4500-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 4500-word essay is more of a full-scale research or term paper. To write a good 4500 words essay about health care, medicine, or nursing, you’ll have to conduct serious research and prepare a solid bibliography list. Most likely, writing such a lengthy text will take more than one evening. That’s why you should think carefully about the topic and choose the one that will inspire you.

You might be assigned a 4500-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: oncology, urology, family planning, immunology, or gastroenterology. Good luck with your paper! Check 4500 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Effect of a Mindfulness Meditation Program on Nurses

Introduction Stress has become an integral element of modern life, and it is impossible to avoid it. Stress has permeated all areas of human activity, affecting people in a variety of ways. It is present in the workplace environment, in general, in everyday interaction, and even at home. Stress entails...

Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine: Complementary Therapies

Introduction / outline of the research One of the most peculiar aspects of a post-industrial living is the fact that, as time goes on, more and more people grow increasingly comfortable with the process of Western health care paradigm incorporating a number of unconventional approaches towards addressing patients’ health problems,...

Healthcare Research

Nursing, Poverty and Healthcare

Introduction Healthcare and poverty are two interrelated topics. Healthcare is directly dependent on the level of poverty within an area. It would be insincere to assert that poverty is the greatest threat to healthcare. Generally, poor people have to reckon with a myriad of illnesses as compared to wealthy people....


Restoration of Teeth Following Root Canal Treatment

Literature Review Teeth with pulp disease, with or without superficial manifestation, or subjected to trauma require endodontic treatment at the hands of General Practice dentists or endodontists themselves. So do those subjected to less-than-optimal endodontic restoration. Beyond root canal treatment (RCT), returning the treated tooth to normal function has traditionally...

4500 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 4500-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: insurance, malaria, cardiovascular diseases, donation, cultural competence, or healthcare. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 4500 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 4500-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 22 hours and a half for 4500 words.

A 4500-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 30 to 31 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 4500-word essay usually spans 18 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 4500 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.


The Literature on Clinical Supervision and Leadership

This paper is aimed at providing a summary of the available literature on clinical supervision (CS) and leadership to serve as a resource manual for nursing supervisors. Clinical supervision is the process officiated by a supervisor to provide necessary support and interventional education to supervisees to upgrade their acquaintance and...


Nutrition in Fetal Life and Future Health

Introduction The drastic change in lifestyles all across the world and the increasing incidences of dietary diseases have led to an increasing wave of interest in preventive health care over the last few decades. This has led to a rise in research on dietary diseases hence contributing to the growth...


The Need to Identify Caregivers in Pediatric Units Using a Wristband System

Abstract In pediatric units, the safety of children is a priority along with the provision of high-quality care. The problem is that it is necessary to prevent safety issues, including possible child abduction, and avoid ethical issues associated with the relationships between caregivers and patients and caregivers and the staff....

Administration and Regulation

Achieving Integrated Green Supply Chains Serving Australian Hospitals

Abstract The expansion of the health care sector is critical for the natural environment due to the specificities of materials used for providing medical care. Hospitals face the challenge of increased expenses and seek ways to reduce both costs and the negative impact on the natural environment. Moreover, most hospitals’...

Public Health

Challenges in Contemporary Healthcare: An Overview

In reviewing the Affordable Care Act, what are the potential effects of the options for insurance coverage in both the private and public sectors? How will this impact the discussion about population-based nursing? The Affordable Care Act has provided new opportunities for addressing some of the most contentious public health...


Treatment of Colon Cancer

Introduction There are many ways to advance the knowledge about intestinal disorders in people of different ages, and communication among different healthcare professionals and researchers remains one of the most effective methods. Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of colon cancer were developed by the American Society of Colon and...


The Relationship between Teenage Suicide and Depression

Introduction There are alarming indications that suicide incidences need immediate as well as effective measures specifically addressing reduction or minimization among adolescents as a considerable chunk of successful attempts, especially in the U.S., indicate a grave situation. Likewise, the influence of elderly actions reflected and magnified via interconnectivity and the...

Other Medical Specialties

Reworked Therapy Case to Humanistic and Family Systems

The Humanistic Approach Models in the family therapies focus on the client’s family for perceptions of new choices or changes. The present trend in family therapy is to integrate several approaches as no single technique is sufficient to treat all clients (Lebow, 1977 cited in Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 2008, p.410)....

Other Medical Specialties

Telemental Health: Effectiveness and Usefulness.

The chapter begins by elucidating the definitions and background of telemental health after which it proceeds to explicate the technological tools which are necessary for the practice of telemental health delivery, by providing a brief history of telemental health. This section also deals with the technological tools required for telemental...

Public Health

Social Work in Hong Kong Analysis

Abstract The conclusions of this awfully intense and ruthless respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong shaped many issues for health support behavior among older citizen with a poor social and financial standing and so. With an alarming situation that this helpless group could be at superior risk of contracting the...

Healthcare Financing

Mandatory Health Insurance in the UAE

Abstract This paper focuses on the UAE’s health sector, which is undergoing immense changes that are fuelled by the demand for effective, quality, accessible, and financially sustainable health care. In line with many Arab nations, the government has financed the UAE’s healthcare for a long time. However, as this paper...