Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 348
Two challenges may be faced while speaking with Steve about the correlation between his health and his drinking habits. First of all, it is difficult to convince the addicted that he is suffering from alcoholism. For example, Steve considers himself a social drinker, even though he has been arrested for...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 295
The primary goal of this discussion is to describe the evaluation of substance use disorder. Firstly, the nature and severity of the substance use have to be established, as these aspects can be observed from the screening tests and the patient’s behavior. One of the tests can be AUDIT, ASI,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 269
The emergence of modern technologies has delivered new procedures for learning more about human genetics and genomics. Medical professionals are using these innovations to screen, diagnose, and treat a wide range of conditions. Personally, I believe that CRISPR-Cas9 technology is the best innovation that will support or meet the health...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 594
The concept of nosocomial infections includes infections of a different nature. However, its most optimal definition can be presented as follows. A nosocomial infection is any pathological condition, clinically expressed, caused by microorganisms, which arose in a patient as a result of his hospitalization or visiting a health care institution...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 263
The contamination process of infection follows a specific sequence based on the causative agent. Thus, every infection starts from the locus point of entry. The sequence of contamination includes a causative agent or pathogen, transmission channel, entry portal, and a susceptible host. The diagram below summarizes the sequence of infections....
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 439
Biological and behavioral surveillance data about injecting drug users may prove to be very helpful in HIV prevention. First, this data may help in identifying the percentage proportion of individuals infected by HIV through needles. This might help the government to plan a preventive program geared to these individuals that...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 476
Humans and drug addicts have used or consumed drugs for many years since the history of humanity, but as regards this, the scientific study of drugs is more recent. According to research that was conducted by researchers, it was discovered that pharmacology is the scientific study of drugs, which deals...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 607
Nowadays, people have to be concerned not only about diseases in their communities but also about outbreaks in other parts of the world. As the transportation system becomes more sophisticated with time passing, so increases the chance of being infected by a virus from another corner of a planet. Today,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 744
Salmonella is a bacterium commonly associated with a foodborne illness caused by the salmonellosis infection. The disease is responsible for 1.2 million infections and 450 deaths in the United States annually. There are more than 2,500 various serotypes identified. This paper will discuss a relatively common Salmonella enterica. It is...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 326
Alleles are the variations or alternatives for a gene locus, and they can be classified into two main categories. There are dominant and recessive alleles, where the latter’s effect is overridden by the former’s expression. If an organism possesses either two dominant or two recessive alleles, it is considered to...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 282
Frequently, when people get the desire to try any drug, they are willing to achieve a sense of pleasure and relaxation. While a person injects drugs into the body, the brain system releases the neurotransmitter called dopamine. It helps drug consumers feel the desired effect of pleasure and reward and,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 268
Since the 19th century, drugs can both be used for instrumental or medical purposes and recreational use, when people only consume illegal substances to achieve some satisfaction. Speaking of instrumental drugs, medicals are obliged to follow specific rules on drug injection, which include dose calculations and ratio. In such a...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 304
Other people with hemophilia can be found through community counts and support networks, which only involve members who are voluntarily willing to assist hemophilia patients. It is important to remember that the hemophilia occurrence rate is significantly higher among men than women because it is an X-chromosome-linked gene. The Hemophilia...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 329
In the state of Georgia, not every death requires an autopsy to be performed by the coroner or medical examiner. An autopsy is mandatory when a person dies due to violence, suicide, drug overdose, or in a suspicious manner and without regaining consciousness when admitted to a hospital (Warshauer Law...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 338
What is Lordosis Lordosis is a clinical syndrome characterized by a bulge at the front of the spine, which can be normal or pathological (Yamak et al., 2018). Each person’s physiological status is monitored. The lumbar and cervical spines are bent in this position, the pathological condition of the spine...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 367
Alopecia areata belongs to recurrent non-scarring forms of alopecia, and any area of the scalp can be involved in the pathological process. Hair loss lesions that form within the framework of the disease can take any shape: round, oval, or point. The balding process is benign, which does not exclude...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 587
Introduction Acne vulgaris is the most widespread skin condition that most people encounter, especially in adolescence. Facial skin diseases are the cause of both physical problems and various psychological sufferings of the patient. It occurs in 85% of people aged 12 to 25 years and 11% of people over 25...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 295
Introduction One should note that amputation is a highly traumatic and serious process, which has a long-lasting impact on a person both physically and mentally. The main three psychosocial aspects of the procedure are centered around emotional, social, and behavioral adjustments. Main body Firstly, behavioral adjustment is the most visible...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 4
Words: 899
Introduction Poliovirus is a human enterovirus, which causes a highly contagious, viral, and life-threatening disease called polio or poliomyelitis. The name poliomyelitis originated from the Greek words “polio” and “myelon,” which mean grey and marrow, respectively. The disease mainly affects humans, and it is transmitted through the fecal-oral route from...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 1002
Introduction Salmonella has been a pathogen of public concern over recent years, especially in the Caribbean area. The issue has received less attention, mainly because of the inadequate resources in this region. Nonetheless, Salmonella enteritidis has become one of the major causes of human Salmonellosis. It can also lead to...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 7
