👩🏾‍⚕️ Essays on Psychiatry - Page 2


Psychotropic Drugs Effect on American Children

Introduction The field of psychiatry is quite complicated since there are no outlines laboratory tests that professionals can use to diagnose mental conditions. This gap explains why it usually impossible for practitioners to identify the possible cause of a specific psychological problem and the best initiatives to treat it. The...


Mental Health Issue and the Role of Social Worker

Literature Review The Field of Service The field of mental health issues includes many conditions, such as major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADD), and other illnesses. Mental health disorders may be associated with various symptoms, including non-specific ones, such as poor sleep...


Anxiety Disorder, Its Types, Causes, and Incidence

Introduction Anxiety is an emotion that is considered an ordinary part of life that is caused and explained by human experiences, unstable environments, and many other internal and external factors. However, there are situations when anxiety becomes a disorder with its specific symptoms and implications for health. In such cases,...


Mental Illness and Healthcare Initiatives

Introduction Holistic healthcare systems focus on all aspects of a person, including mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Experts in different clinical fields apply their competencies to ensure that all patients record positive experiences and lead high-quality lives. This paper gives a definition of mental illness and explains why...


Mental Health Care in Canada and the United States

Introduction The cost and quality of healthcare will vary substantially from one country to another. Such a difference explains why governments should consider the best model to transform the delivery of sustainable medical services. This paper offers a detailed comparison of the US health system with those of Canada, the...


Families of Children with Spectrum Disorder

Introduction Autism is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders with a wide range of severity and symptoms. It is a complex disorder caused by multiple mutations of genes, epigenetic factors, and environmental conditions, such as pollution, food, and diseases (Christensen et al., 2018). Owing to multiple and interactive causes, it is...


Autism: Prevalence, Factors, and Misconceptions

Introduction Addressing the needs of autistic people is one of the common concerns in contemporary healthcare. Autism spectrum disorder, commonly referred to as ASD, is a developmental disorder defined by a set of specific behavior patterns that usually affect a person’s ability to communicate with others (Dunn, 2019). Typically, persons...


Alcohol Dependence: Nature vs. Nurture

If you were a child of an alcoholic would you be concerned about developing your own struggles with alcohol abuse? Is nature or nurture the stronger factor in the development of alcohol dependence? In a situation where somebody of my parents was diagnosed as alcohol dependent, I would pay more...


Schizophrenia: Mental Status Evaluation and Experiment

Design an Experiment Investigation of individuals abnormal behavior is an important task as it provides scientists with crucial and credible information related to the peculiarities of the psyche and the appearance of deviant behaviors. Numerous tools are used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the most important issues and obtain...


Schizoaffective Disorder

Modern psychiatry has many different diseases to diagnose patients with. Some of them have almost the same symptoms. One of them is a schizoaffective disorder. This paper aims to discuss the illness and answer the question whether to withdraw it from the next edition of the DSM. To start with,...


Mental Illness in Medieval Valencia

The event discussed in this post took place 300 miles north of Granada in the city of Valencia in 1490 (Pérez, Baldessarini, Undurraga & Sánchez-Moreno, 2012). I was visited by a neighbor who confessed to hearing voices. She also displayed sexually suggestive behavior and complained that numerous small insects were...


Self-Harm and Suicide Among Adolescents

Introduction Suicide is one of the major problems in the modern world. More importantly, it is the “leading cause of death among adolescents” today (McMahon et al., 2014, p. 1929). The severity of this issue cannot be overstated as young people often consider suicide to be the only option or...


Eating Disorders and Suicidal Thoughts

This paper aims to discuss eating disorders and suicidal thoughts; treatment of the disorders will also be addressed in the paper. Please identity a person in the news or media who has identified himself/herself as suffering from anorexia or bulimia. Please describe the individual’s symptoms and background history of the...


Depression and Grief in the “Ordinary People” Film

I agree with the idea that the portrait of the family presents how a “perfect” household can appear as dysfunctional. However, I believe that the theme at the end of the film is not that psychotherapy exclusively helps to treat mental illnesses. It was not the only factor influencing Conrad’s...


Panic Attacks and Mental Disorder

Definition Anxiety and panic are natural human feelings that serve as protection mechanisms. However, “it is abnormal to feel strong chronic anxiety without cause. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear in the absence of true danger” (Grison et al. 505). This report will investigate the nature of the panic...


Holocaust: Intergenerational Effects on FKBP5 Methylation

Summary of the Source The holocaust was a very traumatizing event that affected many Jews who were lucky enough to escape from the concentration camps. The study focused on the impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the affected population and how the problem affected their offspring. The study analyzed...


Depression in Diverse Populations and Age Factor

In the post, it was chosen to focus on the health issue of severe depression as related to patients’ socioeconomic statuses (SESs). According to Freeman et al. (2016), high levels of educational attainment and high SES indicators contribute to the decreased likelihood of depression. Women have higher depression rates (Palkhilvala,...


Abnormal Behavior Diagnostics and Culture

Major Means Used to Judge Abnormal Behavior Sue, Sue, Sue, and Sue (2012) suggested a four-dimensioned multipath model approach to judging abnormal behavior. It is worth noting that the four methods complement each other and none is comprehensive on its own. Two of the methods include the social and the...


