1100-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine - Page 2

Healthcare Research

Smoking, Motivation and the Brain

The link between motivation and brain functions and structures continues to baffle neuroscience and psychology alike. What elicits the brain to think in a given direction when faced with a certain situation? Is it biological or behavioral? These are common questions among scholars, but with evolution in technology, most of...


Autism Spectrum Disorders: Causes and Treatments

Autism is considered a serious developmental disorder affecting children especially from the early months of life. Generally, autism occurs in different areas of children’s behavior such as Social interactions and relationships, language and communication, and activities and interests. Studies mention that there are several factors are responsible for ASD (Autism...

Healthcare Research

Healthcare Delivery Systems in American and Britain

This research paper will examine the health care and management systems of two nations; the United States of America and Britain. There is no perfect health care delivery and management system for any nation. While some models seem to work better than others, the truth is that each has its...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Leaders’ Essential Characteristics

Introduction Quality improvement within a healthcare facility depends on the leadership of its senior executives. However, leaders will not be able to achieve substantial performance changes by merely applying their skills; the whole system must be amended. To facilitate improvement efficiently, both individual and organizational levels should be considered in...


Public Policy: Nurse-Patient Ratios and Care

To control the process of administering treatment to patients and keep the process of meeting their needs continuous, nurses have to engage with the dialogue with inpatients. However, given the broad range of responsibilities that nurses have in the hospital setting, the amount of time and extent of care that...

Administration and Regulation

Accountable Care Organizations & Quality Initiative

Introduction Healthcare systems and hospitals should evaluate their capabilities and resources in an attempt to identify existing gaps and key areas that require continuous improvement. Such an initiative has the potential to minimize issues in care delivery, including readmissions, increased costs, and sentinel events. Fortunately, numerous ideas and developments are...

Administration and Regulation

Affordable Care Act’s Primary Goals and Results

Introduction Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA; the informal name – Obamacare) is a U.S. Federal law signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. It is the legislative framework for health care reform, which has become one of the largest-scale projects in U.S. history since the mid-1960s....


“End-of-Life Decision Making” by Debra Lacey

Introduction Nursing care for patients with end-stage dementia is one of the most complicated issues in nursing practice which requires special skills and knowledge of a nurse. Complex societal factors also have influenced the need for a comprehensive approach to chronic disabling conditions. End-stage dementia caused by brain damage is...

Administration and Regulation

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Improvement or Liability

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly known as Obamacare, is major legislation passed in 2010 by President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Since the day of its passage, it has been a matter of controversy for various reasons. On the one hand, it is a considerable...

Public Health

Public Health Policy Modification and Its Impact

Introduction Obesity is an acute issue many individuals living in the United States have encountered. Currently, there are many policies aimed at minimizing the effects of this healthcare problem. The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the obesity-related policies. The report addresses the prevalence of obesity within...

Health IT

Analysis of Electronic Health Records System

Need for a Health Information Professional The introduction of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system into the environment of a healthcare organization is a crucial step needed to ensure that patient data is promptly and effectively managed without being lost in the process. Studies show that the use of the...

Health IT

The Concept of Surface and Fine Wire EMG

Differences Between Surface EMG and Fine Wire (or Needle) EMG Electromyography (EMG) is a technique used to measure the action of muscles, thereby producing data that enable the comprehension of muscle coordination during movement. Two modes of EMG exist, namely invasive and noninvasive. Surface EMG is an adaptable and non-invasive...

Healthcare Research

Evidence Implementation in Clinical Settings

Introduction While conducting research and developing strategies for improving clinical practices is essential, one must understand the challenges that arise when implementing the findings. A clinical environment that operates following evidence-based practices promotes continuous improvements in patient outcomes. However, this result can only be achieved by establishing a proper culture...


Risk Factors of Bipolar Disorder

Abstract Depression, anxiety, and personality disorders are associated with a set of hereditarily determined temperamental traits of a high order, that is, a tendency to search for novelty, avoid harm and depend on rewards. Each of them is associated with a specific neurobiological system such as dopaminergic, serotonergic, and noradrenergic....

Health IT

New Technology in Nursing: Interview

Implementing new technology is a laborious endeavor for the executive staff of healthcare facilities. Annette Brown, Director of Nursing Informatics in Eisenhower Health, has experience leading the transition process from paper charting to electronic health record (EHR) system provided McKesson in 2008 and then to EPIC in 2017. Eisenhower Health...

