Interventions to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease Risks

Subject: Cardiology
Pages: 3
Words: 609
Reading time:
2 min

Several interventions could reverse the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The first is the consumption of a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet. It is important to maintain a healthy heart diet by replacing fried foods and dairy products with vegetables and fruits. Cholesterol is needed in the body for the production of hormones and optimal performance of cell membranes. However, excessive consumption is unhealthy because it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The body possesses mechanisms to manufacture cholesterol. Foods that contain cholesterol such as eggs, kidneys, liver, butter, cheese, processed meat, shellfish, and prawns should be avoided. Skim milk and low-fat cheese should replace whole-milk products, while ice cream should replace desserts. Broiling and baking are the best methods for preparing healthy foods because they do not involve the use of fat or oil. To avoid excessive drying and to add flavor to food, wine or lemon juice is recommended. Finally, meat should be skinned in order to get rid of fat and other unwanted materials.

It is important to eat foods that are rich in high fiber content. These foods have low sugar levels, thus healthy for the heart. Examples of these foods include vegetables, fruits, grains, pasta, cereals, legumes, and nuts. Examples of fruits include bananas, oranges, raisins, pears, and raspberries. Vegetables include carrots, broccoli, artichoke, turnip greens, tomato paste, and sweet corn. Other healthy foods include bread, almonds, brown rice, beans, and oatmeal. Fiber is largely composed of carbohydrates that are grouped into simple sugars, oligosaccharides, starch polysaccharides, and non-starch polysaccharides. Dietary fiber plays roles such as glucose stabilization and body cholesterol management.

Smoking cessation is an important remedy for the eradication of risks associated with heart diseases. With the patient suffering from cardiovascular disease, smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. In addition, it stimulates the production of adrenaline, which increases heartbeat significantly. Fast heartbeat forces the heart to pump blood forcefully, which increases blood pressure. This causes severe medical complications because it damages blood vessels leading to the accumulation of fatty materials and narrowing of arteries. The patient could use several methods to stop smoking. He could opt for nicotine replacement therapy or use gum and lozenges that are very effective when trying to discontinue smoking.

Statin medications could be used to prevent further cardiovascular diseases. Statins control the levels of cholesterol in the body by blocking the manufacture of substances that the body uses to manufacture cholesterol. In addition, they help the body to absorb excess cholesterol that builds upon the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, they eradicate and prevent blockages of blood vessels. Examples of statins include lovastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, and simvastatin. Statins are administered based on levels of cholesterol and the presence of other risk factors. This intervention would be appropriate because the patient smokes, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

The patient could also engage in physical exercise. Walking for 15-30 minutes every day is beneficial because it helps to manage weight and keep it at healthy levels. The patient could practice relaxation therapy by listening to relaxing music or by taking therapy warm baths. Meditation is also a very effective relaxation activity. It cools the nerves and calms the mind. Medical research has proved that regular physical exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular heart disease by 35%. Benefits of engaging in the physical exercise include weight management, reduction of blood pressure, increment of sensitivity to insulin, and reduction of cholesterol in the body. It reduces levels of low-density lipoprotein and increases levels of high-density lipoprotein.