1200-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 1200-word essay about health care, medicine, or nursing requires effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. A text of such a length is more of a short research paper than just an essay. While writing a 1200 words essay, you should work a lot on your outline and thesis statement. Remember: a well-thought-out structure is the key to success!

You might be assigned a 1200-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: immunology, physiology, medical ethics, oncology, or pediatrics. Good luck with your paper! Check 1200 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Phase 3 Nursing Home Regulations

The reform of regulations governing long-term care (LTC) in the United States by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) aimed at enhancing services provided for the elderly. According to Wilensky & Teitelbaum (2019), “ the United States spends more on healthcare than most of the other developed countries,...


Family Nursing Care Plan for a 3-Person African American Household

Introduction When addressing healthcare issues that affect multiple generations, it is vital to assess the underlying common cause. The patterns and established routines can be detrimental to the health of an entire household, which is especially harmful to African Americans due to the disparities in access to healthcare (Abbott &...


Healthcare Organizations’ Culture and Values

Introduction Mission and vision both define the purpose of the existence of an organization in an industry. In essence, they are written statements that outline the fundamental beliefs and values alongside the goals of the firm. The mission statement elucidates the reason as to why a company is set in...


Nursing Informatics in Healthcare

As every other profession, the healthcare sector has continued to rely on technological progress and trends to improve the quality of patient care. Nursing informatics is a nursing discipline that combines information sciences, computer science, and nursing to build and manage medical systems and data in order to promote the...

1200 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 1200-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: immunization, medical marijuana, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anorexia, or caregiver. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 1200 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 1200-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 6 hours for 1200 words.

A 1200-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 8 to 9 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 1200-word essay usually spans 5 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 1200 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


Hand Hygiene and Hand Washing

Introduction In our everyday activities, our hands pass through many places. They touch or feel almost everything that they come around. The places and the activities our hands’ touch include in the toilets, as we remove our shoes, as we play games, among many other places. While several people do...

Healthcare Research

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Literature Evaluation Table

Summary of Clinical Issue Hospital-acquired infections (HCAIs) are a fundamental health problem in the world, mainly in the intensive care units (ICUs). Hospitalized patients are susceptible to acquiring HCAIs, such as central line blood infection, surgical site infection, and catheter urinary tract infection when receiving care, jeopardizing patient safety. Research...


Charting Methods and Formats in Nursing

Healthcare professionals, including nurses, have the enormous responsibility of gathering accurate patient information consistent with the principle of patient-centered care. Moreover, clinical staff have the obligation of incorporating patient information with scientific evidence and professional expertise to deliver high-quality and safe patient care. Standard operating procedures and charts are essential...


Palliative Care Principles and Practices

With an aging population and shifts in the way people die, all nurses should prepare to care for a dying person at some point in their careers or personal lives. Integrating a palliative approach early in the disease phase for people with life-limiting illnesses across all care settings will improve...


Implementing Massage as a Form of Healing Therapy

Massage is a traditional practice that involves the manipulation of muscles and delicate tissues in the human body. It is sometimes regarded as conventional medicine in some countries due to its popularity and success although it is part of CAM (National Institutes of Health, 2007). A massage is a form...


Development of Endoscopic Forceps Manipulator

Introduction Endoscopic surgery is the buzzword among patients who have to undergo surgery these days. Such surgical procedures are also referred to as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgeries. “While the term is pretty vague, ‘minimally invasive’ – or endoscopic or ‘keyhole’ surgery – generally means operations that are less...


Nurse Practitioner Directed Care and Effectiveness

Bookbinder, M., Glajchen, M., McHugh, M., Higgins, P., Budis, J., & Solomon, N.,… Portenoy, R. (2011). Nurse Practitioner-Based Models of Specialist Palliative Care at Home: Sustainability and Evaluation of Feasibility. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 41(1), 25-34.  The article is aimed at defining the feasibility and effectiveness of two...


Nursing Care Skills in a Health Care Setting

Many changes are taking place in Ireland’s health care setting, including an increase in people with chronic and comorbid disorders. In addition, life expectancy has increased, leading to an influx of the elderly population who are dependent due to age-related disabilities. In 2015, Ireland had a bed occupancy rate of...