Administration and Regulation

Views on Healthcare Administration

Health care system has a complicated structure with many stakeholders that have different and sometimes competing views on healthcare administration. The health care costs are increasing due to various factors pushing health care system stakeholders to search for strategies to improve cost-efficiency. The government and insurance companies advocate the concept...

Administration and Regulation

Reforming Health Care in the United States

Health care system in the United States is in need of reformation since it has some obvious flaws. The primary goal of change in healthcare is to improve patient outcomes while improving cost efficiency. However, researchers and stakeholders differ in opinions which elements of the system need reformation the most....

Medical Ethics

Ethics in Healthcare Interview

Health care professionals experience different ethical dilemmas and challenges that can affect their aims. Caregivers, physicians, and clinicians who are aware of such issues can find it easier to implement evidence-based measures to overcome them. This paper gives a detailed analysis and description of the responses gained after interviewing a...

Administration and Regulation

New Healthcare Public Management: Failed Panacea

Public management theories and health care are the two subjects that have been interconnected from the start, with the rise and fall of particular paradigms mirroring across both spheres of academic discourse in equal measure. For the majority of the 20th century, health care in the US was considered to...


Oncology Nursing Society

Introduction The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is a professional nursing organization dedicated to promoting excellence in oncology nursing in the U.S. and globally. They work with researchers, health care professionals, and legislators, to improve cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment (Oncology Nursing Society [ONS], 2019a). As a part of their policy...


The Main Issues of Medicare

Introduction The main two issues with Medicare are manifested in the fact that it is vulnerable and adjusted for an ever-growing older population. This means that there will be an increased number of people with chronic conditions, which require inpatient services, outpatient options, and prescription drugs or medications. As an...

Health IT

Importance of Healthcare Data Reporting

Introduction Healthcare data reporting (DR) is a crucial component of modern healthcare since it grants publicity to information about patient outcomes and other statistics concerning hospitals’ efficiency. Eisenhower Health Center, Desert Regional Medical Center, and John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital provide data about its structure, care process, and patient outcomes...


Quality and Sustainability in Nursing Science

The improvement of the quality of healthcare service is one of the priorities for nursing researchers and practitioners. The US healthcare system is characterized by considerable impairments that lead to people’s death, their health deterioration, the country’s financial losses, and the emergence of numerous issues related to public health. For...

Administration and Regulation

The Twin Mountains Medical Center: Redesigning the Existing Healthcare Setting

Health Care Entity The Twin Mountains Medical Center (TMMC) is a private healthcare entity that has been operating in New York City since 1962. The hospital belongs to a nonprofit system that provides a variety of healthcare services to the local community. The TMMC facility has 300 beds and is...

Healthcare Research

Quality of Services Provided at the Cardiovascular Surgery Department

Introduction Quality is one of the basic priorities of healthcare centers that try to ensure the best patient outcomes. It has been acknowledged that quality is not confined to addressing specific health issues and conducting a set of clinical procedures. Patient satisfaction, readmission rates, and the cost-effectiveness of the provided...

Healthy Nutrition

Poverty and Food Security

The issue of food accessibility in developing countries is one of the acutest questions discussed by scholars, governmental organizations, and businesses around the world. The problem of food insecurity as the result of a chain of economic, social, political, and environmental factors imposes hunger threat and is even aggravated by...


Hospital Readmissions and Care Coordination

Patient outcomes are a critical focus of most quality improvement initiatives in the United States healthcare sector. Enhancing patient outcomes requires a comprehensive effort of policymakers and care providers, including nurses. Hospital readmission is among the key patient outcomes to be targeted in the United States because it has a...

Public Health

Should Abortion Be Illegal?

Abortion signifies the intended termination of pregnancy before birth. It has resulted in divergent views with the pro-choice movement supporting abortion and pro-life activists criticizing it. The pro-choice movement affirms that pregnant women should be given a right to either bear a child or terminate its life before term (Sedgh...

Administration and Regulation

Inter-Hospital Transfer Safety Concerns

Introduction The modern health care sector faces multiple problems related to the provision of care to patients in appropriate ways and preservation of the high quality of their lives. The increased complexity of cases that are observed today along with the high level of requirements to outcomes demands the use...


Effective Immunization: Policy Brief

Executive Summary Immunization in the USA has been an effective measure to minimize the incidence of mumps, measles, hepatitis, diphtheria, and other dangerous infections that used to lead to epidemics associated with thousands of deaths. However, this progress is being threatened by the current shift in public opinion as the...

