📝 Essays on Healthcare Research

Healthcare Research

Patient Safety. Academic Dissemination of Findings

Disseminating Findings of the Practicum Project My observations regarding collaboration and patient safety characterized my practicum project experience. Patient safety refers to the prevention of errors that would have adverse effects on patients when they seek medical services in the healthcare setting. Relative to this assertion, McVay, Stamatakis, Jacobs, Tabak,...

Healthcare Research

Electroconvulsive Therapy: Comparison of an Internet Source to Peer Reviewed Journals

The purpose of the paper is to elicit information regarding electroconvulsive therapy. With the advent of the new media, there is an overload of information through the internet. This paper evaluates and compares an internet source on electroconvulsive therapy to articles presented in peer reviewed journals. According to Robert Harris...

Healthcare Research

Blood Clot: Epogen, Procrit, and Aranesp

Introductory project description A blood clot is defined as “the clumps that occur when the blood hardens from a liquid to a solid (coagulates). A blood clot that forms inside a blood vessel or within the heart and remains there is called a thrombus.” (Stitham, 2008) There are several causes...

Healthcare Research

Dietary Salt Intake Effect on Bronchial Asthma

Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine whether reducing dietary salt intake potentially would improve pulmonary function and airway responsiveness in individuals with asthma; i.e. whether the severity of asthma could be reduced by reducing dietary salt intake (Mickleborough and Gotshall, 2004). For this the authors have relied...

Healthcare Research

HIV in Women: Physical and Developmental Issues, Community or Societal Issues

Research Topic Since the beginning of the US epidemic, more and more women are being afflicted with HIV. Women appear to be more vulnerable to HIV due to the high concentration of the virus in the semen of their male partners (Trzynka and Erlen, 2004, p. 1). It is significant...

Healthcare Research

Smoking and the Respiratory System

Introduction Smoking has long been associated with cancer of the lungs and other respiratory diseases. It is estimated that about 33 percent of the male adults in the world smoke varying number of cigarettes. In addition to causing health and lung problems for the smoker, passive smoking is in which...

Healthcare Research

Malnutrition in Dementia: Critiquing an Issue in Aged Care

Problem Identification The problem lies in the rising cases of dementia patients and the prevalence of malnutrition in the elderly segment of the population. The following study reveals the significance of malnutrition in dementia, emphasizing the issue in aged care Introduction According to 1995 medical statistics of all Australian population...

Healthcare Research

Health System, Care and Economics in USA.

Introduction Today, Health care crisis is the most pressing problem of American economy leaded by soaring costs, uninsured employment and a continuous corrosion of corporate health benefits. The CED (2007) report tells us some amazing facts about American health care according to which $3.5 billion a year is wasted on...

Healthcare Research

End of Life Care: Gap in Competence

Abstract Inadequate educational preparation, professional mentorship, and practicum exposure are significant barriers to optimal palliative care. A deficit was noted in the current curricula that focus on ethical issues rather than on building core competencies that will improve patient outcomes. An end-of-life (EOL) course founded in standardized best practices and...

Healthcare Research

Lack Sleep Effects on Teenagers

Introduction Sleep is one of the most important functions which help human body to have some rest and recover essential functions. Sleep deprivation means lack of sleep which influences the main psychological and physiological processes. Kushida (2005) claims: “The deprivation of sleep is the partial or near-complete removal of sleep...

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction Influences Health Outcomes

Abstract Patient satisfaction is a direct measure of care quality that offers an insight into a variety of clinical aspects ranging from care effectiveness to the level of empathy. Dissatisfaction with care usually leads to a drop in the level of patients’ trust in their healthcare providers, which also adversely...

Healthcare Research

Patient Safety Project Findings Dissemination

The main problem addressed by the practicum project plan is patient safety. It is defined by the absence of preventable harm to individuals who receive emergency or medical care. Relative to this assertion, the World Health Organization (2019) posits that about 25% of patients who seek health services are often...