Depression Treatment and Mental Health Nursing

Depression is a well-recognized psychological condition that is experienced by several people at some point in their lives. As with other mental disorders, depression requires medical attention as it may evolve into a life-threatening condition. However, treatment of depression, as well as other mental illnesses, is greatly affected by the...


Psychopathology: Cognitive and Psychodynamic Model

A cognitive approach to psychopathology is associated with the notion that conscious thought is able to change a person’s emotional state and their response to a particular stimulus (Sue et al., 2013). Cognitive models suggest that individual interpretations of various situations become determinants of behavior. According to the proponents of...


Depression Development and Its Causes

Neuroplasticity is a term that describes the human brain’s ability to adjust its structure in response to various factors (Doidge, 2007). Neuroplasticity is an important adaptive mechanism that allows the human brain to learn new information and maintain its function in case of an injury or a disease, and it...


The Label of Mental Illness or Disability

There is no use denying the fact that people are different. Some of them have a talent for one activity while others can perform some other actions better. At the dawn of civilization, people started to perform the kinds of activities they could to the best and since that time...


Murderer Andrea Yates and Her Mental Disorder

Overview of the Case Story Andrea Kennedy Yates “drowned her children on June 20, 2001” (Resnick, 2007, p. 3). According to experts, Yates suffered from depression and psychosis. The legal test for insanity known as the M’Naghten Rules was used during the case. The court eventually convicted Andrea Yates of...


Gold Coats Career in Psychiatry

Explain the concept of professionalism about the “Gold Coats” “A large part of achieving recognition as a professional has to do with the way that you present yourself to others. It is a mindset that becomes easier to apply as you progress further and becomes an inspiration to others to...


The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task Test

Introduction Any dysfunction in the frontal and the prefrontal cortex is assessed through numerous methods. One of the methods is the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task dubbed WCST. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task test is a set-shifting neuropsychological test. Specifically, WCST is used to assess the human executive functioning (Monchi et...


Speech and Language Disorders in Children

Speech and language disorders refer to disorders in communication that arise from difficulties in hearing, language development, speech, and fluency (Cook and Friend 46). Examples include stuttering, dysarthria, voice problems, language expression disorder, and phonological disorder. These disorders usually range from small problems of sound replacement to difficulty in comprehending...


Bipolar Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Bipolar Disorder In this paper, it is preliminarily asserted that, over recent times, there have been several debates regarding the intricacies of bipolar disorder (also called manic depressive disorder). It is further stated that, to a great extent, immense progress has been made in terms of treating this order. However,...


Autism: Description and Causes of the Rise

Introduction Although the increasing incidence of autism has been linked to some aspect of vaccination – perhaps thimerosal – the scientific evidence does not strongly support a causal relationship; instead, the causes for the increase may arise, for example, from improved recognition and diagnosis of this still poorly understood condition....


Bipolar Disorder Definition

Bipolar disorder is a type of psychological disorder or mood disorder characterized by severe feelings of sadness, loss, failure, hopelessness, and rejection. People suffering from this disorder are often seen to swing back and forth between phases of irritability and good moods. The movement from mania to depression can be...


The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Concept

Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most frequent mental disorders all over the world. It belongs to the category of anxiety disorders and is considered to be a “highly prevalent, chronic, costly and disabling mental disorder” (Cuijpers et al., 2014, p. 131). GAD can develop as an...


Comprehensive Psychiatric Disorder

Introduction In clinical practice, there are many patients who may have several health problems and require special assessment and treatment. As a rule, there is one main health problem and several co-morbid conditions which may influence the development of the primary disease and the effects of a chosen treatment. In...


Depression Treatment in Psycho- and Pharmacotherapy

Introduction Psychotherapy has gradually evolved during the past few decades closing the bridge with the medical world. Increasingly, studies are stressing on the biological substrate evidenced in human disorders. It has been claimed that neurological or chemical mechanisms are responsible for the disorder. On the other hand, Biopsychology has come...


Personality Disorder Treatment

HPI A 48-year-old patient visited the health facility with complaints of poor vision and the inability to distinguish between different colors. He also stated that his life was in danger because many witches were after him. The patient had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes five years ago, which had...


Depression Prevalence and Treatment

The paper provides a detailed diagnosis of the disorder manifested by the patient in case study 18. Theoretical orientations and historical perspectives on the diagnosis, risk factors, as well as evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment strategies for the disorder are presented. A separate annotated bibliography indicating the relevance of different sources...


How Music Affects Dementia Patients?

Introduction Because dementia has no cure, quality of life acts as a vital treatment objective for patients with the condition. Non-pharmacological treatment methods to cope with the behavioral and emotional variations linked to dementia are essential, attributable to the adverse impacts of pharmacological approaches. Depression in people with dementia could...


Bipolar Disorder, Its Causes and Treatment Methods

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a medical condition that affects the moods of an individual. People with this condition experience extreme mood variations where at one moment they are cheerful and at the other, they are depressed and sad. The different changes in moods are referred to as episodes where one...