📝 Essays on Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research

Nanotechnology in Pharmacy Medicine

Abstract This study will be a randomized control study that will aim at evaluating the effects of nanoparticles found in nanotechnology drugs. Nanotechnology drugs have been shown to have positive effects on the human body but with some adverse effects which have not been exploited. This study will therefore specifically...

Healthcare Research

Retinal Complications of Diabetes and Vascular Disease

Abstract Diabetes mellitus has several significant complications that can affect patients in various forms with some of the most profound changes affecting both the function and structure of the eye. The microvascular complications that affect the eye resulting from complications of diabetes include hypertension, vascular retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular...

Healthcare Research

Project Management for Health Care Professionals

Introduction Project Mission Statement To create a fast track clinic where non-urgent patients can be treated to reduce the number of patients in the Emergency Department (ED), improve quality of care and satisfaction rates. Project Objectives The objectives of the project are as follows: Establish a fast-track clinic for the...

Healthcare Research

Protected Health Information Assessment: Addressing Phi Breaches

Introduction The issue of managing patients’ data has become substantially more complicated in the healthcare setting., Due to the rise in the number of external threats to which patients’ personal information may be subjected, the necessity to introduce more effective tools for handling information has emerged (Kuek & Hakkennes, 2020)....

Healthcare Research

Continuity of Care Association and Readmission to Hospital in Patients With Severe Psychosis

In this 36-month prospective cohort study, “The Association between Continuity of Care and Readmission to Hospital in Patients with Severe Psychosis” (Puntis, Rugkåsa & Burns, 2016), the researchers examine the effectiveness of good continuity of care. The primary objective of this study was to critically examine the service use and...

Healthcare Research

Fulton and Montgomery: The Health Status

Objective In this report, two counties in Pennsylvania, Fulton and Montgomery, are examined for their health status. The motives behind the choice of the two counties are in their sharp difference in many categories. For instance, the dissimilarity in population is very prominent since the population per square mile in...

Healthcare Research

Huntington’s Disease: Common Snp-Based Haplotype Analysis

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disease for which there is no effective treatment. For its development, it is necessary to study the genetic mechanisms of the disease. It is known that the disease is associated with a mutation of the huntingtin gene, the repetition of the trinucleotide CAG...

Healthcare Research

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Properties and the Damage

Introduction Mycobacterium Tuberculosis or M. tb is a pathogen that causes tuberculosis (TB). It was first discovered a century ago by Robert Koch. TB continues to affect thousands of people in the United States, and there is a plethora of multidrug-resistant TB. M. tb differs from other bacteria in its...

Healthcare Research

The Hippocratic Oath: Moral Analysis

The Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest documents in the history of humanity. While it was created thousands of years ago, this text is still widely used by medical professionals all over the world. With the Hippocratic Oath help, physicians promise to take care of the sick, treat individuals...

Healthcare Research

Palliative Care For Different Patients

Introduction Death is an inevitable outcome that marks the end of a life cycle in any living being, yet the subject of death is portrayed differently in various religions and cultures, leading to different traditions and attitudes associated with death. However, an observation of the existing end-of-life and palliative care...

Healthcare Research

Public Health and Community Health in Miami City

Public health and community health providers need to apply their competencies and monitor the existing health conditions in different regions. They need to collaborate with social workers and clinicians to support the wellbeing of more community members. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed assessment of Miami...

Healthcare Research

Evaluation Design Biases and Sample Size

The internal validity of particular evaluation designs may be affected by certain biases such as history and maturation. The history effect is the influence of events occurring outside of the study or circumstances between repeated measurements of the dependent variable on the behavior and perception of participants of the experiment...

Healthcare Research

Ventilation and Apnea: Summary of the Articles on the Health

Benefits of Non-Invasive Ventilation Non-invasion ventilation has various benefits since it can improve the recovery of patients after surgeries and in immunocompromised states. First of all, hypoxemic acute respiratory failure, which is characterized by Pa02 / Fi02 less than 300ml, can cause hypocapnia because of increased accessory and, hence, the...

Healthcare Research

The Negro Health Problem: How do Different People Fight Different Diseases

For many centuries, humanity has been struggling with various epidemics, such as the plague, yellow fever, and others. During this time, people have developed many measures and tools that can reduce the risks of the disease and stop the spread of it. However, one of the main difficulties is that...