Healthcare Research

HAPUs in Healthcare Organizations in the United States

Executive Summary The topic of the project is hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) in healthcare organizations in the United States. The problem of the project is the alarming prevalence rates of HAPUs in Kings County Hospital Center in comparison with the benchmark set by the New York State Department of Health....

Healthcare Research

Validity Threats in Radiology Training Evaluation

Internal and external validity are important concepts in training evaluation, as they prove that its results are meaningful and relevant. Threats to validity are the factors that might affect the level of believability of the study outcomes and the extent of their generalization. Internal validity is an important featur as...

Healthcare Research

Quantitative Research Article Critical Appraisal

The title of the article is good as it suggests the key variables (primary care diabetes, primary care physicians, and nurse practitioners) and the study population (Medicare patients) (Lutfiyya et al., 2016). Similarly, the abstract is clear and it concisely summarizes the main features of the report including aims, background,...

Healthcare Research

Biotechnology and Genomes

Introduction Gene therapy offers promise to many patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major reasons for morbidity and mortality globally. Hence, there is always the urgency to obtain alternative solutions, pharmacological or otherwise (Ekhart & Koch; Frazier, Johnson & Sparks 315). In many clinical tests,...

Healthcare Research

Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism as a Nursing Issue

Introduction One of the significant health concerns healthcare facilities are yet to solve is hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism (HA-VTE). It has been estimated that approximately 70% of surgical and 50% of medical patients are affected (Assareh, Chen, Ou, Hillman, & Flabouris, 2016). This negative trend is associated with adverse patient outcomes,...

Healthcare Research

Calcium Channels’ Role in Disease Development

Introduction Voltage-gated calcium channels belong to a family of calcium channel proteins that are integrated in the membranes of both excitable and non-excitable cells. In many cells an influx of calcium triggers depolarization which can increase excitability. Calcium is a known intracellular messenger which not only plays a role in...

Healthcare Research

Hydroxyurea-Based Therapy in Patients With Sickle Cell Disease

Introduction The purpose of this project is to examine medication adherence related to hydroxyurea-based (HU) therapy in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). The focus of this project is on determining the outcomes of using pill compliance packaging on HU therapy for SCD patients in the context when non-compliance packaging...

Healthcare Research

Essential Aspects for Maintaining Health

Introduction Health is a state of good functioning and the balance on the spiritual, social, mental, emotional, perceptional and physical level. Absolutely it is seen that nobody is perfectly healthy because since childhood all kind of childhood diseases and even the small imperfections are visible; a perfect health will result...

Healthcare Research

Primary Care Diabetes Research Critique

Introductory Elements The quality of diabetes management in primary care remains a critical question in many countries. In their study conducted in the United States, Lutfiyya et al. (2017) examine the presence of differences in care related to the type of provider. In general, the paper’s title adequately represents its...

Healthcare Research

Hypertension Management and Education Program

Introduction Patient education is an essential aspect of contemporary care and disease management that can improve the outcomes of treatment. This element is especially crucial in the context of chronic conditions that require continuous monitoring and adherence to the recommendations of medical professionals. This paper aims to outline an issue...

Healthcare Research

The Temple University Hospital: Quality Improvement

Introduction Although the organizational values promoted at TUH can be defined as sensible and patient-oriented, the lack of tools for implementing proper care and maintaining control over the well-being of inpatients creates a rather unsettling situation. The specified issues cause a rise in the length of stay, which entails additional...

Healthcare Research

The Neuman Systems Model Theory: Strengths and Limitations

Background Betty M. Neuman was an American researcher specialized in nursing, clinical psychology, and mental and public health. She was born in 1924 in Ohio, in a family of a farmer and a housewife. After graduation from high school, she completed a nursing program in the hospital of Ohio in...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Medical Practice: Useful or Not?

Introduction Evidence-based medical practice allows to facilitate the decision-making process and improve patients’ health outcomes by using the best available information from high-quality clinical research. Despite the effectiveness of this approach, many medical institutions in the United States have not embraced it yet. The purpose of this paper is to...