“The Condition Specific Theory” (CST) – Nursing Practice Theory

Introduction Constant arguments surround what constitutes nursing knowledge and nursing theory. However, deficient accords in the professional literature have dearly confused nurses. It is causing a majority of the nurses to refute nursing theory as immaterial and long-drawn-out in the current practices. Nursing theory must perfectly offer principles underpinning the...


Nursing: Josie’s Cultural Case Study

How the nurse can develop a trusting relationship with Josie In every health care setting, the relationship between the patient, his family, and the nurse is a valuable resource. Trust between the two parties is the most crucial component of their relationship. A firm foundation of trust promotes security, honesty,...


The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Healthcare System

Introduction Owing to its huge workforce and adaptive capability, the nursing profession has the capability to trigger far-reaching shifts in the health care system if stakeholders focus increased attention to the realities beneath the findings of a 2010 report detailing the future place of nursing in the United States (Institute...

Healthcare Research

Faith Diversity in Healthcare: Understanding and Respecting Spiritual Beliefs

Introduction Spirituality means something different to all of us. Not only is it different because of the culture we are raised in but also because of who we are and what our souls have grown to be. Spirituality and religion, though often thought of together, are not necessarily the same...

Healthcare Research

Decreasing Obesity at the Workplace

Background of the study Obesity is a health complication associated with the excessive deposition of fats in adipose tissue. Relative to the body mass index (BMI), obesity is a term used to refer to persons with a BMI of 30-40. Conversely, obese individuals can be grouped into three categories, which...

Healthcare Research

Protecting Human Research Participants

Healthcare research involves using human subjects to investigate various aspects of physiology, disease mechanisms, patients’ behavior, and the effectiveness of treatment regimens. Such research may pose risks to individuals participating in the study; hence, adequate measures must be initiated by the relevant parties to mitigate them. For instance, the use...


Nursing: Family Health Assessment

Family health is of prime importance and to maintain this maintaining a family health history is essential. According to NIS Senior Health “A family health history is a written record of a family’s health….It’s like a family tree for health” (NIS 2010). Thus, for the family health assessment, I have...

Healthcare Research

Relationship Between Health and Wealth

Introduction General statement: Good health is a wish of every human person. After food, clothing, and shelter, many people are concerned about their health. The importance of health care in society is demonstrated by the high budgetary allocation given to health care by many countries. It is also demonstrated by...


Nurse Liabilities: Atypical Postpartum Eclampsia Case

Introduction In most states eclampsia is one of the major perinatal problems that is epidemic to a large number of women and generates nurse liability issues especially to nurses providing home health care services (Rostant, & Cady, 1999). This medical condition results to increased number of prenatal and postnatal maternal...


Future of Nursing: the Challenges and Recommendations

Introduction In the United States, nurses faced many challenges, which hindered fulfilling the healthcare sector’s goals. According to Roux (2017), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) collaborated with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to develop a report critical for transforming the current and future nursing profession. In 2008, the IOM...


Ethico-Legal Issues in Nursing Practice

The content of advocacy in procedural pain care – patients’ and nurses’ perspectives Aim The purpose expressed by the authors of this article stand out clearly as to outline the understanding of both patients and nurses when it comes to Advocacy in Procedural Pain Care (APPC). To achieve this, otolaryngology...


Occupational Justice and Aging in Nursing Facilities

Introduction Dr. Ann Wilcock and Dr. Elizabeth Townsend coined the term occupational justice. “Occupational justice can be described as an equitable opportunity and resources to enable people’s engagement in meaningful occupations” (Wilcock & Townsend, 2000, p. 85). Conversely, occupational injustice can be considered whenever services are not provided and needs...

Healthcare Research

Diabetes Mellitus: Treatment and Statistics

Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition that is a result of the body producing insufficient insulin or the body failing to react to the insulin produced. Insulin is an essential component that the body requires for the digestion of glucose; failure to which results in the accumulation of blood sugars...


Diabetes Patients Care Providing

The article of Carey, Courtenay, James, Hills, and Roland discusses the influence of a diabetes specialist nurse (DSN) prescriber on the duration of a patient’s stay and their general state. The study’s importance is proved by its background, which suggests that “drug errors in diabetes care are a common cause...


Nurses Need to be Clever to Care

Clever nurses are those that possess the knowledge and skills acquired from a wide range of fields which include; medicine, psychology, and science. They are therefore smart enough to care. Nursing knowledge can therefore be defined as acquiring technical competence, skills, and professional experience helpful to the nurse in building...