Healthcare Research

COVID-19’s Impact Research

Methodology The study will use a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach to produce the results. The qualitative aspect will consist of a literature review to determine the measures that Egypt has taken to address the issue of COVID-19’s impact on female members of the informal sector. For the quantitative part...

Healthcare Research

Critical Analysis of a Health Promotion Initiative

Introduction Excessive smoking of tobacco is a major issue of concern in high-income countries. This is because it has caused an increase in cases of tobacco-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic respiratory diseases (Andrea, April, & Nina, 2018). The high rate of smoking is associated with disadvantaged...

Healthcare Research

The Care and Management for Patients and Employees From the Health Range

Introduction Health management is very broad. Addressing several issues facing the health sector is challenging for most health managers. Healthcare management involves controlling and coordinating health systems and services. This type of management requires trained healthcare professionals with vast knowledge in health care. The world is changing and so is...

Healthcare Research

The Parents’ Role in Developing Children’s Obesity and Dental Caries

Executive Summary Obesity and dental caries are typical for many Australian children under the age of 12, as it is stated according to national surveys and studies. Many different factors can influence the progress of these diseases, but referring to the age period for the diseases’ development, it is necessary...

Healthcare Research

Application of Statistics in Health Care

Statistics are a crucial part of the healthcare industry because gathering information is essential for qualified and safe healthcare. The data collected often helps in bettering the medical treatment of people with deteriorating health. Statistical data is commonly used as a tool of development; medical workers look at the information...

Healthcare Research

Assessing Omega-3 Status Using an Automated System and Its Application in Clinical Research

This study aims to validate assessment of Omega-3 index using automated system and its application in clinical trials. Assessing Omega-3 index level using the traditional method is cumbersome that leads to sample throughputs and is limited to 12 samples daily. Consequently, adopting the traditional method of assessing Omega-3 index to...

Healthcare Research

The Healing Effect of Yoga

Originated in India thousands of years ago, yoga may be regarded as one of the most prominent physical, mental, philosophical, and spiritual practices in the modern world. In the United States, more than 30 million adults have used yoga at least one in their lives (Cramer et al, p. 230)....

Healthcare Research

Bowel and Urinary Incontinence Prevention

The proposed objectives for this capstone change project are as follows: To increase the knowledge levels of nurses in regards to bowel and urinary incontinence prevention and care in ICU. Although the existing number of cases suggests that nurses are well-acquainted with the clinical problem, research shows a gross underestimation...

Healthcare Research

Sociological Film ‘Sicko’ Review

Finding the best way to provide quality healthcare to all populations stands urgent everywhere, as it is one of the most critical factors for the state’s life quality. Despite being the most qualified medical help among the world countries, the healthcare system in the US still has a lot of...

Healthcare Research

Childcare. Mother’s and Father Role in Childcare

The notion of motherhood is now crucial in terms of healthcare and raising children in a healthy environment. As a significant part of the healthcare system is dedicated to childcare, there are various scholars and writers who aim at explaining the difficulties of child raising in relatively plain ways. One...

Healthcare Research

Connection Between Asthma, Respiratory Disease and Climatic Variables

Problem definition Climatic changes are known to have a significant impact on the symptoms of asthma patients. Asthma is one of the chronic diseases that have become a worldwide pandemic affecting a substantial number of the world’s population. Asthma is caused by two medical conditions in a human’s lungs, constriction,...

Healthcare Research

ICARE Application in Medical Work

Summary In this paper, I will be discussing the peculiarities of iCARE in application to medical work. The use of collective effort and teamwork alongside particular care strategies can lead to better results and patient outcomes. The work setting that I will be discussing is my previous workplace. Working in...

Healthcare Research

Sustainability in Business: A Case of the Healthcare Industry

Executive Summary This report highlights contemporary issues, best practices and challenges associated with integrating the concept of sustainability in the healthcare industry. The document is divided into four main sections. The first one explains key sustainability issues in the healthcare industry and their impact on the adoption of the concept...

Healthcare Research

Medical Office Management: Professional Collaboration

Introduction In the absence of a strategic professional collaboration in the health profession, numerous medical errors are bound to occur. With this in mind, it is imperative to encourage different departments in the health profession to embrace professional collaboration. Professional collaboration ensures an error-free health practice by creating an environment...