Healthcare Research

Three Perspectives on Childhood Development: Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky

The cognitive and emotional development of children is a unique and intricate process that demands careful consideration to understand the challenges that it entails and the opportunities that it contains. Since the phenomenon of childhood development is not homogenous and includes a sequence of changes that affect a child on...

Healthcare Research

Theory and Its Elements in Nursing Research

Introduction The concept of theory in any discipline implies a set of interrelated ideas and approaches which help to systematize the existing knowledge. Theories base on definitions propositions, models, etc., which are directly or implicitly connected to the discipline. For example, the conceptions of nursing theories include patients and communication...

Healthcare Research

Nursing Research: Non- and Experimental Designs

Introduction Research performs an essential role in many life spheres, and nursing is not an exception. It helps scientists collect and analyze existing information as well as generate conclusions that would be beneficial for many people. That is why every piece of research meets particular criteria to be credible. In...

Healthcare Research

Emotional Expressions Reconsidered by Barrett et al.

Limitations of the Study The significance of emotional intelligence as a part of the general notion of emotional competence is critical in nursing. The ability to decipher the changes in a patient’s attitudes and emotional stage, as a whole, is critical in meeting the needs of the patient in question...

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction with the Quality of Nursing Care

This paper presents the evaluation of a nursing article “Patient Satisfaction with the Quality of Nursing Care” that was written by Anita Karaca and Zehra Durna. In that article, the authors discuss the importance of measuring patients’ satisfaction and its potential drivers. The research aimed to identify and examine key...

Healthcare Research

Nursing Research. Literature Review Step by Step

Introduction and Brief Definition of Literature Review Literature review constitutes an essential part of medical education research. Defined by Maggio, Sewell, and Artino as a comprehensive summary of what is known on the specific topic, it forms the basis for all the phases of further research. After clearly identifying its...

Healthcare Research

Hand Hygiene Adherence for Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a cause of significant morbidity and mortality among patients in primary and intensive care units. Moreover, HAIs are associated with an increased cost of care for patients, hospitals, and the healthcare system in general. According to King et al. (2016), a substantial number of HAIs...

Healthcare Research

Theory of Equal Access to Care

Disparities in access to care among minority populations directly affect health care outcomes – diabetes rates are 30% higher in Native Americans and Latinos, infant mortality is 2.5 times higher for black babies than for white, while life expectancy for black men and women is 10 years fewer compared to...

Healthcare Research

Nursing Students in the Clinical Learning Environment

Why did You Select the Article? The article named “The Challenges of Nursing Students in the Clinical Learning Environment: A Qualitative Study” was selected. Learning in the clinical environment can be difficult, unpredictable, and unstable for students (Baraz, Memarian, & Vanaki, 2015). Therefore, this article was chosen because it contains...

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction and Favorable Outcomes

The aim of the study conducted by Kennedy, Trevis, and Kent correlated with the research question and was the following: are there connections between measures of patient satisfaction and favorable health outcomes? The sample of the study includes 171 hospitals that offered data through the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) database....

Healthcare Research

Patient Satisfaction and Outcomes: Study Methodology

Research question The research question chosen for the current exploration is the following: “Is there a connection between patient satisfaction and patient outcomes?” The research question was chosen due to the need for hospitals to consider the metric of patient satisfaction when increasing the quality of their care and ensuring...

Healthcare Research

Effect of Attentional Focus on Premotor and Motor Components of Reaction Time

Two important loci of focus exist. They include internal and external foci. The internal focus targets the subject’s body movements, whereas the external focus centers on the effects that the performer’s movements have on the surroundings. There is a lot of evidence showing that external focus of attention yields better...

Healthcare Research

Methods of Research in Nursing

Introduction There are various methods of research in any field of expertise, and nursing is not an exception. In this essay, three summaries of literature from journals and three abstracts of studies about the methods of research in nursing will be included. Also, the differences between conceptual and theoretical frameworks...