Words: 1921
Abstract The paper examines the impact of juvenile arthritis (JA) on the lives of people affected by it. The term “juvenile arthritis” includes a number of diseases that affect joint tissues and reveal themselves in childhood or adolescence. The disease limits one’s motor skills and has a significant toll on...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 663
The process of bone formation in living organisms is called osteogenesis in biology. It begins at the embryonic stage in humans and reaches its peak from adolescence to young adulthood. After the age of 25, the natural gradual loss of bone mass starts. Bone formation is performed by osteoblasts, osteoclasts,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1492
Abstract An autopsy is a procedure performed surgically that involves a thorough examination of a deceased body by dissection. The main aim of the autopsy procedure is to determine the mode and manner of the death or the cause of the death (Padar et al. 5). Currently, there has been...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 682
Today, there are numerous methods available for the process of delivery. One of them is water birth, which is characterized by a woman remaining in the water during all the stages of labor until the actual appearance of the baby. During the last decades, this option has gained popularity in...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 4
Words: 796
Shock is categorized as a medical emergency and occurs when the tissues and organs fail to receive adequate oxygenated blood. Therefore, burn shock is used to describe specific signs such as “decreased cardiac output, increased vascular resistance, hypovolaemia and hypoperfusion” caused by severe burn injuries (Curtis et al., 2019). Such...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 498
Impact of Depression on Each Stage of the Life Cycle Infants between 1 and 12 months grow very fast. During this period, infants require constant attention from their parents. Mothers should breastfeed and take care of their children. Depression might occur when the emotional and physical needs of such infants...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 8
Words: 2246
Within the last decades, obesity rates grow significantly among adults and adolescents. As a chronic condition, obesity can be characterized by excessive bodyweight, which a medical problem that correlates with many health problems. Considering that obesity is caused by a variety of social, cultural, and environmental factors, along with its...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 1
Words: 279
Protection against Resistant Bacteria Bacteria cause many illnesses that are treated mainly using antibiotics. However, the continued use of antibiotics has rendered the drugs less effective since the bacteria have developed resistance. The bacteria also adapt to the drugs and change overtime to defeat the effectiveness of the drugs administered....
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1412
Introduction Based on Corey’s (2016) description of multicultural contexts, the sociocultural factors of an individual’s life have an impact on him or her. As a result, the needs and group therapy expectations of a Hispanic adolescent boy and African American older woman might differ. Two of the Micro training Associates’...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 12
Words: 3405
Introduction Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an approach to therapy that is especially focused on outcomes, problem-solving, and the use of evidence-based solutions. The present paper is dedicated to an in-depth study of CBT as applied to groups. Here, the key concepts of CBT, as well as its strengths and limitations,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1385
Introduction Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is among the therapy approaches that can be applied to group work. Due to its focus on the procedures that are supported by evidence, CBT has been covered by research articles rather extensively. In this paper, a definition of CBT will be presented, and an overview...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 600
Work-School Balance activity Top Three Priorities in Life My three priorities in life are family, health, and progress. The family is the closest people throughout their lives, so I always try to devote as much time as possible. I have been interested in maintaining health since adolescence; therefore, I chose...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 563
Available literature demonstrates that vulnerable and socially excluded persons, including the homeless, are exposed to more health issues and challenges than the general population, and hence require targeted health services to address these challenges (Maurer & Smith, 2009). Poverty, domestic violence, and lack of affordable housing are acknowledged as the...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 9
Words: 2141
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a common form of anxiety among victims that face various traumas in the society especially psychological trauma. Motor vehicle accidents are some of the most common sources of trauma in the society with many victims being affected and suffering from PTSD. Although false memory has been...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 4
Words: 753
Bereavement Bereavement describes the specific experiences people go through in the aftermath of the demise of a loved one (Walsh & McGoldrick, 2004). It is the grief or intense sorrow experienced following the loss of a loved one by death. Bereaved people experience different emotional reactions, including sadness, desperation, insomnia,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 6
Words: 704
Bereavement Bereavement is defined as the period an individual experiences a feeling of sorrow and sadness due to the death of their close person such as a significant other (Walsh, 2008). Bereavement is very individual and differs from a person to person based on their personal qualities. Uncomplicated bereavement Having...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 7
Words: 1813
Introduction Personalization is a paradigm in the social care system that focuses on improving the quality of social care that social workers provide. Burton, Toscano, and Zonouzi (2012) define personalization as a way of addressing the needs and desires of individuals by ensuring that they have the right advice, information,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 27
Words: 7448
Autism Management using EEG Approximately 1% of children across the globe have autism. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of autism spectrum conditions is still in the dark times since it remains a perplexing and biased practice where physicians convey their judgment following observation of the behaviors of a child and evaluating past...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 12
Words: 3959
Introduction Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is a protein enzyme found in the cytosol of human and bacterial cells. It exists as a monomer made up of 515 amino acids and a molecular weight of 59 kDa. (Glew & Rosenthall, 2009) It is found in all cells but its concentration...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 30
Words: 8422