Healthcare Research

Leadership Roles in Promoting EBP

Establishing an environment in which evidence-based practice (EBP) is facilitated to a full extent is challenging for the majority of healthcare organizations. Leadership is seen as an indispensable resource for reaching the goal. However, there is limited knowledge available to show the specific roles and functions that different leadership levels...

Healthcare Research

Disparities in the Us Health Care System

Introduction Scientists define cultural competence as a determining factor in the provision of medical services to the public because society is multifaceted, and medical workers assist people with various social, economic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds. Moreover, the cultural competence of medical staff allows them to reach higher levels of patient...

Healthcare Research

Spirituality at the Workplace Overview

Spiritual care is an important aspect of healthcare provision, as it allows both the providers and patients to cope with stressful environments. In addition, spiritual wellness plays a central role in people’s lives as it offers hope through the thought that a higher being can influence various life outcomes. In...

Healthcare Research

Reasons for Medical Experts Popularity

In the period from 1890 to 1930, the role of medical experts in society became more significant. As a result, numerous health care professionals were the most suitable individuals to consult concerning various issues, including feeding a family, raising children, and others. Thus, this process was called the medicalization of...

Healthcare Research

Interpreters’ Role in Reducing Anxiety in Refugees

Moving to a foreign country is usually a stressful situation as people experience not only big changes in their lives but also face foreign culture and language. In the context of refugees, this situation becomes even more complex and stressful. Refugees are a group of people who left their home...

Healthcare Research

Workplace Health and Safety

It is a common idea that employees’ health and safety in the workplace depend on leaders and managers (1). However, all workers should be aware of occupational safety and health (OSH) regulations to protect themselves. This issue is particularly important in laboratory work, where there are many hazards and dangerous...

Healthcare Research

EBP: Translating Evidence Into Practice

This paper will focus more specifically on the reasons for implementing evidence-based practice. Positive results of using the evidence-based practice and possible negative results of failing to address it properly will be the focus. Indeed, there are several possibilities that this approach may lead to in health care. However, the...

Healthcare Research

Lack of Proper Hand Washing in My Community

Introduction There are several problems that have adverse effects on humanity. These problems vary from social, economic, political and health issues. It is vital to spend some time describing and analyzing problems before trying to come up with possible solutions. Rushing into solutions to problems can increase the complexity of...

Healthcare Research

Paramedics and Effects of Shift Work

Abstract Paramedics provide exceptional emergency services especially in healthcare. The nature of services they offer call for paramedics availability every time. As a result, they have to work in shifts. The work shifts have profound effects on their physical, emotional and social wellbeing. In addition, they are frequently and progressively...

Healthcare Research

Tuberculosis and Healthcare Risk Factors

Research Question In this proposed research, the main question that the study would seek to establish is, “what is the relationship between tuberculosis and potential risk factors in the healthcare system, and whether the new cases of tuberculosis are more prevalent in persons visiting third world countries as opposed to...

Healthcare Research

Caregivers for Patients with Dementia and Aging Patients

Abstract Caregiving has been a focus of debate among nursing specialists since recently because of the tendency to provide a patient with caregiving services within the family setting, therefore, refusing professional help. The tendency for family caregiving specialists to provide their services seems to have become especially frequent among African...

Healthcare Research

Mass Customization of Health Care Services in Saudi Arabia: Applicability and Adjustments

Introduction The healthcare system of Saudi Arabia is regulated by the state. In particular, one should speak about the role played by the Ministry of Health (Oxford Business Group, 2007). This institution provides guidelines that determine the work of various healthcare professionals. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the...

Healthcare Research

Levels and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Aim of the Study Acute-phase proteins are a class of proteins responsible for the increase and decrease of plasma concentration in the blood in response to inflammatory stimuli. One of the proteins under this class is the C-reactive protein or (CRP), which modifies the effect of invading pathogens (Boon and...

Healthcare Research

Long-Term Care: the United States and Costa Rica

The cases of the United States and Costa Rica are interesting because of the startling differences in the quality of life of people in different economic positions and the countries’ varying views on social support. In the U.S., six in ten adults have a chronic disease (NCCDPHP, 2019). The leading...

Healthcare Research

Mental Health Services in the State of California

Abstract This paper will discuss mental health services in California and will show how the government, on a state level is failing to provide funding to keep mental health facilities operating. It will also tackle some of the issues affecting the mental health sector. Due to many California State run...