Health IT

Digital Technology Safety in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction Information technology has become an integral part of the healthcare industry these days. Healthcare practitioners can access detailed information concerning patients’ health within seconds with the help of easy-to-use devices. This efficiency has a positive impact on patient outcomes as the medical staff can make evidence-based decisions quickly (Kruse,...

Medical Ethics

Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia as Ethical Issues

Introduction The debates regarding euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide continue to take different shapes or routes. There are professionals and stakeholders who support these practices while others condemn them. The nature of such arguments hold implications for the achievements and procedures medical practitioners require to provide critical care. This paper describes...

Administration and Regulation

Nursing Leadership and Organizational Analysis

Introduction Conflicts are an indispensable part of human communication, and they are specifically common in such hectic environments as the healthcare setting. Nursing practitioners are overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities, which makes them emotional and reluctant to collaborate with others. Nurses have to address various types of conflicts in their...


The Self-Care Theory of Nursing

The self-care theory of nursing was pioneered by Dorothea Orem and proposed a framework for increased independence and self-esteem among patients by letting them take care of some of their basic needs for themselves. The structure is most applicable in rehabilitation settings, where patients often begin their stay unable to...

Administration and Regulation

Accountable Care Organization and Healthcare Costs

Introduction An Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a group of coordinated healthcare practitioners who offer quality care to Medicare patients in order to enhance health outcomes and lower medical costs. The main goal of ACOs is to lower the prevalence of medical errors and to ensure that unnecessary medical services...

Healthcare Research

Evidence-Based Practice and Implementation Issues

Practice Description Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become one of the most important concepts on which healthcare policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. It has gained popularity because of its potential of having a great impact on the practice, skills, and knowledge pertaining to the profession of nursing. According to the definition Ammouri...

Medical Ethics

Cultural Attitudes and Values in Healthcare

Introduction Human beings belong to specific cultural groups, religions, and societies that promote unique values and attitudes. These attributes influence the thoughts patients to develop throughout the care delivery process. People from different regions or races will consider specific principles that inform their decisions regarding the effectiveness of various clinical...


Ulcerative Colitis, Its Symptoms and Causes

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a serious condition that triggers the development of ulcers in the lining of the colon. The ulcer then can affect the rectum and the sigmoid colon of the patient. UC is a chronic inflammatory disorder that is characterized by abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, the increased frequency...


Brain Cancer Research and Advancement of Treatment

Introduction Brain cancer is a severe issue that challenges scientists to find ways and methods to diagnose, treat, and study the disease. Glioblastoma is claimed to be the most prevalent type of brain cancer among adults. Each year in the USA, 14,000 glioblastoma cases are identified by healthcare professionals (Wang...


Family Health Assessment and Examination

Values, Health Perceptions Values and perceptions of health in a family are important for the facilitation of healthy habits and healthcare routines (Wright & Leahey, 2012). This family consists out of three people, which include two adults and a child (son). They consider themselves to be in good health. Mother...

Healthcare Research

Obesity Study: Examining Methodology and Design

Introduction The present paper aims at discussing three different methodologies used to manage the health issue of obesity. Thus, three scholarly articles, each one focused on the management of childhood obesity with the help of physical activities, have been located. The sources differ in methodology: one of the articles is...

Administration and Regulation

Australia’s Health Policy Improvement

Introduction Health policy is a critical aspect of social governance in a country. It refers to the decisions, direction, and implementation of medical care with the aim to achieve an objective that enhances public health. Health policy is complex and has to address the health needs of the demographic population....

Public Health

Homelessness and Healthcare in the United States

In contemporary society, the heath of the nation if one of the major concerns as it impacts the functioning of fundamental institutions. The healthcare sector and government, as providers of interventions needed for people to recover, play a vital role in the new environment aimed at the promotion of the...

Public Health

The Role of Health Maintenance Organizations in Improving Health Care

Introduction Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) can be regarded as rather complex systems that include physicians, healthcare facilities or hospitals, and insurance companies. In the United States, these systems develop in the context of managed care practices, and individuals pay monthly fees in order to receive healthcare services (Toseef, Jensen, &...

Healthy Food

Obesity and the Fast-Food Industry Growth in the U.S.

Today, numerous members of the global community are in a rush and often do not have enough time to enjoy a homemade meal. Besides, not everyone can afford a high-quality pricy meal at a restaurant while being on the move. Fast food venues offer a quick and affordable way of...