Introduction General description of the spinal cord The spinal cord forms one of the important organs of the central nervous system. It coordinates all the body functions including the functioning of various body parts and coordination between the brain and the respective body parts. In other words, it is through...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 7
Words: 1938
Introduction Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) are highly trained and skilled nursing professionals who can demonstrate outstanding performance in a variety of health care positions. Such versatility can sometimes become a burden causing CNSs to work in one position for long and give up their potential due to organizational or other...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1387
Introduction Many issues in nursing are patient-centered. To help patients cope with various adverse conditions nursing theorists developed a plethora of theories for nursing specialists to use and deliver the best quality of care. Nonetheless, nurses can also experience a variety of problems themselves. These issues also need an application...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1489
For the longest time in history, marijuana has been considered not only a spiritual aid but also medicinal for many cultures. The therapeutic use of cannabis started back in 2900 BC when Emperor Fu accepted and effected its use as medicine. Medicinal use of marijuana has over the years found...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1375
Introduction Organ transplantation is a rather delicate topic, and the state policy regulating the laws of this field of medicine is usually guided not only by legal but also moral principles. Altruism has always been considered one of the key aspects in this sphere as giving an organ to another...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 18
Words: 7175
Literature Review In the CCU setting, patients are especially vulnerable due to the vastly negative effects that specific external factors may have on their health status. The changes in end-tidal (ET) CO2 levels are particularly important to determine since they allow improving the opportunity for performing the return to spontaneous...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 10
Words: 2782
Introduction The process of resuscitation to encourage the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) requires constant supervision in the setting of a Coronary Care Unit (CCU). Therefore, it is critical to study the opportunities that capnography provides for detecting the threat of heart failure and facilitating a successful. For this purpose,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 9
Words: 2533
Background of PM Particulate matter (PM) is often comprised of organic and inorganic matter (Perez, et al. 129). Experts often use their mass and composition to categorize them into two main groups – fine and coarse particles (The University of Texas at El Paso 4). Generally, fine particles are PM2.5,...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 15
Words: 4642
The Humanistic Approach Models in the family therapies focus on the client’s family for perceptions of new choices or changes. The present trend in family therapy is to integrate several approaches as no single technique is sufficient to treat all clients (Lebow, 1977 cited in Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 2008, p.410)....
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 20
Words: 4675
The chapter begins by elucidating the definitions and background of telemental health after which it proceeds to explicate the technological tools which are necessary for the practice of telemental health delivery, by providing a brief history of telemental health. This section also deals with the technological tools required for telemental...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 359
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a medical condition associated with the aging process in the male population. While it is not regarded as a preventable ailment, its symptoms can be halted by lifestyle changes and medications (Corona, Vignozzi, Rastrelli, Lotti, Cipriani, & Maggi, 2014). The present paper offers an overview...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 665
Introduction People often seek medical assistance with one common symptom – pain. However, the classification of this phenomenon shows how challenging it may be for a medical professional to diagnose pain accurately. Pain can be classified as acute, referred, or chronic according to its pathophysiology. It is vital for clinicians...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 5
Words: 1113
Abstract Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that has challenged the healthcare sphere for more than a century. Being one of the most widespread inherited conditions, its prevalence may depend on environmental factors associated with a geographic area or parents being carriers of the genetic translocation. At this time, the...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 4
Words: 846
Ulcerative colitis is often referred to as inflammatory bowel disease, and it affects people’s digestive system. It has been acknowledged that the disorder is predominant in the Western hemisphere, but there is an apparent shift as the illness is becoming more common in Asian countries (Samuel & Loftus, 2014). It...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 768
Diagnosis Is a word physicians use to find out the disease a patient is suffering from or the condition of need of the person. This is used when a patient is admitted to the clinic or hospital and people are concerned about the cause of the illness. The physician would...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 8
Words: 2039
Introduction The narration of a story, irrespective of whether it relates to other people or is about oneself, is the same across the world. The advancement of language in human life, both on a personal and evolutionary basis, leads to the intricate use of metaphors and features of speech. This...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 7
Words: 1867
Abstract The human orgasm is an important part of the sexual experience. Researchers state that it reinforces the relevance of sex. According to most researchers, the function of orgasm is to reinforce sex by acting as positive feedback to allow procreation. In this research, I evaluated the prevalence of female...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 8
Words: 1958
Both Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a disease that can cause malignancies, and gonorrhea are sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which pinpoint to the fact that this patient’s partner may have these health issues as well. In order to properly communicate with the patient, it is essential to explain that these diseases are...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 3
Words: 678
Clinical Experience Review My clinical experience includes diverse patient encounters. While practicing family medicine, I had an opportunity to observe some cases of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, ADHD, COPD, STD’s, skin diseases, depression, anxiety, and chronic back pain among adult patients aged from 23 to 92. Moreover, I encountered children aged...
Other Medical Specialties
Pages: 2
Words: 344
Female genital mutilation is practiced by different tribes and cultures. It is used to ensure social and moral norms among girls, and it is believed that it symbolizes maturity. It is used to control women in many regions (Simister 247). Africa and the Middle East have recorded the highest number...