The Role of Confidence In Clinical Practice

Confidence might not be the very first quality that comes to mind when describing a professional nurse. Its surplus has been systematically negatively correlated with expertise and is currently known as Dunning–Kruger effect (1). Nevertheless, numerous studies dedicated to measuring confidence among the nursing staff and the ways to enhance...


Mindfulness Meditation Program for Nurses

Today, changes related to natural disasters or pandemics turn out to be critical issues for discussions around the globe. Many healthcare facilities try to get themselves prepared for changes and protect the staff, as well as patients. Safety in hospitals may gain a variety of forms, and one of them...


“Developing Nurse Medication Safety Training” by Bull

Errors in the administration of medications remain a pervasive practice problem. Modern quantitative studies that explore the role of training programs for nurses in reducing medication mistakes can help to answer the previously identified PICOT question. This essay aims to critique two peer-reviewed quantitative studies, thus concluding on their uses...


Is Intravaginal Estrogen Safer Than Oral Estrogen?

Postmenopausal women suffer from a lot of problems due to a chronic lack of estrogen. The common problems associated with menopause are vasomotor instability, vaginal dryness and atrophy, urinary tract infections and other urinary symptoms like increased frequency, urgency and incontinence, osteoporosis, etc (Schaffer, 1996). Around 45% of postmenopausal women...


Professional Presence and Influence

Introduction The health care industry has to adjust and modify its requirements, corporate environment, and employees’ attitudes towards their work constantly as it always faces fresh and significant challenges in its conditions. In this regard, nurses need to be acutely conscious of their inner essence and outer preferences, especially when...


Nursing Philosophy and Ministry

Introduction A full, meaningful, and purposeful life is impossible without a healthy lifestyle. As a concept, health is a dynamic continuum depending on various external and internal factors. Being influenced by the environment, it might change from illness to wellness and vice versa. Although caring for a stranger is not...


Nursing Profession: Role and Responsibilities

Introduction During my clinical operation work, I cared for different people who had diverse medical conditions. I cared for a patient who experienced severe back pains, which would be attributed to suffering from arthritis in the week of my clinical. I used to go to my patient’s room at around...

Healthcare Research

Fulton and Montgomery: The Health Status

Objective In this report, two counties in Pennsylvania, Fulton and Montgomery, are examined for their health status. The motives behind the choice of the two counties are in their sharp difference in many categories. For instance, the dissimilarity in population is very prominent since the population per square mile in...

Health IT

Examining Methodology and Design: Capnography During Resuscitation

The evaluation of the use of capnography during resuscitation among patients of a coronary care unit (CCU) may be developed in a variety of ways, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies. Pantazopoulos et al. (2015) define capnography as a method to measure the level of end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) and...

Administration and Regulation

Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program Implementation Into Practice

Introduction The promotion of safety for patients is one of the primary goals for clinicians and medical workers. It reflects specific values and norms of communication, as well as error management and transparency (Weaver, Marsteller, Wu, Ismail, & Pronovost, 2017). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality offers a variety...

Healthcare Research

Evaluation of Health Care Technology

Introduction Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are a modern health care technology that is employed to help users with clinical decisions (Musen, Middleton, & Greenes, 2014). CDSS design requires the consideration of human factors, and their adoption and usability are highly dependent on the development of an appropriate interface (Miller...

Healthcare Research

Social Determinants of Health

The health status of individuals and communities depends on a large number of influential factors. They are interconnected between each other and determine the overall well-being of people. The majority of scholarly approaches to the classification of the determinants of health define three groups as social, environmental, and cultural. Within...

Healthcare Research

Pregnancy and Ultrasound Effects on Fetus

Introduction An ultrasound refers to a clinical procedure of medical imaging, which uses frequency waves to view the unborn baby. Health practitioners conduct an ultrasound scan to examine the baby’s movements and physiology. The procedure helps them identify health conditions, which if addressed early; enables the baby to live long...


Evaluating the Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Framework in Nursing Research

Connecting theory and practice is an essential task in nursing since this endeavor causes a nurse to address the needs of patients more effectively while managing cases that involve handling the health issues of diverse patients. The theory to be evaluated is known as the Middle-Range Theory of Chronic Sorrow...


Health Issues for the Aging

In May 2017, Donald Trump’s administration tried to promote the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which had been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but it was not passed by the U.S. Senate. The AHCA was intended to restructure and limit resources...