Healthcare Research

Discussion of the European Countries Health Care Systems

Introduction The United States healthcare system has been a subject of public debate for a long time. US hospitals possess some of the most technologically advanced instruments in the world, but due to the extremely expensive cost, only a limited number of patients can afford to use them. The experience...

Healthcare Research

Afro-Caribbean Youth Hearth Issues Article Critique

The article by Ferguson et al. (2018) “Factors associated with elevated blood pressure or hypertension in Afro-Caribbean youth: A cross-sectional study” provides information on risk factors for high blood pressure (BP) among Afro-Caribbean young adults. It is a cross-sectional study involving data analysis of relevant variables, including anthropometric and BP...

Healthcare Research

Sociodemographic and Cultural Factors of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction The research topic of the current study is sociodemographic and cultural factors of attention hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The planned research will investigate socioeconomic and cultural factors the possible causes of ADHD and will design the research following the recommendations of Jacobsen (2016). The study is concentrated on this topic...

Healthcare Research

Increased Rate of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The topic of the given capstone project is the increased rate of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) in the US. I am studying the practice problem of HAPUs so that I can help my organization make a difference for patients and their families attempting to address this issue. This topic...

Healthcare Research

Non-Traditional, Non-Medicinal Management of Diabetes

Diabetes is nowadays considered a growing concern as its rate among the population continues to grow. At the moment, about 23 million Americans are diagnosed with various types of this disease. As far as the pharmacological treatment of Diabetes mellitus (DM) has some limitations and side effects, non-traditional and non-medical...

Healthcare Research

Enhancing the Sustainability of EBP Initiatives

Evidence-based practice (EBP) initiatives applied in health care settings allow for the implementation of the most efficient strategies and practices to address patients’ needs and contribute to their health outcomes. Currently, much attention is paid to the application of EBP initiatives in the most sustainable manner to minimize negative effects...

Healthcare Research

Negative Impact of Technology on Children’s Growth

Abstract In America, over 50% of children below six years of age use technological devices for more than two hours each day. This study will be undertaken to pay special attention to the emotional and cognitive effects of digital technology on the development of infants and young children and offer...

Healthcare Research

“Developmental Anatomy of the Liver” by Lhuaire et al.

The specifics of the anatomy and development of the liver with reference to the vasculature that can be examined with a focus on embryogenesis need additional research because limited information is available on this topic. In their study, Lhuaire et al. (2015) investigated the details of developmental morphogenesis of the...

Healthcare Research

Validity of Research Results and Associated Risks

Validity is a compliance measure that indicates how well the results obtained and the research methodology developed correspond to the objectives set. It is a fact that there are specific threats to such systems of evaluation of results. The purpose of this paper is to examine the different types of...

Healthcare Research

Sally’s Headache: Acute and Chronic Presentation

Subjective Findings and Questions In this case study, Sally is a 45-year-old female patient with a chief complaint of a headache that has been lasting during the last 30 days. The main subjective findings of the condition include a generalized and bilateral headache that is localized around the neck and...

Healthcare Research

Use of Electronic Medical Records in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The whole world and almost all industries of production, entertainment, and services introduce computer technology to increase the pace and quality of customer service. The healthcare sector is no exception, and many medical organizations replace paper medical records with their electronic analogs. This method of storing patient information provides...

Healthcare Research

Screening for Hypertension in Adolescents

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a considerable bother for the US healthcare system due to high prevalence and morbidity and mortality implications. However, the US Preventative Service Task Force (USPSTF, 2019b) concludes that there is not enough evidence to suggest screening for primary hypertension in adolescents due to the...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Innovations: Chronic Disease and Self-Management among Adult Patients

The article by McCabe, McCann, and Brady (2017) titled Computer and mobile technology interventions for self‐management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease provide a systematic review of studies focused on managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the adult population. The research aimed at comparing the outcomes of interventions delivered by...