Descriptive Epidemiology in Nursing Science

The incidence and prevalence of such diseases as cancer, hypertension, and diabetes (as well as the peculiarities of other illnesses) have been properly examined in the USA. Researchers and practitioners have extensive data on the major symptoms, risk factors, threats, vulnerable populations, and other meaningful details associated with various disorders...


Optimal Time to Diagnose Autism

Abstract In this paper, the issues concerning the possible ways of early diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder are discussed. Current research on autism and its early detection is impacted by the growing number of people with the disorder who might be underdiagnosed throughout their lifespan. The impairments in cognitive and...

Family Planning

Clinical and Anatomical Classification of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a pathology of the female reproductive system in which the tissue of the uterine lining (endometrium) begins to penetrate the underlying structures (myometrium). The ailment also affects neighboring organs (fallopian tubes) and even far away areas of the body (lungs, liver). At the same time, foci of the...

Alternative Medicine

Selective Cannabinoids for Chronic Neuropathic Pain

Marijuana use for recreation and medical care has broadened across the USA, along with the legalization in many states. Still, the debates about its use, side effects, and addiction problem continue. The analysis of the research abstracts published during the last three years shows that the concerns of the scholars...

Other Medical Specialties

The Risk for Down Syndrome Development

Abstract Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that has challenged the healthcare sphere for more than a century. Being one of the most widespread inherited conditions, its prevalence may depend on environmental factors associated with a geographic area or parents being carriers of the genetic translocation. At this time, the...


Addison’s Disease in Dogs

Introduction Addison’s disease (AD) is also called primary adrenal insufficiency or hypoadrenocorticism (HA).1 It is a disorder of the adrenal glands, which are located near the kidneys. The glands are responsible for producing hormones – aldosterone and cortisol.1 The hormones’ purpose is to control the water balance of the body,...


Descriptive Epidemiology in the Nursing Science

Role and Relationship Even though significant progress has taken place in nursing science, further advances must be made in order to retain service quality at a high level. Innovative solutions and discoveries are needed to promote improvements and adjust services to patient-specific needs. Descriptive epidemiology (DE), in turn, assists in...

Medical Ethics

Ethical Decision-Making: “Do Not Resuscitate” Tattoo

The identified case involves a patient who has a “Do Not Resuscitate” tattoo. The 70-year old individual has a history of atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, and obstructive pulmonary disease. The efforts practitioners undertook to increase his consciousness level were unsuccessful, thereby being unable to engage in meaningful discussions regarding the...


Cyber-Bullying in the Nursing Workplace

Definition of Cyber-Bullying The advancement of the Internet and the invasion of online communication tools into the everyday life of contemporary people cause new threats to health and safety. Bullying that once was only possible inside organizations or groups now reaches far beyond physical space and emerges in new electronic...

Healthy Nutrition

Cause and Effect of Obesity

Introduction Obesity is a medical term which describes an individual with a large weight and high percentage of body fat, with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Obesity is a chronic health condition which is reaching epidemic levels and is directly associated with a number of severe diseases...

Public Health

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Educational Video

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) include catheter-associated urinary tract infections, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, surgical site infections, and gastrointestinal infections. The control of hospital-acquired pathogens causing these infections continues to be an unresolved issue for many US hospitals. HAIs are responsible for developing significant complications for patients, including increased length...

Healthcare Institution

Health Models and Healing Environments

Introduction Health, unlike other phenomena in this world, is not easy to grasp and reason about. Ideas about health emerged not because of spontaneous thinking activities, but because there was a purpose. A surrounding cultural context significantly influenced each notion (Swinton et al., 2015). It is not possible to offer...


Epiglottitis Development and Risk Factors

Abstract Epiglottitis is a medical condition that is characterized by inflammation and swelling of the epiglottis. This condition occurs in both adults and children and presents a serious danger to the life and health of individuals. In particular, the disruption of epiglottis’ normal function may lead to hypoxia and asphyxia,...


Vitamin B6 Intake for Patients with Kidney Stones

Introduction Kidney stone disease is a severe condition that can be characterized as the formation of crystal concretion within this organ. The complications can lead to renal failure, which is dangerous for a patient. In the case scenario, the development of the kidney stones of the 29 years old patient...

Public Health

Smoking in Public Places Should Be Banned

Introduction Does smoking in public places affect the population’s health? Do smokers endanger those who do not smoke in any way? The answer for both of these questions is positive, as even passive smoking is harmful to individuals’ well-being. Tobacco use in public areas can lead to poor health outcomes...