Healthcare Research

Role of Men and Women in the Medical System of USA

In the period from 1890 to 1930, the American nation witnessed significant changes that influenced numerous individuals. Medical experts became essential members of society, and they addressed many crucial issues. For example, historical documents demonstrate that women were a focus of many studies and experiments of that time. Thus, appropriate...

Healthcare Research

Schizophrenia Care: Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

The article being reviewed presents a study that was conducted by (Brown, et al., 2008). It was published as a Journal on Implementation Science on 15th February 2008. The article is available on the web and can be accessed at www.implementationscience.com. After the launch of the QUERI, a proposal appeal...

Healthcare Research

What Determines the Quality of Treatment in Hospitals

The quality of treatment in healthcare organizations is largely based on the effective data management. Similar statement can be made regarding the quality of the medical personnel’s work. Thus, it is important to identify the obstacles, barriers or pitfalls that may prevent effective work of data management strategies and technologies...

Healthcare Research

Medical Errors: Consequences for Human Lives

Medical errors are regarded to be very expensive, especially when it comes to human lives. Unfortunately, they tend to be common and cause many unexpected complications. Thus, it is crucial to encourage patient safety movements to prevent medical errors. One of such movements is presented at the website of the...

Healthcare Research

Acute Hemorrhagic Shock (ASH) State Management

Abstract Acute shock state remains one of the leading causes of death in the ICU environment. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the available means of preventing it is required. At present, IS and MAP are viewed as the most widely used tools. However, IS should be considered superior due to...

Healthcare Research

Saudi Arabian Health Care System Overview

Population, Demographics and Economic Patterns The 2010 Saudi Arabian national census estimated the Saudi population at 27.1 million (Albejaidi, 2010). The figure indicates a massive population increase from 22.6 million people in the year 2004. This gap in the population represents 3.2% annual population growth, while the estimated total fertility...

Healthcare Research

Receptor Activity and Receptor Super Families

The activity of receptors in the human body depends on their type and the specificity of their functions. Receptors are located in the membranes of the cells and directly interact with ligands, bind with them, and stimulate the immune system responses. When the receptors bind with drugs, they respond in...

Healthcare Research

Public Health Program Capacity for Sustainability

Introduction There is no doubt that sustainability and stability remain essential for the work of any organization as they define its success. The importance of sustainability seems to increase when it comes to healthcare because patient outcomes heavily depend on the quality of service. The General Meaning of the Concept...

Healthcare Research

Epidemiology: Risk Factors for Chronic Disease

There are various measures of association applicable for this kind of study. With weighted reasons and definite conclusions drawn, an epidemiological measure of association is the suitable method. Various aspects of the epidemiological measure of association make it more appropriate for this study (Stewart, 2007). This is because, in this...

Healthcare Research

Causation Assessment in Epidemiologic Research

Question one Strength of association According to Hill, “a strong association is more likely to have a causal component than is a modest association” (HÖfler, 2005). “Hill illustrated this point with the high-risk ratios for the association between exposure levels of smoking and incidents of lung cancer” (HÖfler, 2005). Rothman...

Healthcare Research

Economic Historic and Evolution of Health Care Economics

Introduction In this paper, a chronological historic review of the evolution of healthcare will be discussed. The paper will outline the development of healthcare policies that led to the current healthcare insurance policies. This essay seeks to show the evolution of healthcare insurance cover from the 1960s to date. Several...

Healthcare Research

“Eight Ways to Cope with Chronic Pain” Article Overview

Introduction The field of chronic pain management is growing rapidly due to the high prevalence of chronic pain in different populations across the world. In the United States, approximately 40-50 percent of adults experience chronic pain. This trend is worrying, hence the need for the development of the field of...

Healthcare Research

Alzheimer’s Disease: Description and Primary Source Analysis

Summary Alzheimer’s disease has been notoriously known for producing devastating effects on the lives of elderly people. According to the local epidemiological data on Alzheimer’s disease, around 130,000 Georgian citizens suffer from the disorder (Georgia Department of Public Health, 2020). Given the severe consequences of Alzheimer’s, particularly, the rapid deterioration...

Healthcare Research

Practice Problem of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The systematic review 1 thoroughly answers only one research question out of two ones that were considered. In particular, the evidence available to indicate the efficiency of the use of dressings in hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevention was critically appraised. However, the researchers could not find adequate evidence to determine...