Healthcare Research

Parents’ Responsibility for Children’s Medical Care

A key area of ​​medical care for children is the active monitoring of children’s health and the implementation of comprehensive preventive measures. The medical needs of children with disabilities should be taken into account. These actions require the involvement of a large number of medical workers, and, accordingly, funds and...

Healthcare Research

Particulate Matter Size and Health Effects

Introduction The research question for this part of the study is, whether there is any relationship between the PM size and the health of Sun Coast staff? The statistical analysis aims to investigate whether the smaller size increases employees’ health safety. For this purpose, the hypothesizes are: H01: There is...

Healthcare Research

Therapeutic Adherence

Therapeutic adherence is assumed as one of the critical factors that influence the success of the treatment. Patients’ therapeutic adherence depends on several factors, such as patient-centered, disease-related, or therapy-oriented issues. The exploration of the factors that affect the adherence to antihypertensive treatment among Afro-Caribbean in South Florida is the...

Healthcare Research

Sport Exercises Stages and Their Importance

The performance of athletes depends on various factors, including their physical and mental states, the level of their preparedness, their ability to concentrate and learn. It is important to pay sufficient attention to all these aspects as well as have a clear understanding of the exact ways they affect people’s...

Healthcare Research

Health Care Technology and Social Media Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults

An article by Abbas, Ali, Khan, and Khan (2016) titled Personalized healthcare cloud services for disease risk assessment and wellness management using social media provides a prototype framework, which can be used to assess risk factors among all types of population, including youth and younger adults. The framework proposes to...

Healthcare Research

General Medical Care Analysis

Florida’s law concerning general medical care does not differ considerably from state laws. According to the Florida Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, health care providers are to respect the rights of patients; however, patients are also expected to respect the rights and regulations of healthcare facilities (Florida Statutes, 2019b)....

Healthcare Research

Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) and research are the two essential components of the nursing profession that promote quality in a professional setting and identify excellence in the service delivery process. To better understand their roles and contribution, nurses should be able to distinguish between these components. While EBP aims to translate...

Healthcare Research

Adolescent Psychiatric Evaluation

Mental health illness is a potentially sensitive topic; hence, it is susceptible to factors affecting the reliability and validity of patient self-report. In this case, David appears to be anxious and withdrawn; thus, he will need considerable support in discussing his current problem(s). Therefore, there are specific communication techniques that...

Healthcare Research

Anticipatory Guidelines in Adolescents

Early adolescence is a period of remarkable transformations of the body on all levels. Body image is greatly influenced by hormonal and neurodevelopmental changes, which lead to the rapid growth of cognitive and intellectual capacities and the development of secondary sexual characteristics (World Health Organization, n.d.). Moreover, environmental factors (for...

Healthcare Research

Depression in Adolescents

Depression in adolescents is a significant concern for the US healthcare system. According to Mousavi, Shojaee, Shahidi, Cui, and Kutcher (2019), the condition is characterized by increased irritability, depressed mood, loss of interest and appetite, sense of hopelessness, and psychomotor retardation. Adolescents with low self-esteem, a history of substance abuse,...

Healthcare Research

Evidence Implementation in Clinical Settings

Introduction While conducting research and developing strategies for improving clinical practices is essential, one must understand the challenges that arise when implementing the findings. A clinical environment that operates following evidence-based practices promotes continuous improvements in patient outcomes. However, this result can only be achieved by establishing a proper culture...

Healthcare Research

Applied Behavior Analysis Dimensions

Introduction Out of a variety of spheres in which scholars perform research, applied analysis occupies an important place. In 1968, Baer, Wolf, and Risley identified seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Baer et al. (1968) argued that there was more to the difference between basic and applied research than...

Healthcare Research

Conceptual Model in Nursing Analysis: Florence Nightingale’s Theory

Abstract Florence Nightingale’s model of nursing is based on accentuating the role of the environment in affecting patients’ health outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate Nightingale’s theory and assess its contribution to nursing and application in a modern healthcare context. The analysis of the model indicates its...