Administration and Regulation

The Concept of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction The modern health care system faces diverse challenges that demand efficient responses to guarantee improved outcomes and promote the further development of care delivery. However, the complexity of problematic issues and the tendency towards their further sophistication introduce a critical need for the integration of different fields of knowledge...

Healthcare Research

Childhood Obesity Research: Data Analysis

This paper covers the analysis of data, the reliability and validity of findings, and statistical tests used in healthcare research. In total, five studies are examined: one qualitative, two quantitative, and two with the mixed-method design. For each source, the type of study and statistical tests are indicated, and their...


“The Oldest Old – Living Beyond 90” Video

This report deals with the video that goes under the title “The Oldest Old – Living Beyond 90” and can be viewed on YouTube. The video is concerned with the research exploring different aspects of aging with the focus on the prevention of certain health issues that are common at...

Healthcare Institution

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Organization

Organizational Systems and Structures Evaluation Purpose of the Paper This paper explores the systems and structures of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCL) Health Organization. The institution is faith-based with centers in Colorado, Kansas, and Montana (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, 2018). In this paper, key aspects...

Administration and Regulation

Nursing Quality Improvement for Patient Satisfaction

The system of health care is in need for reforms to meet the growing demands of the consumers. The initiatives directed at quality and performance improvement are the moving forces of the changes in the United States healthcare system (Weston & Roberts, 2013). The aim of these initiatives reflect the...


Geriatrics: Gaining Trust with Cultural Disparities

Introduction An absence of trust in healthcare providers is usually associated with insufficient adherence to treatment guidelines and, therefore, to poorer health outcomes. The issue is especially relevant for Americans over 65, who are most vulnerable to chronic diseases. The factors that contribute to the distrust is limitations in access...

Healthy Food

Why Should People Not Eat Fast Food?

Introduction Food is an important aspect of attaining good health because it provides nutrients to nourish the body. Types of foods include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Consumption of these food types in proper amounts promotes health and improves overall well-being. Despite the numerous benefits of proper nutrition, many people prefer...

Healthcare Financing

Operating Budget in Healthcare

Introduction The process of planning a budget for a healthcare establishment involves considering many factors that influence the operations. In the case of this clinic, the purchase of an MRI machine, and the acquisition of billing software will impact the distribution of finances. Additionally, various environmental forces, including significant changes...

Healthcare Research

13-Weeks Mindfulness-Based Pain Management Program

Background of Study The clinical problem that led to the study was the growth of the cases of chronic pain and the lack of options for its eradication. In other words, the knowledge of pain management techniques was insufficient for the successful management of the issue. The study describes a...

Administration and Regulation

Belmont Village Facility’s High Employee Turnover

Identification of Issues Belmont Village is a long-term care facility for older people, which provides the necessary support to fulfill its residents’ needs. Healthcare workers, including nurses, form a significant share of workers, as they provide needs-specific medical assistance to Belmont Village residents. Older adults living in the facility face...


Nursing Practice

The Implications of Change in the Health Care Delivery System on Nurse Leadership Methods of administering aid are continually changing in an attempt to procure the best possible outcome for patients seeking help. However, constant updates leave specialists in a continuous race to adjust their team goals following these changes....


Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Chronic Condition

Positive and Negative Findings Positive findings in the patient assessment include: Dizziness, nausea, inability to get out of bed for 4 days; Excessive urine production; Increased thirst; History of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery disease; Excessive blood sugar (405), excessive blood pressure (190/101), tachycardia (102), increased respiratory rate (20); The...

Healthcare Financing

Single-Party Payer System for the US Healthcare

Abstract Many governments have implemented unique healthcare delivery systems to meet their citizens’ medical needs. A single-party payer model has continued to deliver positive outcomes in different countries across the world, including Taiwan. The hybrid system associated with the United States has failed to meet the medical demands of many...


Safe Nursing Practice

Model Implementation The policy change I would like to introduce is the elimination of rotating shift work. The reason for such an action is that rotational schedule can cause severe harm for nurses’ physical and mental health. According to Petrov et al. (2014), around 15% of American employees, including nurses,...

Administration and Regulation

Universal Health Services Performance: Financial Ratios

Introduction Universal Health Services (UHS) takes the leading position among the healthcare organizations located in the United States. However, to analyze the company’s performance, it is relevant to refer to financial ratios that can reflect the organization’s profitability and liquidity (Universal Health Services, 2016). The analysis of ratios is also...

