanotechnology drugs have been shown to have positive effects on the human body but with some adverse effects which have not been exploited. This study will therefore specifically...


Nursing Theories of Madeleine Leininger and Florence Nightingale

Nursing is a discipline that emphasizes the importance of caring in society and values the human life. There is a variety of different perspectives on nursing and various approaches that are called theories. They constitute frameworks that dictate the basic knowledge and care concepts nurses have to adhere to in...


Translational Research for Practice and Populations

To address healthcare issues appropriately and with high quality, nurses should be aware of the latest therapeutic approaches, strategies, norms, and standards. In this regard, nursing evidence-based practices, which imply the application of the most current clinical research while making quality decisions to deliver sound patient care, are critical to...


Influenza Vaccination and Pneumonia Risk Among Older Adults

Abstract Annual influenza epidemics that cause respiratory deaths are common all over the world. As people’s immune system becomes weaker with age, older adults face serious influenza complications more often than younger individuals. Research has shown that vaccination against the virus reduces the severity of illness in people 65 and...


Nursing Leadership Styles Influence on Performance and Work

Styles the Nursing Leaders Have Utilized Nursing is an essential element of any system of healthcare providing establishment. It should be stated that the way a team-leading nurse decides to manage his or her colleagues might be considered as a foundation of productive and efficient work. A plethora of scholars...


Applying Holistic Learning to the Management of Diabetes

Introduction Diabetes is an issue f major health concern across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes diabetes as one of the modern-day epidemics. This categorization is informed by the fact that the disease currently affects a sizeable portion of the population all over the world. It is estimated...


Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes: Gap Identification

Introduction Gestational diabetes is a health condition that affects approximately 10% of women during pregnancy. The researchers distinguish two main types of gestational diabetes: A1 and A2 classes. Women with A1 gestational diabetes can manage their high sugar levels through exercise and custom-made diet schedules. When it comes to A2,...

Healthcare Financing

The Affordable Care Act and American Bankruptcies

Introduction Although the intention of the government is to create a strong healthcare system, some mistakes, shortages, and problems might provoke new organizational, financial, or emotional challenges. In 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to provide more people with health insurance, expand the existing Medicaid program, and...

Healthcare Research

The Care and Management for Patients and Employees From the Health Range

Introduction Health management is very broad. Addressing several issues facing the health sector is challenging for most health managers. Healthcare management involves controlling and coordinating health systems and services. This type of management requires trained healthcare professionals with vast knowledge in health care. The world is changing and so is...


Trends in the Nursing Care

Overview The general occurrences in healthcare are closely related to trends in nursing. In some instances, trends can be closely related to each other. As it stands now, the United States is comprised of over 2.7 million nurses (Auerbach, Buerhaus & Staiger 2007, p.184). This implies that the healthcare working...


Archies Final Project: Mood Disorders

Introduction The movie, Archies Final project, gives a clear analysis of the mood disorder that Archie Williams goes through. This paper offers an experience in employing clinical proficiency in diagnosis and conceptualization while watching a cinematic portrayal of a disorder, in addition to the deliberation of whether such portrayal impacts...

Administration and Regulation

Doctoral Study Proposal: High Turnover of Nurses

Background of the Problem In this section, it is necessary to provide an overview of the business problem that will be examined in the research. As a rule, new nurses have to work under very stressful conditions and such situations can be observed in many medical institutions, including Vanderbilt University...


Case History and Protocol Development Theory Paper

In my nursing practice, I work with a patient who has the signs of a mental disorder that falls under the DSM-5 classification. JG is a Hispanic male, DOB 6/19/1978, who came to the hospital with Medicaid coverage. The resident has no support system in the community and relies on...


Coronary Heart Disease in African Americans

Abstract This intervention plan intends to act as a catalyst to the promotion of health policies that are to see the African-Americans lives free from Coronary Heart diseases. This plan has got the following six sections. First, the rationale section which describes the need for intervention in the African–American issue....


On the Role of Nurses in Assessing Public Health Risks

Abstract Community health nursing is a discipline bearing a pivotal role in the wellbeing of people in a given society. Community health risk assessment is one of the roles in nursing mainly for ensuring disease prevention and good outcome of services offered by practitioners. Implementation of a community health risk...


Discriminatory Practice and Learning Disability

Reflection occupies a significant place in nursing and is actively encouraged to withdraw conclusions, discover new insights, and consider further actions. Reflecting should be purposeful, focused, and should raise significant questions (Nicol and Dosser, 2016). Reflection entails a certain level of mindfulness and can be referred to as the ability...


The Management of Long-Term Care Facilities

Introduction The management of long-term care facilities can be challenging due to the specific services provided by these units. It is essential to consider the peculiarities of long-term care to ensure the provision of high-quality services and proper performance of the unit. Such areas as staffing and quality often require...

Administration and Regulation

Reduction of Wastage and Loss at Summer Bay Hospital

Executive Summary Prepared by the Health Information Advisory Committee, this report aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of the problem of wastage and excessive expenditure on the components of medical recording at the Summer Bay Hospital. The report describes the causes of wastage and excessive expenditure through a discussion of...


Nurse Practitioner Clinical Ladder

The turnover rate for high-level nurse practitioners, which is considerable, tends to be higher compared to their lower-level counterparts (Shi & Li, 2016). Newly recruited nurses usually exhibit an increased turnover rate due to a poor level of satisfaction with their jobs. Therefore, it can be stated that human resource...

Administration and Regulation

Achieving Green Supply Chain With ISO 14001 and 9001 in Australian Hospitals

Project Description Australia is among the countries known for an increased number of health-care facilities that, in turn, can be connected to the continuous growth of health-care costs. Nevertheless, regardless of financial concerns, even more critical issues require consideration—the impact of the health-care sector as a whole and hospitals in...