Healthcare Research

Exclusive Breastfeeding: Theoretical Framework Discussion

Introduction Exclusive breastfeeding is among the highly recommended practices associated with the proper and timely development of infants since antibodies in breast milk help newborn babies to develop immunity to common infections and viruses. Because of its health benefits, exclusive breastfeeding is promoted among expecting and new mothers in different...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare in the United States

Introduction The modern healthcare sector faces a significant problem that limits its further evolution and prevents it from performing the central task, which is the provision of care to all people who might need it. This issue is a too high price for the majority of available treatment plans or...

Healthcare Research

“Mindfulness and Compassion-Oriented Practices at Work ” by Orellana-Rios Quantitative Review

Introduction The reviewed article entitled “Mindfulness and Compassion-Oriented Practices at Work Reduce Distress and Enhance Self-Care of Palliative Care Teams: A Mixed-Method Evaluation of an “On the Job” Program” was written by Orellana-Rios et al. (2018). This pilot study examined the efficiency of an intervention aimed at reducing distress, enhancing...

Healthcare Research

The Influence of Globalization in Healthcare

Introduction Globalization is strongly influencing the economy of the US, and the technology market is a key player. Organizations in developed nations have influenced globalization by channeling their services and products to the developing world and emerging markets. Moreover, upcoming markets are taking their services to developed nations, which has...

Healthcare Research

Quality of Services Provided at the Cardiovascular Surgery Department

Introduction Quality is one of the basic priorities of healthcare centers that try to ensure the best patient outcomes. It has been acknowledged that quality is not confined to addressing specific health issues and conducting a set of clinical procedures. Patient satisfaction, readmission rates, and the cost-effectiveness of the provided...

Healthcare Research

Ankle Injuries in Adolescents

Ankle injuries, including sprains, strains, and fractures, are common conditions in adolescents due to a high level of physical activity. According to Du, Chen, Patterson, and Ranade (2018), more than 45 million children in the US have the condition annually. Children participating in sports and having other musculoskeletal conditions are...

Healthcare Research

Self-Medication for Childhood Dental Problems

The self-medication of minors can have negative consequences, and research on the topic indicates that particular groups of children are especially likely to be exposed to it. For example, Santos et al. focused on a sample of 1382 children from some poor areas of Brazil. Roughly half of them had...

Healthcare Research

Marijuana and Banning Edibles

Abstract Many states have enacted laws that allow the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes, as well as the production of cannabis-infused edibles. The state of New Jersey is currently debating a bill that proposes to legalize marijuana and cannabis edibles. This is a public health issue because...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice and Implementation Issues

Practice Description Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become one of the most important concepts on which healthcare policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. It has gained popularity because of its potential of having a great impact on the practice, skills, and knowledge pertaining to the profession of nursing. According to the definition Ammouri...

Healthcare Research

Childhood Obesity and Parental Education Project

Childhood obesity has become one of the priorities of American health care due to the epidemic nature of this health problem. Various interventions have been developed and implemented to encourage children and their families to have healthier diets and lifestyles (Nyberg et al., 2015; Wright et al., 2016). However, the...

Healthcare Research

Hand Hygiene Compliance as a Practice Change

Healthcare Problem Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) constitute a serious problem in many healthcare organizations. They lower the quality of care for patients and expose visitors to life-threatening outcomes, complications, and unscheduled readmissions (Goldberg, 2017). This issue is closely connected to medical professionals’ adherence to hand hygiene practices described and suggested by...

Healthcare Research

Obesity Study: Examining Methodology and Design

Introduction The present paper aims at discussing three different methodologies used to manage the health issue of obesity. Thus, three scholarly articles, each one focused on the management of childhood obesity with the help of physical activities, have been located. The sources differ in methodology: one of the articles is...