Administration and Regulation

Convenient Care Clinics (Healthcare)

Convenient Care Clinics (CCC) are the solutions in providing quality health care at affordable cost and have been launched across the United States in helping to provide basic health care needs of the public. Such health care centers have been established in pharmacies and retail stores and are administered by...

Healthcare Research

Aspects of Genetic Counseling

Introduction Genetic counseling is important in cases where patients need to know about their predisposition to certain diseases depending on their family medical history. In addition, genetic counseling is often used when a family plans a pregnancy. This approach makes it possible for a person to understand different risk factors...

Healthcare Research

The Importance of Health Care Communication

Introduction Health care communication may be described as a method of exchanging information between members of a health care fraternity and also their clients. This process which can either be verbal or non-verbal is very crucial in improving thought sharing among the health fraternity. One of the main functions of...

Healthcare Research

Genetic Testing and the Prevention of Genetic Disease

Introduction It is usually the hope of any parent that their children are in a position to enjoy a better life than them. Although parents may work hard to provide them with material needs, nevertheless there may be genetic diseases that could affect their children, thereby totally shattering the dreams...

Healthcare Research

Factors That Predetermine Dialect/Accent

Due to the language differences in the society, everyone is aware of the dialect differentiation. The term dialect is often refers to a variety of languages existed in this of that region. Since languages are inevitably revealed through the existed dialects and accents, it should be pointed out that to...

Medical Ethics

Abortion: Pro-Life Position.

Introduction Abortion is a controversial topic because it deals with the question of human life and death. There are no contemporary ethical issues so emotionally charged and inviting of public, political, legal and moral controversy as those involving matters of life and death. Abortion is one such ethical issue and...

Healthcare Research

National Health Service Future

National Health Service emerged as the result of the population need to be provided with the necessary support, help in health care, and complete control of human health recourses. The world situation had been covered by unstable and uncontrolled functioning of this human aspect; nevertheless, hundreds of years after the...

Administration and Regulation

Medicaid: Provided Services and Costs

Introduction Medicaid is a program that is designed to meet the needs of poor individuals and families who have limited resources. It is essentially an entitlement program that is funded through the collaboration of the states and the government. (Agency for health care administration, n.p.) Medicaid which was established on...

Health IT

Information Technology Professional Job Description

Executive Summary Informatics in healthcare is becoming increasingly important, which is emphasized by the regulations and a shift towards using Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. The Independence Medical Center, although it possesses an EHR system, does not benefit from its capabilities due to improper use that leads to financial and...


Nursing Future: Leading Change, Advancing Health

Wood Johnson’s Foundation Work The Institute of Medicine (IOM report, titled “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” and made public in 2010 was the result of 2 years of hard work and collaboration between the IOM and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) (IOM, 2010a). The initiative sought to assess...

Administration and Regulation

Planning as a Primary Management Tool in Healthcare

Introduction It is hard to disagree that if the healthcare organization wants to be successful, it needs to have a good strategy and plan. However, it is not very easy to make a plan that will lead a company to its bright future. There are several types of planning and...


Quality and Safety Measures in the Contemporary Nursing Science

Introduction Nursing science has advanced extensively over the past few decades due to the introduction of innovative technologies, the creation of new theories, and the identification of other tools that allow improving patient outcomes. Among the key changes, the shift toward quality combined with sustainability should be deemed as the...

Healthy Nutrition

Epidemiology of Obesity

At-risk Population Despite numerous attempts at managing the problem of obesity, it remains a common concern in a range of communities. The World Health Organization (2018) specifies that obesity affects 650,000,000 people globally. Despite multiple efforts made to combat the disorder and encourage proper eating habits, the number of people...


AIDS Epidemic and Personal Responsibility

Introduction HIV/AIDS prevalence causes a threat to the well-being and longevity of humanity. The high rates of disease transmission and the severity of its outcomes, which comprise comorbidities and mortality, impose acute ethical conflicts. Massive preventive and controlling programs are initiated worldwide to prevent the spread of the infection and...


Autism: Prevalence, Factors, and Misconceptions

Introduction Addressing the needs of autistic people is one of the common concerns in contemporary healthcare. Autism spectrum disorder, commonly referred to as ASD, is a developmental disorder defined by a set of specific behavior patterns that usually affect a person’s ability to communicate with others (Dunn, 2019). Typically, persons...