Healthcare Research

Damage Inflicted by Patent Law on Fighting Against HIV and AIDS

The US pharmaceutical market has been consistently proclaimed the most profitable source of the country’s internal revenue. With multimillion pharmaceutical corporations manipulating the decision-making process on the legislative level, the government faces extensive criticism in terms of its drug-related policies. The movie’s main idea is to expose the impact of...

Healthcare Research

Spanish Flu: Cause and Effect

One of the most aggressive types of influenza viruses caused Spanish flu. It differed from other infections by its ability to destroy human organs in no time, and the post-war world was not ready for such an epidemic. In the case of Spanish flu, there were several reasons why it...

Healthcare Research

Reimbursement and Insurance in Health Care

Introduction Many important factors influence the quality of nursing practice and cooperation between patients and nurses. A number of financial aspects remain poorly explained to the participants, and the government, as well as professional organizations, is involved in the discussion of various issues. The American Nurses Association focuses on the...

Healthcare Research

HRM Metrics in Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare is a complex economic system that balances in an unpredictable and rapidly changing external environment, and the harsh climate complicates healthcare management practices. In order to maintain a balance, it is necessary to adapt to the circumstances through innovative activities, in particular, by applying innovative human resource management. HR...

Healthcare Research

Nurses’ Perceptions of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Introduction It has to be stated that the research design of both studies allows for answering the research question. In particular, the conduction of semi-structured interviews with the nursing staff allowed for learning nurses’ perceptions of a pressure ulcer prevention care bundle (Roberts et al., 2016). Also, interviewing patients who...

Healthcare Research

Connection Between Material Matters and Good Health

One of important daily matters for every person is the care for one’s health. People strive a lot in order to improve it; however, this is closely connected to material matters as good health is impossible without due financial supply. Nowadays the world is built like this – money matters...

Healthcare Research

The NIH Case Study Analysis

Two different projects were offered for the analysis. Both relate to saving lives and enhancing people’s overall health and welfare. Ethics are an integral part of decision-making; consequently, any resolute decision can mean a great deal of liability. A decision thus requires a rational approach, where a responsible person is...

Healthcare Research

The Danger of Tobacco on Human

A human being is exposed to various harmful influences has many bad habits. Some of them are caused by the objective conditions and some emerge solely because of person’s choice. Smoking nowadays is one of the most destructive habits that claims millions of lives every year. Tobacco exerts a deadly...

Healthcare Research

The Achievements in the Medicine: Diabetes, Down’s Syndrome, Huntington’s Disease

The achievements in the field of healthcare and medicine cannot be ignored. Many helpful discoveries are being made to advance the possibility of treating such serious health problems and genetic disorders as Down’s syndrome, Huntington’s disease, and diabetes. Representatives of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) aim to ensure...

Healthcare Research

International Health: Primary Healthcare Model

Primary Health Care vs. Biomedical Model Some of the key principles of the primary health care model (PHC) are equitable care distribution, community participation, and the utilization of appropriate technologies. The first aspect considers the economic and social aspects of healthcare, whereas the biomedical principle does not consider them at...

Healthcare Research

Biomedical v. Psychosocial Health Models

Introduction Holistic medicine also referred to as integrative medicine is an art of healing that addresses the mind-body and soul. The American healthcare system has evolved in such a manner that individuals are looking for alternatives to the conventional health model, i.e., the biomedical model. Integrative medicine is slowly becoming...

Healthcare Research

Comparison of Available Health Services

Introduction Health services comprise organizations and ancillary healthcare professionals who offer medical care to those who require it. These services are available to patients, families, and communities. This paper aims to compare and contrast some of the available health services. Types of Healthcare Services The various types of health care...

Healthcare Research

“The Global Burden of Chronic Diseases” Article by Yach

Introduction Yach, Hawkes, Gould, and Hofman, (2004) article states that “chronic diseases are the principal causes of death and disablement worldwide.” While the causes of chronic diseases depend on several factors or causes, individual adaptable behaviors perform significant functions in both risk and prevention. A high number of world inhabitants...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice in Laboratory Medicine

Introduction The use of evidence-based practice (EBP) has gained great popularity in healthcare facilities in general and in laboratory settings in particular. Having a variety of examples supported by evidence allows medical workers to make better decisions concerning the patients’ health and solve medical cases more efficiently (1). In laboratories,...

Healthcare Research

Medicare and Home Health Care Services

Introduction Home health care constitutes a variety of social and health services that are offered to patients in the comfort of their homes. Medicare covers some of these services. This paper aims to examine the use of Medicare in covering home health care services. Medicare Portion Covering Home Health Care...