Healthcare Research

Insulin Administration: Translating Evidence into Practice

Researchable Problem The process of identifying a researchable problem can significantly impact the following steps of conducting a study. The feasibility of the final question and its elements can either simplify or complicate the search of information and the outcomes of research. Thus, prior to formulating the main research problem,...

Healthcare Research

Childhood Obesity Interventions: Literature Review

Educational interventions for parents aimed at increasing the physical activity of their school-aged children are of key importance today. Although the growth of the rate of obese children has been stopped, the prevalence of childhood obesity remains alarming as approximately 17% of American children are diagnosed with this health condition...

Healthcare Research

Data Analysis in Health-Related Research

Types of Study Used in the Articles All of the articles under consideration present the findings of the original research. Walker, Farzan, Gaydos, DeCastro, and Jonassaint (2016) apply qualitative analysis to discover the perceptions of Hydroxyurea among patients suffering from sickle-cell disease (SCD). This study applies the context analysis framework...

Healthcare Research

Akron’s Children’s Hospital: Case Study

Executive Summary Akron Children’s Hospital is one of the leading pediatric hospitals in Northeastern Ohio. This case study will examine the hospital’s background, offering an insight into its operations, facilities, and financial solvency. Furthermore, information will be introduced on the other competitive practices in the area, leading to the managerial...

Healthcare Research

Microdermabrasion-Aesthetic Courses

Introduction: Microdermabrasion ─ Types and Indications Microdermabrasion (MDA) is one of the newest methods of facial treatment applied in modern esthetic courses to remove dead skin cells. This safe and non-invasive skin rejuvenation tool works by “mechanical exfoliation of the stratum corneum” (Papazian and Saba 55). After the procedure, the...

Healthcare Research

Family-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction In order to achieve the positive outcomes of medical interventions and implement all the therapeutic tasks efficiently, it is required to ensure high-quality interaction among caregivers and families. Such contacts contribute to complete understanding between two parties and allow obtaining the most accurate picture of a particular health problem....

Healthcare Research

Maternal Psychological State and Infant’s Temperament at Three Months

Introduction The hypothesis of this study is “maternal perinatal states of depression or anxiety are associated with increased difficulty in the temperament of the baby as perceived by mothers” (Vedova, 2014, p. 520). The available literature shows that the development of children born by mothers suffering from mood or anxiety...

Healthcare Research

Nursing Communication: Translational Research

Hospitals are focusing on transforming the clinical environment to ensure patient safety and quality care through improved shift handoffs. They implement evidence-based interventions at the point of care to minimize the risk of medical errors and incidents and for quality performance consistent with value-based purchasing. Effective nurse-to-nurse information transfer is...

Healthcare Research

The Sources of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Introduction The debate regarding the benefits and risks of stem cell research has been ongoing, with special attention placed on the ethics of the technology. It was proven that stem cells have remarkable characteristics of renewing themselves and become tissue, which is highly beneficial for replacing and repairing organs and...

Healthcare Research

“To ‘Get By’ or ‘Get Help’?” the Article by Parsons, J. A., et al

Introduction/ Literature Review The research question that Parsons, Baker, Smith-Gorvie, and Hudak (2014) elaborated for the study sounds as follows: “In a situation of language discordance, do Canadian physicians prefer to manage emerging problems independently or seek help from language professionals?” Even though Parson et al. did not specifically study...

Healthcare Research

Infection Control in Pediatric Units: Translational Research

Introduction Translational research is a fast-growing field of nursing practice with the help of which it is possible to transform recent scientific findings into new clinical processes. The results may vary, including the possibility to stabilize patient care, promote public health, and reduce the gap between evidence and application (Titler,...

Healthcare Research

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources for Medical Research

Introduction It is critical for a person conducting research to have the ability to distinguish the key differences between scholarly and popular sources of information. The biggest difference lies in the fact that the overall perspective of academic studies is to be informative, whereas popular sources present their outlook through...

