7000-Word Essay Examples: Health & Medicine

A 7000-word essay is more of a full-scale research or term paper. To write a good 7000 words essay about health care, medicine, or nursing, you’ll have to conduct serious research and prepare a solid bibliography list. Most likely, writing such a lengthy text will take more than one evening. That’s why you should think carefully about the topic and choose the one that will inspire you.

You might be assigned a 7000-word essay in almost any medical subdiscipline. For instance: nursing, venereology, pulmonology, diagnostics, or healthcare financing. Good luck with your paper! Check 7000 words essay examples below to get inspired.


Child Behaviour and Diet: the Connection

Introduction Children in society are considered to be a welcomed asset. This is because of their degree of innocence which they normally show. However, it is not always the case that children are admired by everyone. At times, children are born during circumstances where the best thing for them is...

Public Health

Sexual Health Issues With Lesbian and Gay Patients’

Executive summary Sexual orientation is a question that several people around the globe have had a challenge accepting and embracing. Health care provision is a priority in the United Kingdom. Individuals are expected to access quality health care irrespective of their sexual orientation. Gays and lesbians are discriminated against in...


Turnover Intentions of Nurses

Executive Summary The present project sought to explore the factors influencing turnover intentions of nurses working for the Ministry of National Guard. The study aimed to collect data on the drivers of nurses’ turnover intentions, thus identifying predictors of turnover intentions. The factors explored in the research were organisational, personal,...

Other Medical Specialties

Electroencephalography for Autism and Epileptic

Autism Management using EEG Approximately 1% of children across the globe have autism. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of autism spectrum conditions is still in the dark times since it remains a perplexing and biased practice where physicians convey their judgment following observation of the behaviors of a child and evaluating past...

7000 Word Essay FAQ

You can write a 7000-word essay about medicine, health care, and nursing on many topics. For example: infant, blood pressure, antibiotic, osteoporosis, hepatitis, or stem cell. It is worth choosing an inspiring topic because writing a 7000 words nursing essay requires time and effort.

Medicine is a quite a complicated topic to write about. Working on a 7000-word essay about health care or nursing will typically require time and effort to conduct research and read literature on the topic. Moreover, you’ll have to edit and format the text and probably prepare graphic materials. You’ll need not less than 35 hours for 7000 words.

A 7000-word essay, be it an academic paper on medicine or any other topic, typically contains 47 to 48 paragraphs. It is a rough estimate considering that an academic writing paragraph usually consists of about 100 words.

A 7000-word essay usually spans 28 pages, assuming that it is written in one of the common citation formats (APA, MLA, or Chicago). This means that the text is double-spaced and typed with a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) of 12 points. The exact length of a 7000 words essay will depend on the formatting requirements.

Healthcare Research

The Attitude of CareGivers Towards Dental Care of People With Disability In Saudi Arabia

Abstract Studies indicate the attitude of health caregivers in dental care for people with disabilities to be positive. However, some negative attitude provides a strong barrier to the care and rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities and their integration into the community. This study identifies issues such as cultural values, religious...

Healthcare Research

Indoor Air Quality in Offices

How Indoor Air Quality Affects Occupants’ Health and Comfort in Offices Overview A number of diseases have been associated with the office environment like sick building syndrome (SBS) and building related symptoms (BRS); in this chapter, they will be analysed first. Thereafter, a comparison of SBS and BRS will be...

Administration and Regulation

Health Promotion Project for Australians

Introduction In today’s world, health promotion is imperative in the control and prevention of diseases. The concept of integrating health promotion in all aspects of life has resulted from the high prevalence of diseases and conditions that are preventable. Promotion of healthy lifestyle has taken momentum in the last few...


Epidemiology of Prion Diseases

Introduction Scope and Specificity Among the neurodegenerative diseases that occur in mammals, the prion diseases are unique for being transmissible, for manifesting in diverse phenotypes from just one etiologic factor, and for the pathological phenomenon of “spongiform” damage to the affected tissue. In humans, the transmission also occurs genetically and...


Use of Natural Products for Osteoarthritis Treatment

Introduction Osteoarthritis is a health condition that affects the joints and muscles around the knees. It is characterized by breakdown of joint cartilage over a period of time. In normal circumstances, cartilage allows bones to slide over one another, but patients with this condition experience pain around joints because there...


Transition from Expert Clinician to Novice Educator

Introduction The Health Resources and Services Administration have estimated the requirement of nurses at 800,000 full-time equivalent nurses position by the year 2012 (Yordy, 2006). However, American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2008) has reported that 40,285 qualified applicants to entry level baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs have been...

Other Medical Specialties

The Use of Capnography in the CCU Setting: ETCO2 Levels

Literature Review In the CCU setting, patients are especially vulnerable due to the vastly negative effects that specific external factors may have on their health status. The changes in end-tidal (ET) CO2 levels are particularly important to determine since they allow improving the opportunity for performing the return to spontaneous...


Strategic Alliance on National Health

Abstract With an average annual growth rate of 11.1 percent from 1970 until 2006, the pharma market is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, reaching more than US$400 billion in sales in 2003 (PhRMA, 2004). The industry is now going through a major consolidation stage where direct product...

Healthcare Research

End of Life Care: Gap in Competence

Abstract Inadequate educational preparation, professional mentorship, and practicum exposure are significant barriers to optimal palliative care. A deficit was noted in the current curricula that focus on ethical issues rather than on building core competencies that will improve patient outcomes. An end-of-life (EOL) course founded in standardized best practices and...

Public Health

Obesity in Childhood and Its Long-Life Impacts

Abstract It would not be wrong to claim that obesity starts from the cradle, follows the child through various growth phases, and may lead to many health complications in adulthood. Children must be provided with appropriate help to avoid health problems that may result due to overweight unconsciousness. This help...