Healthcare Research

The Patient’s Right and the Legal Responsibility of the Caregiver

Introduction There is no doubt that now everyone has a full access to various resources about medical problems and their possible decisions. As a result, patient’s awareness of etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and especially side effects has increased dramatically last decades. Actually nowadays, it is quite typical when a doctor orders...

Healthcare Research

Qualitative Nursing Research Importance

Introduction Nursing implies the provision of treatment and care services for people; thus, nurses need to understand all the processes and medical nuances to choose the most appropriate means for fast curing. Medicine also needs constant improvement in providing the most effective services and saving people’s life. Qualitative researches are...

Healthcare Research

Reduced Readmissions for Congestive Heart Failure

Introduction The healthcare environment is subject to numerous changes in terms of the prevalent medical conditions and the dynamics related to these problems. Subsequently, the leadership of a healthcare facility has to exhibit competence in improving the quality of services offered to their clients and establishing sustainable strategies for change...

Healthcare Research

The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Persuasion

Introduction and Background Information Attraction is a key factor in any business or social relationship. This accrues from the notion pegged to attractiveness and persuasion. Although numerous researches undertaken posit that attractive presenters seem to be more persuasive as opposed to unattractive or un-pictured presenters, the question on the impact...

Healthcare Research

End-Stage Renal Disease in Peer-Led Intervention Programs

Research Question In End-Stage Renal Disease, the kidneys remove a large amount of water and waste than required from the body. In the U.S., the majority of the ESRD victims are high blood pressure and diabetes patients. These two diseases greatly lead to kidney failure in the end. Pathology is...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Disparity

Introduction The term health care disparity has been defined by many people in different ways, but all of the definitions given are still directed towards the same ideal that, health disparity refers to a group’s specific variation in the presence of disease, health results, the quality of health service received...

Healthcare Research

Translating Research Findings to Clinical Research Practice

The quality of patient care and its outcomes in the system of healthcare depends on the application of evidence. There exist diverse possibilities to implement evidence in health care. It can positively influence both health care delivery and the health of the population (Titler, 2014). There is a need for...

Healthcare Research

Foot Neuropathy: the Effectiveness of Preventive Care

Introduction The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus creates new risks for patients that involve all spheres of people’s lives. Apart from causing the need for continuous medical assessment of one’s glucose levels, this condition also leads to several other complications. One of the most widespread issues that follow diabetes mellitus is...

Healthcare Research

Biopsychology of Bipolar Disorder

Neurology Brain and Nervous System There have been ongoing arguments about the cause of the bipolar disorder as a mental illness. Some individuals blamed personality and nurture (environment) and view mental illness such as bipolar disorder only as a consequence of poor parenting, negative thinking, or overemotional reactions. Genetics and...

Healthcare Research

Temporal Trend in Diabetes Among Adults in America

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent chronic ailment affecting children, adolescents and adults. Recent studies conducted in America indicate that type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the most predominant form of the disease, while type 2 diabetes is increasingly being recorded among the youth of racial/ethnic minority groups...

Healthcare Research

Ethnographic Descriptive Analysis of Mechanism Curanderismo

Curanderismo has been documented as a form of physical therapy that has capacity to manage diseases (Luna, pp.326-42) falling under various categories for instance physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and supernatural. Literature on curanderismo (Luz, 2005, pp.146-8; Avila & Parker, pp.34-9) claims diseases arise from traumatic event or accumulation of trauma...

Healthcare Research

The Development of Health Information System

Introduction As technology advances, the health care centers have diverted to using computers in diagnosing various diseases. The use of information systems has grown significantly in the last couple of years though its development dates back to the early 1960s. This has been enabled by the current technological advancement. It...

Healthcare Research

Prevalence of Pulp Stones and Its Relation With Cardiovascular Disease

Abstract Background/Purpose Different researchers have studied pulpal calcifications and their connection with cardiovascular and systematic diseases. The study aims to test the prevalence of pulp stones in dental patients and determine the link between pulp stones and systemic diseases. Materials and methods One thousand and thirty patients from the Riyadh...

Healthcare Research

Smoked Marijuana for HIV-Associated Anorexia and Wasting

The title of the present study is “Smoked Marijuana for HIV-Associated Anorexia and Wasting”. It is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of the effect of smoking marijuana on the appetite of HIV patients, conducted in an inpatient setting. The primary objective of the study is “To evaluate the safety and...