Administration and Regulation

Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Benchmark Evaluation

Barnes Jewish Hospital is a successful healthcare establishment with standards of high quality. The benchmark evaluation has identified that only three metrics in the hospital require serious attention – patient satisfaction, readmission rates, and standardized infection ratio. The three metrics require improvement as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has set...

Public Health

Childhood Obesity and Educational Interventions

Introduction Childhood obesity is among the most impactful and complex healthcare issues, the adverse effect of which grows with each year. In the case of obesity management, education is an instrumental tool for informing patients diagnosed with the condition on the most appropriate treatment options, which predominantly include positive lifestyle...


Self-Harm and Suicide Among Adolescents

Introduction Suicide is one of the major problems in the modern world. More importantly, it is the “leading cause of death among adolescents” today (McMahon et al., 2014, p. 1929). The severity of this issue cannot be overstated as young people often consider suicide to be the only option or...


Emotional Intelligence and Unionization in Nursing

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an important aspect of successful management. However, despite the growing recognition and adoption in professional development, it remains a relatively obscure aspect of leadership. The following paper provides a detailed analysis of emotional intelligence assessment and outlines the strategies for EI development. In order to determine...


Abnormal Behavior Diagnostics and Culture

Major Means Used to Judge Abnormal Behavior Sue, Sue, Sue, and Sue (2012) suggested a four-dimensioned multipath model approach to judging abnormal behavior. It is worth noting that the four methods complement each other and none is comprehensive on its own. Two of the methods include the social and the...

Healthcare Financing

Healthcare Reform in Kathleen Sebelius’ Interview

Implementing Health Care Reform — An Interview with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Politician interview overview Sebelius is the current Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services has taken over when Congress was debating the sweeping healthcare reform bill that was put forward by the Obama administration. The Following...

Health IT

Medical Technology in the Operating Room

General Problem Trying new equipment in the operating room and its effectiveness will depend on the amount of training offered by the manufacturing company and “the spectrum of abilities” acquired by the staff (Gallagher, O’Sullivan & Traynor, 2014, p. 296). Specific Problem Doctors and all operating room team members are...

Administration and Regulation

Public Health Sector Privatization in Saudi Arabia

The title of the proposed investigation To investigate the success of public health sector privatization in Saudi Arabia Aims of the research Though the study has been designed to test the independent and dependent variables empirically, the aims of the study include To ascertain the impact of privatization of the...


Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory in Nursing

Introduction Change processes are inevitable in every sphere of life because change is crucial for development. Changes frequently become a problem due to the resistance of stakeholders and other obstacles. Change theories are supposed to empower the process of change and make it less painful for the parties involved. Thus,...

Administration and Regulation

Healthcare Informatics Foundations and Concepts

The healthcare organizations chosen for the review are the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), and the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The membership fees of IEEE depend on members’ countries of residence and the duration of membership. The fees for...

Administration and Regulation

Physicians as Practice Administrators

Forms of Medical Group Practice Nowadays, private physician practices are in decline. The major disadvantages of these practices include high risks associated with practice-management responsibility, financial risks, and problems with autonomy balance (Kash & Tan, 2016). Medical groups, in comparison, offer fewer risks and disadvantages. Some forms of group practice...

Health IT

Electronic Health Record Software Solutions

In today’s world, organizations are expected to use the latest technologies to improve customer experiences. Leasing mobile devices instead of purchasing them allows organizations to cut their expenses while also enhancing the quality of services provided to customers. A Request for Proposal is a useful document that allows sharing the...

Medical Ethics

Patient Autonomy vs. Beneficence Principle Dilemma

The nursing practice is guided by strict codes of ethics which promote beneficence and protect the patient. These standards, often legally supported, provide a framework which the nurses use to provide ethical and professional care. However, the complexities of the healthcare system and patient demands may create morally ambiguous situations...


Bipolar Disorder, Its Causes and Treatment Methods

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a medical condition that affects the moods of an individual. People with this condition experience extreme mood variations where at one moment they are cheerful and at the other, they are depressed and sad. The different changes in moods are referred to as episodes where one...

Administration and Regulation

Leadership and Quality Management in Healthcare

Introduction Hospitals are under pressure to change and adopt new leadership models. The changes are geared towards reducing the cost incurred during the provision of health care and improve services provided to patients (Kennedy & Fiss 2009). Effective leadership in medical institutions aims at identifying the areas that are responsible...