Medical Ethics

Opioid Dependence in Chronic Pain Patients

In the United States, the number of opioid abusers is approximately 2.5 million people, and it has been constantly growing within recent decades, as the number of new abusers grew by a striking 225 percent between 1992 and 2000 (Lembke, 2012). Opioid abusers are people who consume opioids in dangerous...

Healthcare Research

Acute Hemorrhagic Shock (ASH) State Management

Abstract Acute shock state remains one of the leading causes of death in the ICU environment. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the available means of preventing it is required. At present, IS and MAP are viewed as the most widely used tools. However, IS should be considered superior due to...


Midwifery Practice: Communication Essence

Abstract Midwifery practice involves an intermediary role of promoting collaboration between all stakeholders, especially between family members and health care practitioners. Midwives inform the patient and family about the possible risks associated with the pregnancy, coordinate advanced care for complicated cases, and offer family support. They quell anxiety and stress...


Communication in Midwifery Practice

Shortly, midwives are expected to face new challenges in perfecting their responsibilities as partners, practitioners, and leaders in maternity care provision. Among the areas where the practice of midwifery is anticipated to be extremely challenging is in ensuring effective communication with all involved stakeholders. Since midwives provide vital care not...

Administration and Regulation

Managers’ Issues in Medical Laboratory Services

Introduction Healthcare is a major priority for individuals, governments, and non-governmental institutions. The productivity of a nation depends on the health of its citizens. Further, mortality rates are directly influenced by the level of health in society. As such, healthcare has been rapidly expanding to accommodate the growing health needs...


Exploring Mechanisms to Understand and Overcome Microvascular Dysfunction

Background and Context Coronary perfusion is one of the important objectives in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) studies. When interventions to reduce coronary perfusion fail, there are instances of myocardial infarcts, cardiogenic shock, ventricular arrhythmias, and cardiac failure leading to death (Ma et al. 2015). The goal of reperfusion therapy...

Administration and Regulation

Oncology Patients Falls and Lewin’s Change Model

Introduction Healthcare organizations are complex systems that are continually developing and changing to ensure high-quality care, an advanced level of patient safety, and ongoing improvements in patient outcomes (Mennella & Woten, 2015; Weaver & Manzano, 2016). One of the major concerns that are relevant to patient safety in various settings...


Defining and Exploring the Phenomenon of the EBR

Week 1: 10/25-10/31 As a DNP, being aware of the key roles that are relevant and are typically assigned to one is essential. Therefore, starting the implementation of the succession plan with setting priorities in line was critical to my further success. Indeed, by arranging the key objectives and determining...

Healthcare Research

Prevalence of Pulp Stones and Its Relation With Cardiovascular Disease

Abstract Background/Purpose Different researchers have studied pulpal calcifications and their connection with cardiovascular and systematic diseases. The study aims to test the prevalence of pulp stones in dental patients and determine the link between pulp stones and systemic diseases. Materials and methods One thousand and thirty patients from the Riyadh...

Administration and Regulation

DNP Involvement in Policy Development at the Organizational Level

The creation of healthcare policies hinges on a careful analysis of crucial external factors defining the development of health issues within communities. Health policies appear as a response toward the issues faced by community members and, thus, need to address root causes of the problems that affect the well-being of...


Quality Improvement Program in a Nursing Home

Introduction The process of designing and implementing a quality improvement (QI) program in a nursing home requires significant effort from all involved specialists. Apart from financial needs that follow every QI initiative, members that want to enact change in an organization have to consider the theoretical framework behind their program’s...


Oral Health Care Access in Rural Communities

Introduction One of the most important and widely recognized public health issues is that of access to care (Perwira, 2014). In the field of oral and dental health, the persisting challenges of poor access to care can be found all around the world in developed, as well as developing countries....


Clearing Incompatible Red Cells From the Circulation

Introduction Blood transfusion is a common approach used in the field of medicine especially in the treatment of chronic as well as acute illnesses such as anemia (1). Despite the significance of transfusion therapy, there are negative impacts associated with the practice such as pathophysiologies like incompatible transfusions and hemolytic...


Pharmaceutical industry: Generic drug

Origin and history of generic drugs Generic drugs have been around for decades. However, their regulation was necessitated by several controversial occurrences within the market. In 1937, there was an incident associated with Elixir Sulfanilamide. It caused the death of approximately one hundred and seven people and eventually prompted the...

Administration and Regulation

The Concept of Patient-Centered Care

It is acknowledged by healthcare practitioners around the world that patient-centered care (PCC) is central to the philosophy of holistic care. The phrase ‘patient-centered care’ is in common use in the modern nursing discourse. However, despite a growing recognition and acceptance of the concept and its role in the enhancement...


Improving Nurse Performance in PVD Diagnosis

Theoretical Framework It is possible to examine the proposed question of using quality assurance scores as an early diagnosis measure for peripheral vascular disease (PVD) through two frameworks for health promotion. The first involves the Health Promotion Model (HPM) introduced in 1982 by Nola Pender (Khodaveisi, Omidi, Farokhi, & Soltanian,...


The Main Causes of Suicide in Australia

Overview Suicide refers to the act of intentionally killing oneself. It is very challenging to deal with the subject of suicide owing to the nature of its complexity. There are a myriad of factors which surround the concept of suicide and which in most cases are not quite easy to...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare System in Australia

Introduction According to Australian government (2010: para4) the healthcare in Australia is offered by both the government and the private sector. The health policy in Australia is set by the ministry of Health and Aging. In 1984, the government established a healthcare system known as Medicare. Medicare exists alongside the...