Administration and Regulation

Process Improvement at Healthcare Organizations

Introduction Any company comes to a point when adjustments in the operational process become necessary to provide better customer satisfaction and employee engagement. Process improvement programs are vital elements of organizations’ development. Therefore, managers who care about the constant progress of their companies take care to apply the best improvement...

Health IT

Mobile Computing and Networking in Healthcare

Introduction Tiny, portable gadgets, such as pocket digital assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones, have been pushed on the mark in recent years. Mobile or ubiquitous computing and handy gadgets are changing the relations between computers and humans. There is an introduction of a new communication approach based on context. This...


Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation

Wavelength Wavelength refers to the distance over which a wave repeats itself. A wavelength is normally determined by putting into consideration the distance between two corresponding points that have the same period. Wavelength is usually represented by the letter lambda (λ) whereas the meter is the SI unit that is...


Speech and Language Disorders in Children

Speech and language disorders refer to disorders in communication that arise from difficulties in hearing, language development, speech, and fluency (Cook and Friend 46). Examples include stuttering, dysarthria, voice problems, language expression disorder, and phonological disorder. These disorders usually range from small problems of sound replacement to difficulty in comprehending...


Bipolar Disorder Definition

Bipolar disorder is a type of psychological disorder or mood disorder characterized by severe feelings of sadness, loss, failure, hopelessness, and rejection. People suffering from this disorder are often seen to swing back and forth between phases of irritability and good moods. The movement from mania to depression can be...

Healthy Food

School Cafeteria’ Promotion of Unhealthy Diet

Introduction As a student at Pierce College, I have come to realize that the dietary practices that an individual adopts play a huge role in their physical and mental well being. Healthy eating is the biggest contributing factor to an individual’s well being and it is associated with an increased...

Healthcare Research

Obesity in American vs. Saudi Arabian Children

Abstract This paper is a research proposal comparing childhood obesity in the United States of America and Saudi Arabia. The paper starts by defining the purpose statement of the research: to establish the rate of obesity between the US and Saudi Arabia, the causes, and how to overcome it. Then...

Medical Ethics

Nursing Leaders as Change Agents in Healthcare

Introduction Ross, Fitzpatrick, Click, Krouse, and Clavelle (2014) point out that there is a need for resilient and proficient nursing leadership that fosters organizational and personal change. Nurses’ role in making ethical, legal, and moral decisions is crucial as they are the first people with whom individuals can discuss their...

Healthcare Research

Nursing Survey on Electronic Health Records System

Introduction A wide variety of nursing research tools such as surveys, can be used in order to gather information on the views and opinions of a specific group of people on a particular clinical or organizational issue. This data is contributed to the nursing knowledge base, which can be used...

Medical Ethics

Ethical, Moral, and Legal Frameworks in Medicine

Introduction Ethics in medical professionals is guided by different standards. These principles include justice, beneficence, and autonomy. The widely used conceptual framework is that of utilitarianism (Cherkowski, Walker, & Kutsyuruba, 2015). This moral law dictates that good actions are the ones that maximize happiness. The above principles will also be...

Healthcare Institution

Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center

Introduction The case study selected for review is that of Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center (CCRC) that is a nonprofit organization that has implemented the Balanced Scorecard for effective strategic planning and management of its operations. The analysis presented in this report argues that Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center used an effective...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare and Human Resource Management

Introduction The continuous improvement of healthcare services is one of the definers of the hospital’s success in the market (Stamatis, 2010). The local acute care hospital understands the importance of this aspect for the success and profitability of the facility. In this case, I applied for the position of Manager...

Healthcare Financing

Managed Care and Its Costs in the US Health Care

Managed care is one of the tendencies that exist in the current U.S. healthcare market. Its original goal was to introduce a sufficient managerial mechanism to enhance the quality of the provided services while relying on the methods of cost-effectiveness (Collins, Piper, & Owens, 2013). The primary goal of the...

Healthcare Financing

US Health Insurance Types, History and Coverage

Distribution of National Health Spending by the Type of Financing Source Bodenheimer (2005) noted that 45 % of healthcare spending comes from the government, 36 % from employment, 15 % out of the pocket and 4 % from other sources. 33 % was spent on hospitals, 23 % on Physicians...

Healthcare Institution

Case Management for HIV/AIDS Patients

Overview of the Case Management Ancillary Service As already seen in the review of the literature for the previous assignment, case management is essentially concerned with stabilizing life situations for people living with HIV/AIDS, removing barriers to ensure they have access to care, linking them to other critical health care...