Healthcare Research

Pain Management for Patients With Dementia

Introduction This essay aims to critically review the ten selected primary research articles. Studies were collected based on their ability to answer the research question. Therefore, their appraisal will be based on multiple inquiries relating to the topic. First of all, the collected information will be examined to show the...

Healthcare Research

Lyme Disease Description and Analysis

Introduction Lyme disease is an “infectious disease caused by three species of Borrelia. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is the main cause of Lyme disease in the US, Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii” are responsible for most European cases of Lyme disease (Higgins, 2004). Lyme is one of the most prevalent...

Healthcare Research

Mental Disease of Veterans of Military Service

Population and Sampling Veterans of military service, especially those with a history of deployment in combat-intensive areas of operations, are considered a vulnerable population in a variety of ways. Failure to readjust back into civil society, memories of violence and death-related experiences, survivor’s guilt, and various other psychological stressors often...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice Strategic Improvement Project

Introduction Problem Statement The wide spread of diabetes is noted worldwide, especially in the United States. The Hispanic population living in Miami-Dade County is twice more prone to developing diabetes compared to other ethnicities (Kenya et al., 2015). Since the symptoms and consequences of the mentioned disease are rather critical...

Healthcare Research

Evaluation of Health Care Technology

Introduction Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are a modern health care technology that is employed to help users with clinical decisions (Musen, Middleton, & Greenes, 2014). CDSS design requires the consideration of human factors, and their adoption and usability are highly dependent on the development of an appropriate interface (Miller...

Healthcare Research

Increase in Spending for HCBS Decreases Spending for Nursing Homes

Executive Summary Home- and community-based services are becoming increasingly popular in the United States as effective and inexpensive ways of offering quality care to senior citizens. The statistics in this study show that the state of Michigan is underperforming in funding HCBS, spending only $0.72 per person in contrast to...

Healthcare Research

Capstone Project: Telemedicine

Introduction Aims of the Project The following purposes were formulated to be addressed during this capstone project: To evaluate the effectiveness of telemedicine in the University of Maryland Medical Center as a mode of providing high-quality care with reference to the standard that is equally applied to all programs. To...

Healthcare Research

Length of Stay as a Healthcare Setting

Length of stay is a persistent problem in a healthcare setting. The increasing complexity of treatment processes, the growing cost of care delivery combined with a decrease in reimbursement, and the increasing pressure created by regulations lead to a situation where length of stay (LOS) significantly increases both the complexity...

Healthcare Research

Pharmacist-Doctors Relationship in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Several studies have highlighted the role of inter-professional relationships in improving patient outcomes (Alhawassi et al., 2017; Isetts et al., 2016; Rathbone, Mansoor, Krass, Hamrosi, & Aslani, 2016). They suggest that interprofessional collaboration improves information sharing and quality checks. This paper discusses pharmacist-doctor relationships in Saudi Arabia and their...

Healthcare Research

Choosing the Right Methodology

Answering the Research Questions To effectively test the research hypothesis and answer the research questions that touch on the need to create environmental awareness and scarcity in the Australian health sector, the proposed study will utilize a mixed methods approach in which both quantitative and qualitative methods are applied contemporaneously....

Healthcare Research

Health Policy Values in the United States

Introduction The role that nurses play is critical in determining the quality of treatment that people receive in healthcare centers. While other medical practitioners in a facility may frequently check on the progress of patients, nurses spent most of their time with them. In fact, they act as caregivers and...

Healthcare Research

Planning Health Promotion: Needs Assessments

Rationale and Importance of the Study The study is based on the rationale that the migrant Chinese women, share common health patterns with their counterparts from Mainland China. Given that cervical cancer is significant health challenge in Mainland China and is further compounded by lower testing rates, Chinese women born...

Healthcare Research

Exponential Error Reduction in Pre-Transfusion

Blood transfusion is an important part of healthcare. It is one of the common interventions applied to save lives. South, Casina, and Li explain that in any health facility providing transfusion services, the top priority is always to make the transfusion process safe (81). Blood transfusion involves a process that...

Healthcare Research

Social Determinants of Health

The health status of individuals and communities depends on a large number of influential factors. They are interconnected between each other and determine the overall well-being of people. The majority of scholarly approaches to the classification of the determinants of health define three groups as social, environmental, and cultural. Within...