Healthcare Research

Integrating Mental Health into Primary Help in Uganda

It is a common assumption that mental health is of little importance in low-income countries such as Uganda. However, the body of evidence showed that the East-African country has been making a conscious effort to introduce tools for enhancing mental health to primary help. Uganda’s government recognized deteriorating mental wellness...

Healthcare Research

“Fat Talk” by Ambwani et al.: Experimental Study

Experimental research design as a part of the scientific method is vital for ensuring the reliability of obtained data. It allows researchers to make a causal statement by observing the relationships between variables. This report presents the concepts associated with experimental research, providing their definitions. Also, the paper shows examples...

Healthcare Research

‘Fat Talk’ Experimental Research by Arroyo et al.

Introduction Experimental research is commonly used in scientific fields such as psychology, chemistry, biology, and medicine. The term refers to a range of research designs that employ manipulation and controlled testing to discover and describe causal processes. Typically, the end goal of experimental research is to identify what effect one...

Healthcare Research

Obesity Prevalence Study in Clark County, Washington

Background Information The current global projections by the World Health Organization on the trend of obesity indicates that more than 3 billion peoples would be overweight by the year 2015 while childhood overweight is now considered by the body as the “most serious public health challenges of the 21st century”...

Healthcare Research

Childhood Obesity Research: Data Analysis

This paper covers the analysis of data, the reliability and validity of findings, and statistical tests used in healthcare research. In total, five studies are examined: one qualitative, two quantitative, and two with the mixed-method design. For each source, the type of study and statistical tests are indicated, and their...

Healthcare Research

Teenage Pregnancy Epidemiology in the United States

Introduction In the United States of America, teenage pregnancy has been rated to be among the most serious, complex, and challenging problems that are facing the public sector (McEwen, 2002). Moreover, studies reveal that teenage pregnancy has been on the increase. For instance, studies carried out by the USDHHS and...

Healthcare Research

Master’s Level Nursing Research Methods

Discuss the differences between research, research utilization (RU), and evidence-based practice (EBP). You may want to link this to the historical evolution of research in nursing Research, research utilization, and evidence-based practice are integral aspects of contemporary nursing. Both RU and EBP are interconnected concepts that presuppose the extraction and...

Healthcare Research

Recreational Activities for Overweight Patients

Foreground and Background Information The PICOT question focuses on the use of recreational activities to reduce the risk for stroke, hypertension, and cancer in overweight and obese persons aged between 18 and 40. This intervention will be compared and contrasted with various educational campaigns targeting behavioral and lifestyle changes. In...

Healthcare Research

Chapter 24 of “Nursing Research” by Polit & Beck

In Chapter 24, Polit and Beck (2017) present a discussion about the analysis of qualitative data, which is different from the quantitative one in relying on non-statistical approaches. The authors consider the key aspects of working with data, including its management, analysis, and findings interpretation. The key concepts include category...

Healthcare Research

Community Recreation & Education: Practical Implementation

Introduction This report is a clinical search assignment for a PICOT question, which is premised on investigating whether the application or use of community recreation exercises/activities compares to educational campaigns or reduces the risk for health conditions, such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, and hypertension, within two years. The PICOT question...

Healthcare Research

Quantitative Nursing Research and Discussion

“First or Second Drop of Blood in Capillary Glucose Monitoring” Article Analysis The quantitative design of the study A study published in The Journal of Emergency Nursing article, “First or Second Drop of Blood in Capillary Glucose Monitoring,” observed inconsistent practices in using the first or second drop of blood...

Healthcare Research

Military Families’ Experiences: Medical Studies

Introduction The deployment of the military is a common phenomenon in modern days. This is especially due to the ever-increasing demand for cross border security. This has seen the deployment of military personnel in conflict zones across the world. The deployment of military personnel has impacted their families. Studies have...

Healthcare Research

13-Weeks Mindfulness-Based Pain Management Program

Background of Study The clinical problem that led to the study was the growth of the cases of chronic pain and the lack of options for its eradication. In other words, the knowledge of pain management techniques was insufficient for the successful management of the issue. The study describes a...